Category Archives: Summertime


I was sitting downstairs playing some Grand Theft Auto while Cassie was teaching aerobics when I had the odd feeling that I should check on the chickens. I went outside and saw one of the local cats that lives in the fields behind us was giving the chickens a hard time. I chased off the kitty and started my search for the ‘other chicken’. One was in the greenhouse and I couldn’t find the other…Fearing for the worst I checked outside the fenced area first thinking a cat could have scared the chicken over the fence. Didn’t see any chicken….People in the neighborhood didn’t look as if they had seen a chicken….So I went back in the backyard.

I saw the white chicken in the flower bed. Good, I thought. I went to grab it and it shot off like they do. After watching them eat grasshoppers and other bugs I’ve noticed that chickens have no latency. Their reaction time is instantaneous. It bolted off right down the window well.

“Chicken Little” in the window well

I figured at this point that it would be easiest to grab her from the downstairs window. Our roommate Luke lives in this downstairs bedroom. But he wasn’t home. I snapped a picture because it hit me…how odd is this? This situation certainly hasn’t happened to me before. So I snapped a few more.

Behind Glass

It was time to meet Cassie on bikes downtown, so I figured the chicken wasn’t going anywhere and I left. We came back and it was dark, the Chicken was still there. This video I think explains the chicken rescue.

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Party at Clifton’s Land

We went to my friend’s house for his house warming. He bought a house in the country with 5 acres. There are also large shops on the property so he can work on his cars. They have some horses and I think his grandparents used to farm the land. There is a total of maybe 70acres that his family owns; he bought just this 5 acre section with the house.

While we were out there we had a bon-fire. It’s nice to have the room to be able to do that without someone giving you any trouble. He lives pretty far away from anyone.

Adama, Cassie and Mike
Hanging out in the “Engine House” (as opposed to motor home) Adama, Cassie and Mike.

Other side of the Engine House (Clifton Eric and Britton)

He wants to build a wind generator for his electricity needs and just acquired two 10hp 3 phase electric motors that will be converted into generators for this purpose. He still needs power inverters and some turbine blades. I think we will be doing something similar in Puerto Rico except that we plan on using the river current instead of wind current so his project will be interesting to see.

He did have lots of Hay so we grabbed some for our chickens to use.
Hay for the Chickens!

This all relates to PR at least in training. Chickens are going well and I can watch my friend build some wind turbines for generating electricity. We are looking forward to moving at some point and setting up the property to live sustainably. I need to call again this week to see if the department of natural resources has accepted the deed for the easement. I think that is all we are waiting on.

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Locavore Meal

By Cassie

Gathered up the materials: Eggs straight from our hard working and feisty leghorn backyard chicken, basil (the chickens have helped our grasshopper infestation as well so we have more basil another benefit!), garlic clove, cherry tomatoes, jalapeno, potatoes (all from our garden) and tortillas from a Greeley tortilleria

Purple potatoes are awesome! Unlike red potatoes, the potatoes are purple through and through. Britton didn’t even have to dig much at all to get these out of our garden

We had to use up some of the older store-bought eggs as well. Can you tell which is which? **Hint the local egg is bigger and oranger!** FYI-Free range eggs like these are much higher in omega 3 and have a closer omega 3/omega 6 ratio than industry eggs. This is mainly due to the fact that they can eat grass, bugs and other plants in addition to just feed



If you have never heard of the locavore movement, aka real food movement, aka local food security, aka 100 mile diet, aka food sustainablity and related to the organic food movement, this meal is a representative of this. It is not all that hard especially in the summer. Basically, the assumption is that we can use less fossil fuels, bring ourselves closer to nature, feed ourselves nutritious foods and avoid the atrocities that are committed every day in the conventional food industry such as genetically modified (GMO) foods, pesticide residue, chemical dependence and a disconnect from nature.

An example of this: Most egg and meat chickens in the conventional industry have their beaks burnt down when they are chicks so that they don’t peck the other chickens to death because they are so stressed. The local food movement (locavore movement) also avoids the monoculture tendency in the current farming practices which means you can grow a variety of things to eat rather than just fields and fields of corn (most of which is not to eat anyway).

This is a major reason why I am so excited to live in Puerto Rico. I can eat local and healthy here in Colorado in the summer (with a lot of help from sprinklers or it’d be too dry!), but not so much in the winters. I can’t wait until we can eat off of the land year round! In fact, there is often so much food that one family could never eat it all. Imagine: Oranges, grapefruits, passionfruit, mangoes for breakfast, fresh avocados, tomatoes, goat cheese, and eggs for lunch, and salad, beans, fried plantains and maybe some fresh meat for dinner with a fresh lime and mint with local Bacardi rum or a lime slice for a Medalla Light (local Puerto Rican beer). All from your own yard or within 100 miles! And that’s just an idea…I am sure we will have to be very creative in order to use all the different things out there.

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Night in Fort Cartoon

In addition to chasing clucking chickens all around our backyard this weekend, we also went out with Matt and Jamie to celebrate our 3 year anniversary and their 10 year anniversary.

Loaded up the bikes

Rode our bikes to some breweries -New Belgium and O’dells

At New Belgium

< Went out to dinner at Bisettis YUM

Hung out Downtown and listened to some musicians

Went to a couple bars including the Drunken Monkey

And swung like Tarzan

It was a great night!

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