Author Archives: Britton

20,000 lbs of Rock….

Took a cell phone pic last night.  All the rocks have been moved.  I ended up doing it all with a shovel and a broken wheelbarrow.   I think we need about 5 tons more for the front.  But the big pile is gone.




Still have sod to put in and some cleanup work on the edges.  The sprinklers are all done.  We are also doing a small path with paver stones.

Sink or Swim Style

This week I have been setting up a training program at work.  I had to get a QA (quality assurance) environment up and running using the manual (RTFM).  I got it going which is good.  Now I have a list of people that need logins to access.  Once that is done I can learn about the very thing I just setup.  How odd is that?  Shouldn’t I take the training first?

I’ve learned that the way I thrive the best is ‘sink or swim’.  It is a very painful way to learn, but its how I do it.  Its how I learned to use computers, its how I learned to drive, frame basements, plumb, put in sprinklers, program computers, play guitar, and play video games.  If I am under pressure to do something I can do it.  There hasn’t been anything in life I haven’t been able to learn.  This relates to the post about risks.  I will do whatever it takes to succeed.   Heck just the other night I rode a girls bike home in the pouring rain to ‘make it work’ for everyone.  And you know what?  It turned out to be a super cool night.

Here is a song that relates to what I am talking about.  The style may not suit everyone at first; but I think the meaning and the energy matches perfectly. Tool – Aenima (right click and save as, unless you are easily offended…Seriously).   Its odd that I think this will ‘scare’ some people away due to its intensity.  It might.  But that is what I feel before I attempt something I am unfamiliar with.  I go all out.  And when you look at the lyrics to the song, it is all about being able to do for yourself and not on the system and some false idol.  Still,  Cassie will not approve 😉

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.

Learn to swim.

I am not  depressed or anything, don’t take it to heart.  How else does a person get the energy to shovel by hand 10 tons of rock? These songs give me the energy to!


Taking Risks

I’ve been thinking about risk lately and what it means.


I think it’s different for everyone and rightly so.  I for one take risks that some people don’t just because of my exposure to it.  Take flying for example.  I’d have no problem hopping in a small Cessna and taking off into the sky.  For others who haven’t had the flight experience they wouldn’t do it, it would be too risky.

Then there is financial risk.  Some people have way more experience than I do in the stock market and don’t even flinch when they move a large amount of cash around.  Or gambling, I haven’t ever won anything at a casino so when I see people betting $10 a hand at blackjack I just don’t understand it.  I can’t do that.

We have been thinking about another property in PR.  It’s a bit riskier than what we are used to due to price and the fact that we want to use it to start our own business.  We do have some experience with running our own small businesses and can see possibilities and want to give it a try.  Here is the catch though; give up our comfortable life to do it?   What if everything goes bad?  OMG OMG OMG.  We both have good jobs and the living is fairly easy except for what challenges we hold ourselves to.

I haven’t really ever failed at anything I’ve tried to do in life (except putting down linoleum in the basement which turned out better because we went with tile instead).   So even the things that I have failed at turned out…better.  Isn’t that odd?   I used to think landing at a strange airport with no plans in mind was ‘risky’ but now that I’ve done that (a few times) its no big deal.  Experience helps us feel more comfortable about taking risks.

I want to make a trip out to PR again here in a month or two to look around.  I think that I am ready to expand my experience in life again and become more comfortable with being an entrepreneur.   Besides IF we were to fail just think of how much more experience we would have when we try again!  I am already very comfortable with Puerto Rico due to the fact I’ve been there a few times.   I know what to expect.

I encourage others to comment about any risks you’ve taken and how it turned out in the end.

Greeley Independence Stampede

Last night Cassie and I rode our bikes down to the fairgrounds. We have the 4th of July Greeley Independence Stampede every year. We get concerts, rides, food and a rodeo. We were talking about it because to us its completely normal to have a huge fair every year. I am sure that a lot of towns and cities just do fireworks and a parade. Which reminds me, we have a parade too!

farris wheel
Ferris Wheel

There are quite a few people that always turn out. People from all over (WY,NE,KS,NM,MT,UT,TX,ETC) drive into Greeley to compete in the rodeo. Our hotels get filled up as well as the local restaurants. Speaking of food they had quite a bit at the fair. Look at all the people!
lots of folks
Lots of people

You can get all kinds of BBQ style foods. The new rage is fried everything (Fried twinkies, fried snickers bars, fried coke, fried Oreos, Fried Pickles).
Fried Twinkies
Fried Twinkies.  Click to enlarge…Eat to enlarge.

We got in on some traditional BBQ for the County employees. A simple hog roast, not a fried hog. And yes….That is a boot as a centerpiece. No flowers in it or anything, just….a dirty old boot.

Our meal + boot

Burnin Fuel

Fried twinkies and gas guzzling full size hummers with flames on the side.  Only in America…and hey, it’s America’s birthday.

Here is a video so you can feel like you’re there too!

This is a walk thru the midway area with the carnies