Author Archives: Britton

DeathTransPlanet?? *updated*

A friend of mine recently wrecked his Hayabusa 1300R sportbike and the insurance got him a new one. I told some folks I’d post this up so here are the pics. It really is a nice bike and I think it still is the “fastest sport bike in the world”. 200+mph

For your first motorcyle I personally think its a bit much (I wouldn’t do it) but its what truly makes this guy happy. I’ve lost a FEW friends to these sportbikes and this one is BY FAR THE FASTEST.

I will also note that when we were in Puerto Rico there were quite a few of these.

I am the worst photographer ever because I didn’t get one of the whole bike…eek! I did get a video of the startup. I also got pics of ALL THE MODZ. But not the whole bike.

Also this bike is modded. It has the speed limiter removed so it can go over 200mph and it also has been dyno’ed and I think he said 160hp at the rear wheel. Which is insane.

My friend Randy died a short time ago on I think a 900cc. I also lost a friend on an R1 (1000cc). So I am a bit touchy.

The new computer program records your last highest speed.

I guess I am being a bit harsh. It’s just that I am just using this as an opportunity to speak my peace. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL.

People out there do care about your well being.

Even the chain looks cool.

You can see the exhaust header thru this hole. And below the windscreen is even upgraded.

“Green?” Collar Cat and Cantaloupe

There has been another stray cat coming around a lot. We still don’t know where Callie went, but we have in addition to a Clown-looking cat (Clown Cat) a new cat that we call Collar Cat since he/she has a collar on. I think I may have to call him Green Collar Cat since that is the new buzz word. Anyway, Collar Cat was the one that scared the chickens, and then the leghorn “Salt” fell in the window well if you haven’t watched that video, you need to; it’s pretty funny. But now they all seem to get along fine in the backyard.

Collar Cat

We also got a load of Rocky Ford Cantaloupes. These are super famous for their sweet scent and taste. In fact, a lot of people actually call them Musk Melons. A friend of mine who lives in Rocky Ford was coming up to visit his son who goes to the Univ of Northern Colorado here in Greeley and said he would bring me up some. They are so sweet and juicy, especially with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


I was sitting downstairs playing some Grand Theft Auto while Cassie was teaching aerobics when I had the odd feeling that I should check on the chickens. I went outside and saw one of the local cats that lives in the fields behind us was giving the chickens a hard time. I chased off the kitty and started my search for the ‘other chicken’. One was in the greenhouse and I couldn’t find the other…Fearing for the worst I checked outside the fenced area first thinking a cat could have scared the chicken over the fence. Didn’t see any chicken….People in the neighborhood didn’t look as if they had seen a chicken….So I went back in the backyard.

I saw the white chicken in the flower bed. Good, I thought. I went to grab it and it shot off like they do. After watching them eat grasshoppers and other bugs I’ve noticed that chickens have no latency. Their reaction time is instantaneous. It bolted off right down the window well.

“Chicken Little” in the window well

I figured at this point that it would be easiest to grab her from the downstairs window. Our roommate Luke lives in this downstairs bedroom. But he wasn’t home. I snapped a picture because it hit me…how odd is this? This situation certainly hasn’t happened to me before. So I snapped a few more.

Behind Glass

It was time to meet Cassie on bikes downtown, so I figured the chicken wasn’t going anywhere and I left. We came back and it was dark, the Chicken was still there. This video I think explains the chicken rescue.

Party at Clifton’s Land

We went to my friend’s house for his house warming. He bought a house in the country with 5 acres. There are also large shops on the property so he can work on his cars. They have some horses and I think his grandparents used to farm the land. There is a total of maybe 70acres that his family owns; he bought just this 5 acre section with the house.

While we were out there we had a bon-fire. It’s nice to have the room to be able to do that without someone giving you any trouble. He lives pretty far away from anyone.

Adama, Cassie and Mike
Hanging out in the “Engine House” (as opposed to motor home) Adama, Cassie and Mike.

Other side of the Engine House (Clifton Eric and Britton)

He wants to build a wind generator for his electricity needs and just acquired two 10hp 3 phase electric motors that will be converted into generators for this purpose. He still needs power inverters and some turbine blades. I think we will be doing something similar in Puerto Rico except that we plan on using the river current instead of wind current so his project will be interesting to see.

He did have lots of Hay so we grabbed some for our chickens to use.
Hay for the Chickens!

This all relates to PR at least in training. Chickens are going well and I can watch my friend build some wind turbines for generating electricity. We are looking forward to moving at some point and setting up the property to live sustainably. I need to call again this week to see if the department of natural resources has accepted the deed for the easement. I think that is all we are waiting on.