Our Life in Greeley, Colorado
Both Britton and Cassie were born in Greeley, Colorado, so we have some perspective on life here. We have written many posts about life in Greeley throughout this blog and I have linked them throughout the description that follows. Please feel free to check them out or ask us any questions you desire.
Welcome to Life TransPlanet from Britton and Cassie
Where is Greeley, Colorado?
Greeley is about 15 miles east of Interstate 25 (I-25) which is the main freeway that runs north and south connecting Cheyenne, Wyoming through Fort Collins, Denver, Colorado Springs, and beyond to New Mexico. Greeley is the county seat of Weld County and has approximately 80,000 people.
It has two small towns that form the Greeley-Evans area and include both Evans and Garden City to boost the area to over 100,000 people. It is located on Highway 34 which runs from the mountains and Estes Park, Colorado out to the eastern plains. Collectively, the towns including Greeley just east of the mountain range are called the Colorado Front Range.
It has easy access to the Denver International Airport (with its evil blue mustang), the mountains and the plains.
What is Greeley famous (infamous) for?
Greeley is home to the University of Northern Colorado. James Michener who once lived here and taught at UNC based his novel Centennial on his experiences here. I (Cassie) went to school and received both my bachelor’s degree and master’s degrees from UNC.
UNC University Center
University of Northern Colorado Campus area
Greeley has an interesting grid-system for its streets and avenues that confuses many outsiders who come to visit. To me, it makes perfect sense. The streets run east to west and the avenues run north to south. So there are parts of town that are on the same street name as avenue (like 10th Street and 10th Ave which happen to be where City Hall is located).
But probably the most famous thing Greeley is known for is for its role as a major beef-producing area. Monfort became well-known for its beef and began the practice that is now the norm of confined feed lots. Now the company is called JBS Swift. East of Greeley for miles and miles and miles there is nothing but cows standing out there waiting to be slaughtered by Swift. We flew over it in a small Cessna and it is really incredible how many cows go through Greeley to become hamburgers. For more on Greeley’s role in the meat industry/fast food industry, read the book Fast Food Nation as that will get you started. Greeley is pretty well-known for the problems of this industry, mainly the occasional stench, but for the most part this is rare. You can read more about my experience going through the slaughterhouse in this post.
The Black Part of the Picture is, you know what
Greeley’s History
Greeley was originally named Union Colony and was founded as a Dry Town meaning that alcohol was prohibited (it is no longer this way). They called this “Temperance” and it was part of the Utopian vision that they had when they settled. It is for this reason that Evans and Garden City were originally formed -so they could drink. It was named after Horace Greeley and one of the famous first habitants was Nathan Meeker for whom the town Meeker on the Western Slope of Colorado is named.
Current Demographics
Greeley is about 70% white and 30% Hispanic/Latino with about 10% speaking only Spanish. Even though there is a university AND a community college (Aims) in town, most college students leave town on the weekends to Fort Collins, Boulder or Denver where there is a better night life. Greeley is a fairly friendly city where people will smile at you or say “hi” as you pass them on the street. Most people are helpful if you ask for anything.
Greeley’s main event is the Greeley Stampede also formerly known as the Greeley Independence Stampede as it is the largest Fourth of July Rodeo and celebration in the US. It is about 2 weeks of carnival rides, rodeos, people walking around or riding horses with cowboy hats and boots, country music and rock concerts, food and fireworks. Most of Greeley can hear the festivities and see the fireworks over the Stampede.
Greeley is like most towns in that there are a lot of chain restaurants like Chilis, McDonalds, Starbucks, Applebees, that make it look like any other town out there. But if there is some distinction in food it would probably be the local steak restaurants and Mexican restaurants. Because this is an agricultural area with a focus on beef and a large number of Hispanic workers that come to work at the packing house, it is pretty easy to see why that would be. Here is a list of our favorite restaurants in Greeley, including our favorite menu picks and the approximate prices.
Like most of Colorado, Greeley is sunny more days than not, even in the winter. The winters can be pretty cold with a lot of snow and the summers can be very hot. It can also get pretty windy sometimes.
Secrets of Greeley
Greeley is the best kept secret on the front range or in Colorado in general. The cost of living in Greeley is about 75% lower than in Boulder for instance. Specifically, you can buy a nice 4 bedroom 3 bath house like ours with a million dollar sunset view of the mountains (check out our sunset view here) for about $150,000 whereas in Boulder this would cost anywhere from $400,000 to literally a million dollars. Living in Greeley, buying properties here and saving our money is truly what has allowed us to be able to save enough money to buy a house in the Caribbean tropics (here’s our property in Rincon, Puerto Rico)!
