Category Archives: Summertime

Ramseier Farm Park Ribbon Cutting

Britton and I rode our bikes to the Greeley Ramseier Farm Park Ribbon Cutting this morning. This is a new park in our area on “C” Street in Greeley that is only about one block away (yes, we could have walked but Britton wanted to bike). The reason it is called a “Farm Park” is because the Ramseier Family, who are family friends, used to farm this whole area including our subdivision where our house is located. We often take walks or bike rides at night around this park, even before it was officially dedicated with the ribbon cutting.

Ramseier Farm Park Ribbon Cutting

Ramseier Farm Park Ribbon Cutting

While we were there we talked with a couple of the Greeley City Council members about our backyard hens.  We thought it was quite fitting that we were able to talk with them at the “Farm Park” of all places. After our good coalition meeting on Thursday night and having decided on our goal and some of our strategies, I was fired up to approach our local civic leaders. At the ribbon cutting, the city council members seemed open to discussing the issue, and one council member was very friendly to us and I will definitely be voting for him for mayor: Ed Phillipsen. He has always been thoughtful, friendly, helpful and willing to listen. He is not the typical politician and seems to truly care about the marginalized populations of our community. Unfortunately he will be running against the local country club favorite.

We also found out at the ribbon cutting that the backyard hen issue might be discussed very soon at an upcoming city council work session.  I’ll let you know when I know more.

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Chicken Press Coverage

UPDATE. Link to article:
We’re on the front page of the Greeley Tribune Sunday Edition in an article entitled Chicken Out (click on hyperlink to see)!

White and Brown Backyard Chickens
Chickens in the paper and with the paper

On Wednesday afternoon I received a phone call from a Greeley Tribune reporter. He asked if I would be willing to talk about our backyard chickens. I said sure as long as we wouldn’t get in trouble for having them. He said that wasn’t the intent of the story but that the City Council is considering changing the codes for chickens in the city limits. I am not sure if they want to make them more strict or less strict. We have not had any problems with our chickens and I think they knew I would be willing to talk about them because I wrote a blog for their website that they published in the hard copy.

Green Foot Chicken
The Americana AKA Greenfoot

He asked me what some of the benefits to having chickens were and if we have had any problems. The benefits I mentioned were:
-Farm fresh eggs with huge healthy yolks
– Bug Abatement
– Free fertilizer! 🙂
– Local food = fewer caged chickens
– They eat our kitchen scraps, so less waste in the garbage.
– Fun and easy to care for pets
-A great, hands-on learning experience
-Becoming more self-sufficient and self-reliant
– A personal step -along with our garden- towards decentralizing our food system

As far as problems, I just mentioned that one of our chickens died and that was sad, but it was what made us get the chicks which was such a fun experience. He asked about predators and I told him about the hawks and foxes around but that we’ve never had any issues. Neighborhood cats seem to leave them alone for the most part and Kitty and Schnoodle get along great with them.

He also asked if we had an increase in mice because of them. I said that ever since Kitty has been living outside we’ve had fewer mice problems (since he became a sort-of mouser) and that mice are always going to be somewhat of an issue with an open field behind our house (that’s why they’re called field mice!).

He also asked if we had checked the regulations, which we had. I talked with a city planner about a year ago who thought we would have no problems as long as we didn’t get a rooster. We checked our HOA rules and as long as we call them our pets they are fine as well.

Then he set up a time for a photographer to come over and take our picture. We picked last night at 7pm. It was so weird having this huge camera lens right up in our faces while we either chased the chickens around our yard, fed them, held them or just sat next to them. I wonder how the pictures will turn out. The photographer said she thought it would be printed this week some time.
We’ll see! It was pretty fun and exciting anyway. You never know what kind of fallout will happen when you have press coverage though! But you heard it here first! 🙂

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Weld County Fair and a Fun Weekend

This weekend Britton and I did quite a few fun activities. We went to the Weld County Fair to see the chickens and other livestock. There were some bantam chickens that were about the size of robins. They even had what looked like little robin-eggs. We saw chickens that were nothing but fuzz and huge turkeys.

How many turkeys do you see? 😉

Chickens and egg
Interesting looking chickens and tiny egg

Then we saw the cutest thing: a baby pygmy goat. Pygmy goats are smaller than most mid-sized dogs and so the baby was only about 6 or 8 inches off the ground. I have decided that if we have goats in Puerto Rico, they  will be of the pygmy variety so that they can’t jump as high (in addition to the cute factor!).

Pigmy Goat
Full grown pygmy goat

Baby Pigmy
Baby Pygmy

The fair also had a car show which I thought was an interesting juxtaposition of rural and urban, but that is kind of what Greeley is -a fairly large city in a largely agricultural county.

This weekend we also went over to our friends’ house and played Rockband. On Sunday we visited Britton’s family and had an outdoor bbq. The weather was perfect and so I went with my niece and nephew, Schnoodle and Britton’s parent’s dog for a long walk.

Our nephew wanted us to put a picture of him on this blog dressed up in his full get-up: a terrorist/foreign soldier. Isnt’ it interesting what kids like to play dress up as. Quite the sign of the times…Still, he looked pretty close. I think he looks like he could be an extra in a Cuban revolution movie!

Terrorist D

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Poudre River Mishawaka Reggae Music Festival

After our exciting hiking and biking, we went down the road to Mishawaka for their 5th Annual Reggae Music Festival.  We had never been to a concert there but had driven by enough times to know that it is a hippie hang out and we were interested in finding out what it was like. From the road it doesn’t look like much, but there are always a lot of motorcycles and cars pulled off to the side. When we walked in, it was apparent why it is such a cool and popular hang out. The stage is about 5 feet from the Poudre River!

They have an outside seating area where you can have food and drink, or you can stand right in front of the band. A lot of people were playing hacky-sack and dancing to the different reggae bands. There were a lot of people with dreadlocks and Jamaican colored outfits.

We also saw quite a few river rafters floating down who would pull off to the side of the river to sit, watch and listen to the bands before floating away. It was a neat experience. Even though Mishawaka is a much smaller venue, I’d have to rank it up there with Red Rocks in terms of the cool factor.

Mishawaka Reggae Band
One of the various bands with the Rocky Mountains as a backdrop

River Rafters
River Rafters Near the Mish

Cassie, Stage and River
To the Right you can see the River

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