Category Archives: Summertime

Greeley Bike to Work Day 2010

I love Bike to Work Day. I think it is one of the best events. It encourages alternative transportation to get us out of our cars and other oil-powered vehicles, it is a fun exercise, and it connects your work life with your personal life. In the Greeley area, on a warm Wednesday in June there are a variety of breakfast stations set up all around town. You can go to one, or all of them.

Flyer of Locations

Britton and I live on the outskirts of town a little bit, so there were no stations on my way to work. So I arranged with one of my co-workers to meet up at the downtown one. It is about 2-3 miles from home, so not too bad. We had free bagels from Einstein’s Bagels and coffee, grabbed a free frisbee and were on our way to work.

With some co-workers who rode today

Britton would have liked riding to work, but since he works in Longmont, it’s a much harder ride (45 miles) with a freeway in between! I do need to start riding to work more since I only live about 2 miles away. The summer that we had really high gas prices, I was riding about 4 times a week! Price really does influence people’s behavior!

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Father’s Day and Glenmere Park

Our niece and nephew wanted to hang out a little bit this weekend, so we decided to make a whole day of hanging out with family. The kids, my dad and family, and Britton’s dad and family for Father’s Day fun.

At Glenmere Park in Greeley

We thought we might go swimming since the forecast said it would be 92 degrees. It was a lot cloudier and cooler out than that, so we decided to just hang out instead. We picked the kids up and then went to a small tortilleria shop (La Espiga Dorada) for some barbacoa. We even taught Dawson how to ask for the food: “Dos paquetes de barbacoa”. Barbacoa is basically some shredded beef, cilantro, limes, onions, fresh salsa and freshly made tortillas -either corn or flour. It was really good.

We stopped by our house and played with the chickens, weeded and hung out for a bit before we brought the barbacoa over to my parent’s house and visited with Dad.

Then because we weren’t going swimming we decided to go down to Glenmere Park. I think we’ve written about it before, but Glenmere Park is one of our favorite Greeley parks. It has a lake, some side ponds and streams, lots of trees, a gazebo, a pier, and all sorts of pond life like ducks, geese, lily pads and cat tails.

Look how sweet these goslings are!

Our nephew Dawson was getting a little rowdy with his sister, so Britton warned him that if he didn’t knock it off he was going in the lake. Dawson just laughed and did it some more. So Britton grabbed him and put him in the lake! It was so funny. His shoes were squishing water out everywhere. But once he was wet, all he wanted to do was get back in! So much for teaching him a lesson -lol.

Swamp Monster

Then we decided to walk all the way over to Britton’s parents’ house (about 1 1/2 miles). We were still stuffed from barbacoa, but managed to eat a little more BBQ there. It was a fun day. Kids always make you see the world in such a different and refreshing way. Of course they can wear you out too! 🙂


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Poudre River Flood

They have some roads closed off on the north side of town.  The Poudre River is over its banks in areas due to the melting snow in the mountains and recent rain.   The trail is only a few miles away so Cassie and I figured we would jump on our bikes and see if we could get into trouble. 

East meets west, but the road is Closed.

We actually didn’t encounter too much resistance to jump the signs and get a closer look.  This is a small ditch, and it took out the trail completely.

Like I said, it used to be a small ditch.

You can see where its widening out

There are all kinds of news reports going on talking about the flooding.  Its only a few miles from our house too!  But all is dry here, so all in all a nice night to lay in the grass and watch the chickens and pets in the lawn.

Writing this post for LifeTransPlanet in the yard!


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Greeley Blues Jam 2010

Our friend Shana invited us to go out to the Greeley Blues Jam 2010 this year. We thought about it, but it is an all-day concert series on a Saturday and we always have so much to do on Saturdays because we work all week. Plus it was $30 a piece and that seemed a little steep to us. However, we did get to go to the preview night last night that was also part of Greeley’s Summer Friday Fest. Which I think was great! They have all the different bands that would be coming out on Saturday perform at local bars in the downtown area free of charge.

So we met at Shana’s house and went to the Rio for dinner. There was quite a long wait, so we hung out outside and watched one of the bands on the 9th Street Plaza while trying to avoid getting wet from the rainy night.

One of the bands (Plus Orphan Annie!)

After about an hour wait, we had dinner in the Rio with Shana and some of her friends.

Out to the Rio on Blues Night

We stayed and listened to the blues band that was assigned to the Rio then we decided to mosey out through the rain to listen to a few others. We passed briefly by Dutch’s Bar, Patrick’s, and the Penalty Box. We then walked to Roasty’s. I haven’t been to Roasty’s in probably over 10 years. It is kind of a rundown old working class bar slash breakfast place owned by an interesting Greek family. We  listened to a really good singer and some bare bones blues.

We also met some VERY drunk people with some pretty funny stories and antics; it was kind of strange actually. They just joined us at our table and hijacked our conversation. When we grew a little tired of their stupor, we called it a night.

Overall, it was a fun time. And I think we made the right decision. We got to see a bunch of bands, have dinner for two and not spend the whole day in the rain for less than one ticket would have cost at the Saturday event!

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