Category Archives: Philosophy

Taking Risks

I’ve been thinking about risk lately and what it means.


I think it’s different for everyone and rightly so.  I for one take risks that some people don’t just because of my exposure to it.  Take flying for example.  I’d have no problem hopping in a small Cessna and taking off into the sky.  For others who haven’t had the flight experience they wouldn’t do it, it would be too risky.

Then there is financial risk.  Some people have way more experience than I do in the stock market and don’t even flinch when they move a large amount of cash around.  Or gambling, I haven’t ever won anything at a casino so when I see people betting $10 a hand at blackjack I just don’t understand it.  I can’t do that.

We have been thinking about another property in PR.  It’s a bit riskier than what we are used to due to price and the fact that we want to use it to start our own business.  We do have some experience with running our own small businesses and can see possibilities and want to give it a try.  Here is the catch though; give up our comfortable life to do it?   What if everything goes bad?  OMG OMG OMG.  We both have good jobs and the living is fairly easy except for what challenges we hold ourselves to.

I haven’t really ever failed at anything I’ve tried to do in life (except putting down linoleum in the basement which turned out better because we went with tile instead).   So even the things that I have failed at turned out…better.  Isn’t that odd?   I used to think landing at a strange airport with no plans in mind was ‘risky’ but now that I’ve done that (a few times) its no big deal.  Experience helps us feel more comfortable about taking risks.

I want to make a trip out to PR again here in a month or two to look around.  I think that I am ready to expand my experience in life again and become more comfortable with being an entrepreneur.   Besides IF we were to fail just think of how much more experience we would have when we try again!  I am already very comfortable with Puerto Rico due to the fact I’ve been there a few times.   I know what to expect.

I encourage others to comment about any risks you’ve taken and how it turned out in the end.

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Life’s Plan

“The average American spends more time planning their summer vacation than their life.”

I have heard this phrase and realize that we are not average. Britton and I spend a lot of time thinking about our lives, our future, our goals and what it means to be alive. Life is weird. We do weird things as human beings in this time and space. When we step outside of our daily lives and contemplate our existence it seems to come down to a game of poker. We get certain cards dealt to us (like where we were born, what we look like, the amount of money our family has) and we have certain ways to play those cards. It’s all about comparison because compared to someone who was dealt a crappy hand, we have it made but compared to someone with a royal flush we have little. Usually most people are somewhere in between. I think we have pretty decent cards and we’ve been playing them fairly well. In poker you usually don’t win with the first hand, it’s about how you play the game over time. Life’s both a game of chance (destiny) and skill (free will). In fact, the modern deck of cards is based on Tarot Cards that are used in fortune telling.


We’ve also compared life to Monopoly. It’s a long game and the first part of the game is about setting yourself up for the end of the game -we’d be the Schnoodle dog piece :-). That’s where we’re at. We’re trying to make good investments, keep good jobs and play the game right so that we can do what we want later in the game. In our particular life game, we want to live in Puerto Rico. We would like to have some Colorado income either from a work-from-home job or from some of the investments we’ve made and some Puerto Rican income maybe in the form of a guesthouse. Money in our modern world is so abstract, but is a way to calculate how you’ve been playing the game.

It is so tempting to jump ahead of yourself in these games, but usually to “win” you have to have self-restraint, like Kenny Rogers says, “Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em”. We like our life here in Colorado and we are looking forward to moving to Puerto Rico. Knowing when and how is the hard part. Ever since the Lares deal fell through I have felt like we were even more in Limbo. At least with Lares we knew we had a marker set on that spot, now? It is all ephemeral. To plan out your life farther than a few days is like trying to predict the weather. You might have some idea based on the seasons and what has happened years past, but then again, you can have the coldest June 2nd in history (like we did yesterday). We would like to get everything settled and decided within a year to two years. But it’s hard to say where life, like a current, will take you. Our vision of a winning end game would be to be happy. My working definition of happiness is to have something to do (a daily goal), someone to love and something to look forward to. I have that now and I will work hard to keep that going in the end game. I would prefer to have something to do that I choose to do rather than the traditional office job of little freedom. Golden handcuffs , routine and comfort are hard to break away from- they are the blue pills (Matrix reference). But we are preparing ourselves and trying to live an “examined life” as Aristotle says not just an “average” life.  

Even if we play the game of life carefully and examine it from every side, I’d say we’re still “all in” for the ride.

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