Category Archives: Summertime

Hiking and Biking up the Poudre

Colorado Mtns

Yesterday Britton and I met up with our friends Matt and Jamie to go hiking (Jamie and I) and mountain biking (Britton and Matt) up the Poudre River Canyon before we went to the Mishawaka reggae music festival. Colorado is so pretty in the mountains in the summer. Jamie and I hiked up a trail at Young Gulch and  saw a variety of things including butterflies, fields of purple flowers, bees pollinating flowers AND a rattlesnake.

That was really exciting and scary. He was all coiled up, shaking his rattle and ready to strike. I wanted to get a closer picture, but didn’t want to get too close. We had to warn all the people with off-leash dogs. She and I also walked up to Mishawaka as we were waiting for Britton and Matt to get done biking. We saw a dead bat and were offered to get picked up by a couple of guys on motorcycles. We said we weren’t too good at hitch hiking and that we’d just walk. 🙂 Here are a few pictures:

River and Mountain

Britton and Matt Mtn Biking
Britton and Matt Mountain Biking

Me and Jamie hiking

Jamie and Me, Hiking

Field of Flowers

Fields of Flowers


Butterfly on a flower

Dead  Bat

Dead bat by the side of the road

Rattlesnake in the grass with circle
Rattlesnake in the Grass

This rattlesnake is so well camouflaged that I had to circle it to show you where it is in the grass. Unfortunately, all I have to work with is MSPaint on this laptop, so it looks like a little kid wrote this! 🙂

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Garden Mystery: Solved (somewhat)

I think we have solved the mystery plant puzzle. I believe it is a pumpkin/gourd. Here is a picture. What do you think? We have a few of them springing up everywhere in the greenhouse. It is growing so much that it is pushing the potted plants off the shelves.

Is it a gourd or a pumpkin?

In any case, the greenhouse is so full we cannot even walk in there anymore.

Greenhouse jungle

We also have a few things popping up in the garden.

Curvy Cucumber
A curvy cucumber


Garlic top
Garlic Top Bulb looking down at it

So, this is looking down at the garlic. If you don’t cut the garlic scape as we did earlier in the spring, apparently it creates this bulb on TOP of the plant that looks just like a miniature bulb except it has all these little seed like things coming from it.  It’s weird the things you learn in the garden.


And of course, what would a garden post be without a picture of some chickens! 😉

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Reggae, Readings and Rejoicing in Greeley for my Birthday

My birthday was pretty fun. We went out to a late lunch with my parents and grandma to Farmer’s Inn in Lasalle.

Out to Farmer’s With the Fam

Then, later that evening we went out to the Rio in downtown Greeley for some margaritas and live music. There was a reggae band and it was pretty cool.

Rio Group
At the Rio with Matt, Jamie, Bobbie, Erin and Chad

Reggae Band Trichome
Greeley Reggae band Trichome with courthouse building behind

Britton and I got our tarot cards read from a lady across the street. It was pretty accurate including that we had some “delays” (AKA Puerto Rico). Since it was my birthday, she gave me a tarot card to keep. I pulled the King of Cups which means I have one or more strong, supportive and loving men in my life (both my dad and Britton). She said I was the Queen of Pentacles and good with money. Together we (the King of Cups and Queen of Pentacles) work well together.

The Card I took home

We had made plans to go out salsa dancing and meet some friends over at St. Michaels’ event center, so we headed over there around 8 or so. When we got there it became apparent that we had left a pretty cool party with live music for one with only about 20 people sitting around listening to a dj, so we went back downtown.

Cassie Bday
Friends Adriana, Bobbie, me and Lorena taken with Britton’s cell phone at the salsa place

We danced to the reggae band and my friends dedicated a song for my birthday. We stayed there until it closed and then headed across the street to the Penalty Box and hung out there for a while more. It was a very fun birthday.

Reggae Band Trichome early in the evening with Matt and Jamie’s daughter dancing

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At Ground Level

I threw out a watermelon rind for the chickens and they went over to munch on it. I tried to get a picture, but when I got close, they would scatter, so I layed in the grass and watched. Kitty mosied on over and sat right in front of me. So I got this great picture of the chickens in the background and Kitty in the foreground. The world is much different at ground level.

Kitty and Chickens in background
Kitty in Front and Chickens behind

Then they got curious and wanted to see what I was doing in the grass, so I caught them on video as they wandered around the yard. They are getting so big! I remember when they were baby chicks and we could hold all three in our hands at once.

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