Category Archives: Summertime

Tree Trimming and Colorado Sunset

We trimmed the crabapple tree out front this week. We are going to try and see if we can root any of the cuttings. I think they are too big and since they were fruiting when we cut them, I don’t think it will work, but we’ll see. It would be nice to have other trees like this because it is truly a beautiful tree with pink flowers in the spring and part of summer, then green leaves and berries. In the fall it turns a red color and in the winter many of the crabapples cling to the limbs for a touch of color in the gray and white sky.

Tree Branches
We trimmed practically half the tree!

Tree in front of our house
Looking toward our house after a good trimming

We also had a stunning sunset tonight. I just had to share…

Sun Streaks
Sunset with Sun Streaks

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Floral Photography

I like walking around our yard taking pictures. When everything is in bloom as it is right now, it makes it all the more interesting and fun. Here are a few floral photography shots:

I love the color of these asters

Cosmo in the Sun

Flowers and blurry figures
I like the effect that close ups give to the background figures- chickens and Schnoodle

Hibiscus close up
We have hibiscus type flowers in Colorado too!

Rose of sharon side
We have a Rose of Sharon tree that is about 7 feet tall and blooming prolifically!

Wet Mum
This mum that we just recently bought reminds me of a “Tequila Sunrise”
Sad Dewy Rose

This rose picture brings up feelings of sadness, the dark shadows, the water droplets on its petals and the downward face

Wild Flowers
And this one of happiness -my favorite

Which one is your favorite?  You can also click on the photos to enlarge.

Hope you all have a lovely Labor Day Holiday!

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Haze over Colorado from California Fires

The haze from the California fires made the sky a weird white color instead of blue, made the sun look bright orange and made my eyes sting and burn. It also made the mountains just seem to disappear with very little visibility. Greeley really stunk too with the haze keeping all the “cow smell” right over us.  I am glad it has mostly cleared up here in Colorado and I can actually see and breathe again, but it was pretty bad there for a while. I am surprised by how far the smoke traveled! Here are a few pictures of the hazy sky and bright sun.

Hazy Colorado

Something so beautiful and yet destructive at the same time
Red Sun

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Benefits of Backyard Hens

Here are some of the benefits of backyard hens in a photo essay:


Bug Abatement chicken
Chicken with a HUGE caterpillar in her mouth


Watermelon rind and chickens
Watermelon Rind Finished off by the girls


Chickens play well with others
Kitty, the Hens and Schnoodle (background) playing well together


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