A few of Britton’s old high school friends (and now mutual friends) came in to town to visit from Oregon this weekend. We saw them on Wednesday and again on Friday night for Friday Fest with live music in downtown Greeley. Britton and I rode our bikes there, but when the rain storm rolled in, Britton offered to ride my bike and Matt rode Britton’s back to our place. It was pretty fun and reminded me of the days when we were young(er) in the summertime out with friends just floating along like a butterfly doing whatever we wanted. Plus it was great to get the gang all together again.
Category Archives: Summertime
Fireworks and Flowers
Last night was wild! We had fireworks going off on every side of us from about 8pm until 12midnight. Luckily it had rained because our neighbors were blowing stuff up left and right. We had bottle rockets and flares hitting our house and yard -and one almost hit Britton! I was getting really nervous for Kitty because we had left him outside when we usually bring him in on the fourth (we found him happily this morning). The fog rolled in too and so the fireworks were displayed behind an eerie haze of an almost-full moon.
We saw the professional fireworks going off in Loveland in the distance from our backyard and then the Country Club’s. The Stampede fireworks were delayed because of rain and didn’t start until about 11pm. We went to our front porch for those.
It was a nice and relaxed day (until all the blasts started) and I cut one of the lilies and put it in a vase as we were cleaning the house. I love making my own flower arrangements. The roses started drooping right away, so I looked online and found that if you add a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of bleach and two teaspoons of lemon juice to the water that it is supposed to help and by this morning the roses were perked right up! It was a colorful day, to say the least. Oh and Happy 31st Anniversary to my parents!
A Trip to the Mountains
Yesterday after running a bunch of errands (since we both had the day off), Britton and I headed up to the mountains. We are lucky in that we can be in the mountains in only about 30 minutes (from Greeley to Thompson River area) and Estes Park is only about 50 miles away. The Thompson River once flooded in the 70s killing many people. It has a historical park for remembrance. It is no wonder! The canyon cuts straight up with rocky cliffs. You can take a drive with us in this video. In the beginning you will notice the “Dam Store” and then the steep canyon walls near the river.
We decided to take the Glen Haven road rather than the Estes Park road. It was a peaceful drive and we stopped off and had a mini-picnic break by the river. It was really beautiful.
Britton and Me: hanging out near Estes Park, Colorado
No refrigeration necessary: just put the beer in the river!
It was a nice drive. We had intermittent rain and sun. When we got up to Estes Park we didn’t feel like parking and walking around like tourists, so we went up to the Stanley Hotel for a bit. Britton and I got engaged in Estes Park and had considered having our wedding at the Stanley. It is an awesome old hotel and was the inspiration for Stephen King to write “The Shining” as it is said to be haunted.
The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park
Overall, it was a good trip to the mountains, but the day wasn’t through yet. When we got home, we were invited to the Kid Rock concert!
And Now, Time for the Lilies
I just noticed the lilies are blooming again! I can’t believe how the time goes. We are already half-way through summer! When you grow things you really notice the seasons. The chickens are getting big and should start laying some time in August I am guessing. I can’t wait to see a green egg! That’s what the Americana is supposed to lay. The other two are brown-egg layers.
Holding the New Hampshire Chicken in the air
Britton and I have a three day weekend starting tomorrow which we are really excited for. He has been working so much on the little rental that this is really the first moment for a break (and we’ll still be doing odds and ends). I am not too sure what we’ll do for the Fourth, but I’m sure we’ll think of something.