Category Archives: Sea

Corona Extra Pro Surf Competition

Today we saw our first surf competition! It was incredible how many people came out to Rincón! The roads were backed up and we had to walk quite a ways to Domes Beach where it was being held. And we could see why! The day was absolutely gorgeous and it was fun to watch the sport that put Rincón on the map. There were a lot of very talented surfers and for many visitors it was a good reason for a huge beach party complete with coolers containing your drink of choice, plenty of people watching and listening to music.

Corona Pro from Lighthouse

Corona Bottle Colorful Competition

Corona Pro Lighthouse


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Rincón Behind the Scenes

On three sides of the peninsula “corner” of Rincón the sea beckons. While it is always there, it can often be ignored when “real life” pulls you into all the various activities that modern folks do. Stops at the bank, the grocery store, the restaurant. Only here in Rincón, 100 feet away you might smell sea air and hear the waves crashing.

The other day we were doing some errands around downtown Rincón and we saw an alley that led from the storefront to the beach. The trashcans behind the grocery store lead to unexpectedly beautiful beach scenes. So we took a little detour and found a quiet cove with just a couple of fishermen on the beach.

Fisherman and desecheo

We walked up the beach a ways and found that it ended near saw a small wooden house. We walked up around it to see if we could get back on the beach and found a hidden neighborhood on the creek that feeds into the sea.

Creek behind beach

There were open air wooden houses and barely stable bridges across the ditch.

Britton on Bridge

It reminded me of why we love it here so much. While there has been a lot of modern “progress” in the last few years, Rincón and Puerto Rico in general still retain so much of its rawness and authenticity. Here were basically shacks with beachfront sunset views. When would that ever happen in more “developed” areas?

Open Air HouseOpen air Swiss-family Robinson style

The small town unchartered feel is still here. Even when we are doing the most modern mundane chores we are reminded of this. We can still get lost in town and follow trails and turns into the unknown like Alice down the rabbit hole. We find adventures behind the scenes.



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On the Water

Kayak Truck 1

One of our new friends here graciously let us borrow his kayak and paddles and so we got to get out off the shore a bit more than our swimming would allow. The island looks even more beautiful with just a few 100-200 meters of perspective. We took a whole day off from “working” around the house to have fun out on the water and relax.

It was wonderful and every day we are reminded why we have moved here. Sometimes when we are in the moment it is hard to really appreciate all the details of the beauty we are surrounded by, and then we look at our pictures and are reminded.


Kayak BK 2 blog

Kayak 10 Blog Kayak Cassie 1 Blog Kayak BK 4 blogKayak Cassie 3 blog



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