Author Archives: Britton

Flying South for the Winter


Here’s an extra pic so you can see how close the geese are to our house

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I took a few pictures in the backyard today. The geese are pretty smart. When it gets cold they leave town and go south to stay warm! Today’s high will be ~40* F. Low about 22. They are just stopping by on their way from Canada / Northern US. They fly in huge V formations.

Oh and here was a gang fight I got a picture of. I think Kittah might be able to take them both.

They usually get along just fine but lately the chickens have been taking the cat food. Kittah disapproves!

Can you grow date palms in Puerto Rico?

We were watching a PBS show on the date palm. I hadn’t actually tried a date until after we watched this special. It is a very tall palm that apparently requires its ‘feet in the water and its head in the sun’. I wasn’t sure if Puerto Rico was too humid or not? Im thinking AZ would be much better suited.

They are native to the middle east.

As a result of watching this show I tried some dates….They are pretty good!

Another day at the Office (Solairs, PHP & MySQL)

Figured I’d write about my day.

I am working on creating a database with a web front end. This is to allow people that I work with to update the customer information database from a webpage. I have all this running on a Solaris OS which is made by SUN. Its a free operating system that comes will all kinds of cool things. And by cool I mean really hard to figure out.

I setup this blog on a Windows machine and it was easy. This….Isn’t. Its like tech geeks go out of their way to make things more complicated than they need to be. This is a wall. It has been put there to keep the people who dont really want it out. I think that is job security.

I really want to work remote from PR. I’ve been working on it, but for some reason employers don’t see the win-win opportunity.
Free OS? You mean….Not Windows or Mac?

Trip to Puerto Rico Planned

It is my turn to see the property! We have a trip planned to visit in January which will be nice. Two and a half weeks.

Looking Out from the Main House

I spoke to Alwilda the other day and she said they started picking coffee. That day alone they had picked 1,000 lbs and she said there was a lot more to go. When she started talking about the papaya, pineapples, breadfruit, starfruit , etc…I knew we needed to visit.

In late January it will be super cold here so it will make for a good vacation time. I need to find a deal on a rental car so if anyone knows of anything please comment. I’d kind of like to rent a Jeep so I can explore a bit more than we did when we had just a normal car. Plus the river at the property would be fun to cross. I doubt a neon would make