Category Archives: Summertime

Kitty and the Chickens at Sunset

This is our evening treat out our back door. The white chicken puts herself to sleep in the fancy coop before the young girls do. They like to hang out on the back porch with us for a while before bedtime. Here’s Kitty and the chickens at sunset.

Kitty and Chickens
Kitty and Chickens

Kitty Chillin'
Hanging out at Sunset

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Greeley Independence Stampede

Last night Cassie and I rode our bikes down to the fairgrounds. We have the 4th of July Greeley Independence Stampede every year. We get concerts, rides, food and a rodeo. We were talking about it because to us its completely normal to have a huge fair every year. I am sure that a lot of towns and cities just do fireworks and a parade. Which reminds me, we have a parade too!

farris wheel
Ferris Wheel

There are quite a few people that always turn out. People from all over (WY,NE,KS,NM,MT,UT,TX,ETC) drive into Greeley to compete in the rodeo. Our hotels get filled up as well as the local restaurants. Speaking of food they had quite a bit at the fair. Look at all the people!
lots of folks
Lots of people

You can get all kinds of BBQ style foods. The new rage is fried everything (Fried twinkies, fried snickers bars, fried coke, fried Oreos, Fried Pickles).
Fried Twinkies
Fried Twinkies.  Click to enlarge…Eat to enlarge.

We got in on some traditional BBQ for the County employees. A simple hog roast, not a fried hog. And yes….That is a boot as a centerpiece. No flowers in it or anything, just….a dirty old boot.

Our meal + boot

Burnin Fuel

Fried twinkies and gas guzzling full size hummers with flames on the side.  Only in America…and hey, it’s America’s birthday.

Here is a video so you can feel like you’re there too!

This is a walk thru the midway area with the carnies

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Girls’ Night Out

Last night was my friend Kelly’s birthday so a few of us went out to celebrate in Fort Collins with a girls’ night out. We hit up the Rio and then went to a couple of night clubs including Zydecos, Suite 152 and the Drunken Monkey. We had a pretty good time and danced a lot. It’s amazing how much busier Fort Collins is on a Friday night than Greeley. I am also beginning to notice how I can’t party like I used to. We were yawning and ready to come back to Greeley by about 11:30pm. Still, it was a fun night.

At Kelly's
At Kelly’s House: Marjorie, Kelly, Gina, and Me

At the Rio in Fort Collins

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Flowers in Bloom

The summer flowers are starting to bloom already. I went out in the yard and cut a few to make a bouquet for our table. What do you think?

Flower Bouquet
Homemade Flower Bouquet

Rose Bouquet
From another angle

We’ve still been having some crazy weather with thunderstorms, lightning, occasional hail and tornado warnings. Tomorrow is bike to work day, and a few of the trails are flooded from all the water.  I think my route will be pretty safe though. At least all the flowers like this wet and wild weather!

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