Category Archives: Tropical Plants and Food

The Wait is Over: Puerto Rico’s Summertime

Summer in Puerto Rico is a bit hotter and more humid than the rest of the year, but generally it feels pretty good to me. Of course, I have always liked the weather a bit on the hot side. When it gets too hot we go snorkeling or lay in the baby pool or take lots of showers. If it rains, everything gets cooled down quite a bit, but then the bugs come out. In fact, I would say that everything here seems to be waiting for the rains so that they can come out.

All the bugs, all the plants, and the animals. Even us. Everything has been waiting for the right moment to be in full bloom before it takes off with life. And sometimes nature acquiesces and it rains every day for an hour, three days in a row and then she becomes fickle and it doesn’t rain again for a week. But it has been enough for things to get the cue for their yearly debut.

Quenepas growing!

I was taking a look at one of the citrus trees when I felt a shake on the tree. Suddenly a lizard pops up. It is not unusual to find lots of gecko lizards all around, but this one was bright green. A baby iguana! I decided I would try and catch it. I had no idea whether or not they bit, but I thought I would try anyway. I aimed for the tail, and through my chicken and turkey catching (and mosquito and ant swatting) I have developed quicker Ninja reflexes.

I snatched him right off the branch upside down. He wiggled around a bit and Britton brought me a plant pot and we threw him in there. Unfortunately the pot had a rather large drain hole and he snuck out. Not 10 minutes later, though, at another area of the yard, I caught another one and we were able to take some pictures of him. I held him with a plastic bag because he was indeed trying to swing around and bite my fingers!

Baby Iguana (small)

We have read that iguanas lay and hatch about 50 eggs in a clutch and so they must have just hatched somewhere on or near our property because they are all over, if you can just see them through the greenery. I think iguana may indeed soon be a common dinner option around here. Especially with all the fruit and vegetables that we want to eat (and not feed to them)!

Quite a few trees and plants are bearing fruit already which is awesome. We have so many passionfruits (parchas) that the vine covering the other tree makes it look like we hung Christmas globe ornaments all over it.

Parcha vine
Parcha vine in a tree with a fruit

After picking some of the parcha, we laid them in the sun for them to yellow a bit more until they ripen fully.

Parcha line
A line of parchas

We have also noticed the breadfruit is fruiting as well as the quenepas. The guava tree is flowering and even our new lime tree is fruiting. And our everbearing starfruit tree continues to impress us with its abundance.

Guava Flower
Guava flowers!

Breadfruit (we are not exactly sure the best time to pick them or the best way to cook them)

It has been pretty cool to be able to go outside every day of the year and interact in some way with nature. My dreams have become filled with plants and animals much more than the human dramas that filled them before.

Polish Hendrix(small)
The chickens and turkeys are doing great!

I feel much more connected to the food and the land. We have also become much more patient. Delayed gratification is a must when you wish to eat from the land, even if it is just a portion of your food. We had to become patient and wait for the chickens to grow to full size and now the hawks for the most part leave them alone. And now we wait for their eggs. We have to wait until the plants feel strong enough to fruit. We cannot rush anything along.

Even building the coops have helped to remind us of this. It would be much easier to simply buy new wood or a prefab shed rather than have to take down an existing structure, remove the nails, powerwash the wood, sort it, cut it to a new size and then reuse it. But it is much less wasteful and more resourceful to repurpose something and give it new life the way nature does every day in her cyclical way.

Britton has done a great job with all of these projects that he has built nearly completely himself without any outside help (besides me, when I am his assistant).

Coop site
Turkey coop base is coming along

So for the patient ones, the Puerto Rico summer has many gifts. The ocean is flat and full of fish and turtles, the roads are quieter (except for the Noche de San Juan which was one huge party!) and all the food -including iguana- has decided the time is ripe for the picking!

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Living in a Technicolor Dream

The dream begins like this: We snorkel.