Other secrets include that Greeley is a beautiful city filled with many parks and open spaces like the runner’s park Josephine Jones Park, the gardener’s paradise Houston Gardens, the most enchanting Glenmere Park and so many more. It has all of the modern amenities that you could ask for in a city. The parking is free everywhere -even downtown! Compare that to Denver where it takes a long, aggravating commute and $10 for a primo parking spot!
Greeley is not pretentious at all. What you see is what you get. It is a bit of a good-ol’-boy, conservative town, but it is big enough that there is room for all types. You can make a difference here and have your voice heard, or you can opt out and remain relatively anonymous. To me, it is the perfect size. Not so big like Fort Collins, Boulder or Denver that you are just a number, and not so small like Nunn, Holyoke or Gilcrest that you feel like everyone is watching you. Greeley is a city that is an acquired taste, but just like most things in life it’s 10% what there is and 90% of your attitude is towards it. Greeley will always hold a special part in our hearts and history.
For more info about Greeley you can visit:
Ten things I will miss about the great city of Greeley
Greeley Tribune, The local newspaper
University of Northern Colorado
Thanks for visiting, and let us know if you have a specific question!
bckauffman @ comcast.net (take out the spaces to send us an email)
Please enjoy our site and learn a little bit more about living in Greeley through our experiences in this blog.
Dear Casiey and uncleB.
I miss you I want you to come back love you
In 1970, after 5 years in Greeley (I am originally from Chicago), where I was on a wrestling scholarship, I came to Puerto Rico on vacation, fell in love with a local girl, got a job, and eventually went into business and have been here ever since. I have returned to Greeley on many occasions having to do with the athletic department, but Puerto Rico is home and many of my teammates and coaches have been here to visit me. You sound like you will be happy anywhere you go because you have the right attitude. I live on a farm in Juncos, similar to yours, where 30 years ago (along with my children) we planted about 1,000 mahogany trees and now have a mini rain forest; our property is right across from El Yunque about 12 miles as the crow flies. We also purchased in 2001 a condo on the beach in Naguabo (east coast) and we are blessed to have the best of both worlds. I will always consider Greeley my home as I have very many happy memories there of all the wonderful people who encouraged me as a young student athlete. For your information, I was part of the grounds crew who planted the sod when the then new student center was being completed. By the way, I don’t think you mentioned how it was that you got to Puerto Rico from Greeley. Wishing you the best, hoping our paths cross.
I am hoping to re-locate there soon as it looks to be what I am looking for!! I have contacted several places of business in my field of employment that are located in or close to Greeley and hope to hear something soon!
This website is awesome! I am currently living in Tucson, AZ, but I am eager to relocate to Colorado by the end of the year. I have spent time looking at the ‘typical’ cities and towns – Denver, Boulder, even Ft. Collins, and each one has certain genuine draws for a newcomer (even though I was originally from Boulder). Having said that, Greeley has to be put on the top of my preference list, now. Thanks! I think living in Greeley might just be ‘perfect’ for me!
Really good information about the city if Greeley and gives you a ‘feel’ for the city. My sister just moved there and hopefully I will be visiting in the Spring 2015.
We just relocated to Greeley and really love it here. The city has a unique feel to it and plenty to do. Whether it’s food or fun you’re looking for, Greeley seems to have it all
Great post and thanks!
I need some advice, I currently live in California with my husband and my four year old we’ve not been able to establish ourselves here even though we’ve lived here all our lives mainly because California is just too expensive the cost of living is too high and it’s really hard to find a stable job. With that said, my parents suggested I move my little family to Greeley Colorado they said they lived there years ago back in the 80’s and they loved it, it was peaceful and cost of living was cheap but since it’s now 2015 I’m wondering if it’s changed now how much would I spend on a 1-2 bedroom apartment there and will I be able to find a job fast there? Are there a lot of companies hiring? I’m thinking of going for a visit maybe for a week or so to see if in that time I can find a job to get on my feet but I don’t know where to start.. need advice, thank you.
I believe God might be calling my husband and I to Greeley. I’m excited!! My husband is a farmer. So we are believing that God has a farm management job for him.
Is there senior housing there that you pay 30% of your income for rent? How is life there for seniors? What about hospitals and clinics?
Thanks for this post. We love Greeley but do agree with some of the downtown perks like parking and such. We’ve been growing a landscaping and tree care company in the surrounding area over the past few years. It’s exciting to network and serve the locals over here which is awesome to get to learn more about people in the area.