We were watching a PBS show on the date palm. I hadn’t actually tried a date until after we watched this special. It is a very tall palm that apparently requires its ‘feet in the water and its head in the sun’. I wasn’t sure if Puerto Rico was too humid or not? Im thinking AZ would be much better suited.
They are native to the middle east.
As a result of watching this show I tried some dates….They are pretty good!
The party was great last night. We had a fun time early on with the kids chasing chickens around the yard, we had lots of food and music, and a couple of games. Midway through the night, we gave out the raffle prizes: 2 bouquets of flowers from our yard in mason jars, a mojito pack that included cane sugar, club soda, fresh mint from our yard, a lime and shooter of bacardi, a salsa pack with some ingredients also from our garden: tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno and garlic. Britton’s deviled eggs from our chickens’ eggs and cucumber California rolls with cucumbers from my mom’s garden were gone within 2 hours after making them.
We launched potatoes into the empty field behind our house while it was still light, and again later, had an interesting garlic eating contest, and in general had a great time. We drank cherry wine and dark chocolate and everyone enjoyed the cheese and olive tray downstairs. The food and drinks that everyone brought and made were excellent!! Thanks everyone for coming out and for all you brought to the party (in both senses of the word)!
Here are a few memorable moments:
After the kids chased the chickens till they were breathless, I picked up “Pepa” so they could touch her
Then I did the “trick” and put the chicken to sleep. All you have to do is gently stick the head under her wing and rock up and down. She woke up about 10 seconds later.
A lot of people wanted to see and hold Josh, the parrot
We used a whole bag of potatoes and a few other items throughout the night
Hanging out in the basement (Jody, Melissa and Lorena)
Cassie and Erin Ready with Garlic and the Bait (quarters)
Setting up the bet
Shortly after this video, one of the kiddos also ate a whole clove of garlic and ended up throwing up. But he was a champ!
The Morning After
If you came to the party, we would love for you to let us know how you liked it (click on add comments below this post). If you didn’t come, you missed out, and we missed you!
If you had a garden this year, bring some of your LOCAl bounty to share with others either in the raw or prepared as a side. If not, bring a favorite dish or drink (maybe from ingredients from the LOCAl farmers’ market). This is not required, but a fun way to share and try new things. We will have plenty of drinks and lots of food. Maybe deviled eggs from our chickens? Britton’s famous sushi rolls made with local cucumbers? Our scrumptious chile rellenos from fresh chiles? You’ll have to wait and see.
For Entertainment, we will hold a tasting of the various beers and wines that people bring, listen to music, eat, play cards, launch potatoes, maybe play rockband, chase chickens (?), have a garlic or habanero pepper eating challenge, toss around a frisbee, play hack and other fun, strange and interesting things. Our neighbors have a hot tub too, so if you are a good persuader…who knows?
Playing Rockband! 🙂
Feel free to bring the kids if you’d like. We’ll try to have kid-friendly things going on too.
For more info including directions, email or call us:
bckauffman -at- comcast.net (please put the @ sign in between, I just don’t want to get spammed), or any of our other emails if you know them. If you don’t have our phone number, I’ll send it to you via email.
A friend of mine recently wrecked his Hayabusa 1300R sportbike and the insurance got him a new one. I told some folks I’d post this up so here are the pics. It really is a nice bike and I think it still is the “fastest sport bike in the world”. 200+mph
For your first motorcyle I personally think its a bit much (I wouldn’t do it) but its what truly makes this guy happy. I’ve lost a FEW friends to these sportbikes and this one is BY FAR THE FASTEST.
I will also note that when we were in Puerto Rico there were quite a few of these.
I am the worst photographer ever because I didn’t get one of the whole bike…eek! I did get a video of the startup. I also got pics of ALL THE MODZ. But not the whole bike.
Also this bike is modded. It has the speed limiter removed so it can go over 200mph and it also has been dyno’ed and I think he said 160hp at the rear wheel. Which is insane.
My friend Randy died a short time ago on I think a 900cc. I also lost a friend on an R1 (1000cc). So I am a bit touchy.
The new computer program records your last highest speed.
I guess I am being a bit harsh. It’s just that I am just using this as an opportunity to speak my peace. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL.
People out there do care about your well being.
Even the chain looks cool.
You can see the exhaust header thru this hole. And below the windscreen is even upgraded.