Category Archives: Summertime

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

We had a nice Memorial Day 3-day Weekend. We did a lot of yard work and gardening, worked on our rentals, hung out with family and had a BBQ and just overall had a great time. Ahh, the official start to summer! Here are a few highlights in picture form:

Here are some of our garden goods: romaine lettuce, garlic, radish, strawberries

Hanging out and BBQing with Britton’s Family

Salads made from the lettuce and strawberries in our garden

Early Rose Bouquet mixed with a pretty white fragrant”weed” and some mint leaves all from our yard

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Greeley Chamber Stampede Business After Hours

I usually don’t go to many Chamber of Commerce events even though my work has a membership, but there is one that is pretty fun to go to. It’s the annual Stampede Business After Hours hosted by Old Chicago, a local restaurant/bar. If you pre-pay it is only $7 and it gives you all you can eat food and drinks! Plus, practically everyone in the community comes out to this particular event, so it’s a great chance to rub shoulders (or is it elbows?) and network.

Kelly and Me at the Stampede Business After Hours Event

So, last night Kelly and I went down there and mingled. It was pretty fun, and I had never seen the Sky Boxes at the Stampede (Island Grove) arena before, so that was cool.

This is the view from the Sky Boxes looking to the east of Greeley from Island Grove Arena

Everyone dresses up all cowboy in hats and boots. I even wore one of my gingham shirts to get into the spirit.  I talked with some old friends who have just bought a Lock and Key business, an acquaintance at the Greeley Tribune, our neighbors with the horses behind our house, local and state-level politicians or aspiring politicians, fellow Leadership Weld County graduates, and Stampede Wranglers and Committee Members to name a few. It was a good time!

Speaking of Leadership Weld County graduation, there was a picture in the newspaper the other day of the graduation event.

Article in the Greeley Tribune

When I was talking with one of the Greeley Stampede Committee members I asked him what he thought about the new change that they are going to institute this year of charging admission just to walk around. Britton and I usually will walk or ride our bikes down there and just do a lap or two of people watching like we did last year, maybe get an expensive snack and come back home. The Committee Member said that they had no way around it, but I am solidifying my opinion that this is not a good thing. Considering that for $7 at this Business After Hours event you got all you could eat and drink, $5 per person admission to just get in and walk around the carnival seems ludicrous. I’ll write more on that later as the Stampede approaches, but that’s my initial thought on it.

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Chickens Eat Mice!

This is kind of disturbing and slightly disgusting. But this morning as I was grabbing a banana on my way to work, I looked out the back door and saw Kitty really interested in something in the grass. As I watched, I saw him pounce on something and come up with a mouse in his mouth. I wanted to get a picture of our little mouser, so I grabbed my camera and went outside. When he heard the door open he kind of freaked out and dropped the mouse and couldn’t find it. I could see it just sitting still in the grass.

As I approached it to see if it was still alive like I thought, it bounced up and tried to scurry away. I put the camera to “record” and just watch what happens….

I have seen them get little baby mice before, but never a full-sized one like this. It was like I was on the Discovery channel or something.  You can tell I was kind of grossed out watching it, but utterly fascinated that a chicken could do this! Kitty was kind of like, wow…I’m not going to get involved in that… If anyone tells you chickens are vegetarians, you can remind them of this video! Chickens are not ferocious to you or me, but watch out if you are a mouse!

Henrietta with her catch of the day

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Case of the Missing Eggs -Solved!

One morning, about a week ago, Britton woke me, “Surprise! We have 2 eggs from our girls!” However, the eggs were soft shelled he said, so we should wait and I could get them at lunch (and hopefully they would harden). Well, I went home at lunch and there was nothing there but a white egg with what looked like a little bit of yolk on it. Hmm…mystery. So I never did see the new brown eggs he spoke of.

Well, although I never did see any other eggs,  I just chocked it up inexperience on their part and figured they would lay again soon. (Possible explanations: Maybe they ate their own eggs or a squirrel got them?) In the mean time, our white chicken and white egg-layer, Omelette AKA Salt continued to lay in the nesting box we created for that purpose in their fancy chicken coop.

That is…until a few days ago. I kept asking Britton if he had seen any eggs from Omelette lately, but he said no. Well, she is very regular. So, tonight I said we needed to go on an egg hunt to see if there were any eggs hidden somewhere. I thought they might be behind the greenhouse. We had no luck until….Britton found this clutch of eggs under an unruly rose bush by our house.

Egg Clutch and chicken
If you enlarge the picture you MIGHT see the clutch

Close up of clutch
Close up

They were not as easy to get out of there as you think. Britton had to jump down into the window-well to reach them. While he was down there he found another egg as well!

Eggs and Tomatoes

Neatly arranged and with garden fresh tomatoes!

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