Steps Beach

Snorkel. This sounds like an absurd word and it is! Absolutely and fantastically! The word that fits the absurdity of the action. Snorkel. We put on a viewing device over our eyes and nose and a breathing device tube that goes from our mouth just to the surface of the water as well as propulsion device fins that turn us into half merfolk. Once the transformation is complete, we are suddenly free to float about under water breathing normally and sometimes even kick and duck under to fully immerse in this wet weightlessness.

And what an experience! As I popped up bobbing for a moment and looked back at the tropical coastline trimmed with tall swaying coconut palms, vibrant blue skies and golden sand as the water joyfully bounced along, I just couldn’t believe how incredibly amazing this was. And that was outside the underwater realm!

Underneath, we followed schools of fish that were the colors of iridescence itself. We saw the proud orange elkhorn coral and the round brain coral. The light refracted from the sea’s surface so that shadows were lines of wiggling light on the sea floor. We saw a sneaky long-nosed fish and then we saw the most gorgeous creature: a sea turtle. We followed him along for a long time as he swam through the fish gliding along and occasionally popping up out of the water for a gulp of air. He didn’t seem to mind at all.

As we leave this underwater wonderland and shake the saltiness off as we taste it on our lips, we are greeted by these most glorious trees: the red flamboyan. The impressive rouge tinge imprints its name as it truly is: flamboyant!

Red Flamboyan

And as the dream continues, there are these gorgeous horses everywhere. Even regal horses towed along in their carriage instead of towing the carriage itself. It is quite possible these are unicorns on their way to coronation (or is is cornonation?).

Horse in truck

Then out of nowhere we find a fruit that looks mighty evil with spikes and an odd testicular shape but which are actually surprisingly sweet in a strange sort of way!

Angry Balls

And just as it seems the dreamworld is about to end, the sky shatters into a million shades of pink and purple before finally turning into a black velvet blanket speckled with diamond light and closes to the whistling noises of tiny tree frogs.

Sunset from deck Sunset over aguadilla
Sunset off the deck as the fog rolls in

Is this a dream directed by Wes Anderson? Or maybe it is a scene cut from the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy leaves the grey hues of Kansas for the Technicolor of Oz. As we doze off to the visions that sleep bring us each night I sometimes wonder which is truly the dream.

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Use Your Outside Voice

You know when you were a kid running around like crazy and getting into all kinds of adventures (aka trouble) and making lots of noise and laughing a lot?

Justin and Me
My brother and I as kids

Then, some adult, usually your parent or teacher would say, “Calm down and use your inside voice”.

And then, slowly and strangely, somewhere down the line, we become the adult?

Yah, well, sorry but we’re changing back. Britton and I have had a complete revolution from our life as adults and are turning back into kids again. It wasn’t exactly a calculated decision. It just sort of happened. Kind of like becoming adults. We have just sort of become kids again.

We spend so much time now just living and playing and laughing at all our mistakes and the strangeness of life again that it was bound to happen. We are outdoors so much more and are doing so many things that kids would do, we sometimes have to remind ourselves that there are still people who have to wake up at a prescribed time, stay in the lines, keep doors shut, wear clothes (or shoes), have schedules and clocks, and act “normal”.

We don’t anymore.

We now have extra time for whatever. The first things that start to come back when you return to being a kid again are creative pursuits like art, music and games.

Cassie and GuitarLearning to play the guitar

I have heard that a good guide for where you should orient yourself in setting your life’s path/purpose  is to ask yourself what you loved to do as a kid. A kid of around 10-12, when you knew a little bit about your choices and preferences, but you still just knew how to have fun and not take things so seriously. Give it a try and see what you come up with and how it aligns with your life now.

When I was a kid I LOVED summertime, swimming and animals. If I could have designed my life when I was about 10 years old it would have been a constant summer of swimming, playing with friends, reading, drawing, learning new things and having lots and lots of animals.

Now: Lotsa turkeys!

When Britton was a kid he had a BB gun, went swimming daily in the summers, messed around with technical gadgets, played guitar and bass, played outside with friends and enjoyed video games.

