Category Archives: Summertime

Putting in a Sprinkler System

Britton and my dad worked this whole weekend putting in a sprinkler system at the new rental house.  We made a couple of trips to Big R (the farming and sprinkler store in Greeley). One trip they forgot a bunch of things and sent ME by myself back to pick stuff up! I felt like I was speaking a different language…”uh, I need 12 one inch to 1/2 inch poly threaded elbows and five King Drains” or something like that. I think I did pretty well considering.

I didn’t do much of the manual labor compared to them, but I did help fill in trenches and replace the sod that had been dug up.

 Sprinkler Trenches
Sprinkler Trenches are dug!

Working on the Sprinkler System
Working on the Sprinkler System

Later that Saturday evening I left Britton to relax and play video games while I went out with a friend from work to the Rio  for dinner and some Margs and then we went to the Kress Theatre downtown where they were playing live jazz music.

Oh and another thing we DUG up this weekend was one of the garlic plants! It is gorgeous (for garlic).  🙂

Garlic about 2 minutes fresh from the ground

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Mystery Plant and Other Things in the Yard

I know that a lot of our posts are about things in our yard, but that’s what is easiest to manage and photograph. So, here goes.

We have a HUGE plant growing in our greenhouse that we did not plant. It is a mystery. At first when it was small we thought it was a cucumber as we had planted some seeds last year, but as time went on, it appeared to get larger and larger. It could have possibly grown from the seeds that were dumped from Josh the parrot’s cage? Maybe? Well anyway, the leaves are bigger than my head! I am 80% sure they are pumpkin plants (which we would NOT have planted in the greenhouse, rather in the garden), but they could be squash or another sort of gourd. What do you think?

Huge Plant with Hand for scale
The plant leaves with my hand for scale

Greenhouse jungle

The Greenhouse is a jungle. There’s Arugula coming out the door! …and that huge plant climbing the back wall. Once we thin the tomatoes from the garden we will put them in pots in here on the shelves.

Chicken in Window Well

The chickens occasionally fall into the window well and can’t get out. We have gotten a lot better at chicken rescue missions than the first time!

The roses are blooming again and some of the other plants around the yard. Still too much lettuce to possibly eat although some of them are bolting now.

Peach Rose
A Peach Rose (NEW! this year)

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Severe Weather in Greeley Colorado

We’ve been having some pretty severe weather around here lately. We’ve had a couple of tornado warnings and severe storm watches. When we left for Phoenix they had some hail here and a few people that I know are getting refunds from the insurance agencies. We are having a warning right now, so I thought I’d post a little video of all the thunder, lightening and hail.

Storm Greeley

Greeley right in the middle of it

Huge Cloud
Cool Clouds

Stormy Sunset

The Sunset after the storm

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Country Wedding in Fort Lupton Colorado

Saturday afternoon after we got back from Phoenix, Britton and I headed off to a country wedding outside of Fort Lupton for Dana, Clifton’s sister. We missed the actual ceremony, but were able to enjoy the rural reception.

It had rained and so it was pretty muddy and wet everywhere.  They had a big pot luck and pig roast then they hauled in some wood and started a bonfire. It’s really pretty out there and since there was no one for miles around except the wedding revelers, you could make as much noise as you wanted. A lot of people were pitching tents and hunkering down to stay the whole night.

It was a much more “down home” country wedding and certainly not standard by any means, but pretty fun.

With the bride
With the Bride, Dana (left)

We saw this pretty rainbow driving in

Flowers, Wedding Cake and…A Tractor!

What a Muddy Mutt

Standing around the bonfire

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