Sounds pretty close! We’ve added in a few other interests, but basically…our lives have come full circle back to being kids again. Kids with a few more responsibilities, but a kid’s life none-the-less.

Still, sometimes we get caught in our old, adult-like ways. For instance, talking at a relatively normal indoor  volume. When we are outside we are often busy with something: turkeys or chickens, pulling weeds, watering plants, sawing down trees, making trails, etc. And so if we talk normally to one another and are on two sides of the yard, we can’t hear each other and so we end up saying it multiple times. So now, we remind each other to “use your outside voice!”

Just today we took a long walk around the property. With four acres of jungle, this is not a quick or easy task. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to hike around and clear some trails.

Almond tree
On a huge upturned tropical almond tree in the bottom of the quebrada of the property

We have many large mango trees all over the jungle and so we are going to call it mango tree trail.

Mango magic tree
Mango tree at the base of the quebrada that would make a great treehouse or campfire area (when dry)

It is pretty amazing, actually, that we haven’t even really seen half the property. But it makes it fun too…every kid loves doing some exploring. And we always find cool stuff.

Not sure what plant this is but it was growing on top of another plant

Shell Ginger
There is a huge shell ginger plant that is growing from the front gate area all the way down the slope
Peach tree
The peach tree has even flowered!

It has been such a kick to be a kid in a grown-up’s body. Sure there are those pesky responsibilities that we didn’t have as kids, but there are also all those resources we didn’t have then too. And don’t forget the things that you wanted and weren’t allowed as kids, we now CAN have and do as adults. It’s the best of both worlds, really.

And I don’t mind saying that loudly.

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A Tuesday in Our Puerto Rico Life

Today was a fairly normal Tuesday, if there is any such thing as normal yet.

We awoke around 8:30-9am, had some yummy Puerto Rican coffee and bananas and then checked on the chickens in the coop and gave them some watermelon and cantaloupe rinds. We watered the trees including about 10 more that we planted after clearing and finally being able to mow in that area.

New trees cabana and coop
New trees we planted after mowing the area

Britton wanted to clear more of the other slope in the yard with the lawn mower and proceeded to do so. Unfortunately he hit a huge rock (as well as a lot of random things such as glass bottles and padlocks) that had been apparently thrown out into the yard years ago by the previous owner and had over time become buried under leaves and trees and whatnot.

Blades already
Our week-old mower blade below and the new one above

So we had our goal for the day: to find a new blade for the (new) mower. We stopped at Rubely’s which is the closest little hardware store on our side of Rincon and where Britton gets to practice his Spanish. He always asks me what the word for whatever it is that he is looking for before going in to the store. In this case he asked me what “blade” was. I said “cuchilla” which he always gets mixed up with cochina (meaning pig or slang for dirty pig) so we laughed and repeated the correct word a couple of times. The guy at Rubely took one look at the blade and I could heard him say “piedra!” which Britton didn’t understand and he looked back at me in the truck and I yelled back “rock!” and we all laughed. Yep a big rock must have bent that blade!

But unfortunately Rubely didn’t have the right sized blade. So we went to another store and finally found it at Rincon Rental. By then we were getting pretty hungry so we went to our newest quick-food restaurant find: Pizza Land near the Plaza. We took our Strombolis and a few beers and went down to the public beach and enjoyed our lunch while watching the kite surfers in the wind.

Britton Pizza and Beach
Pizza and beer at the beach!

This is the same beach platform that I have been doing my morning yoga classes and so I took the opportunity to practice a few poses as well.

Tree pose yoga on beach
Tree pose watching the kite surfers

Later this evening we will let the chickens roam around in the yard while we are on guard for any hawks and we water the new transplants and gardens again. The chickens will then slowly load back up into the coop as the darkness descends and we will also load back up into the cabana and watch a few shows on the computer since poker night is cancelled this week for Britton. Overall, our Tuesdays have never been better and will never be the same again. And when I reflect on this day I acknowledge that I am perfectly happy with that.

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