Category Archives: Pets and Animals

Schnoodle Gets a Shave

Poor Schnoodle. She is so old and shaggy. My mom got Schnood from the shelter in 1998 where she was called Nicky (since then she’s had many a name). She was a full grown dog, albeit a fairly young dog. So even if she were only a year old when she came into our family, she would now be 13-14! That’s pretty old in dog years. I’m not sure of the current conversion rate, but somewhere between 70 and 98 dog years old.

Britton with Schnoodle-Doo in the kitchen

Schnooter Mcgavin has lost most of her teeth, she’s partially blind and mostly deaf. She also has some sort of tumor growing under her arm. But she’s still a happy dog. She sleeps all day long. Looks forward to her food and loves her walks. So, quality of life, I’d say is pretty good for old Noodle.

But one thing she hates is hair cuts. We think maybe our foreign exchange student, Kosei, from a few years ago traumatized Doody when we left him alone with her to bathe and shave. Ever since then she hates scissors. Nickerdoodle hates even being in the same vicinity as scissors. She runs away and turns her head a lot anytime she sees the choppers coming by. Which makes it practically impossible to cut the hair on her head! (Don’t believe me? Try trimming someone’s hair as they wiggle around every time the scissors come remotely close. Seriously, running with scissors is probably safer!)

Schnicker’s not like most dogs who shed, which is a good thing, but also means that her hair just keeps growing, and growing…and growing. Until she looks like a big rastafarian with a mess of matted hair and crusty eyes. So, we finally gave old Doodle a shave. We sat in the greenhouse where it was all warm and the air was still. The chickens were a little mad that we were in their space, and Kitty was very interested in us. Strudlemeister wasn’t happy about it, but she let us cut her after a lot of work. But in the end after a huge pile of hair, she now looks and feels so much better. Schnooters was running around like a happy little puppy with all that hair off.

Still a little shaggy for Snoodles, but mucho mejor!

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Chickens Love Dust Baths

When we first got our chickens we thought it was so strange that they would make a hole in dry dirt and then roll around in it covering themselves in dust. Why would they want to take a dirt or dust bath? It seems like an oxymoron to say dirt (or dust) and bath in the same phrase, but that’s what it is.

Greenfoot and Henrietta sharing a bath

It helps them to stay clean, keep any bugs or parasites off of them -they love to shake it all off after they fling the dirt up and into their wings and feathers- and it cools them down. If you keep chickens, you should not try to discourage this behavior. It is instinctual and important for their health. Plus, sometimes they like to have a communal bath! 🙂

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Spring Tease

The weather has been in the 50s all the way to the mid to high 60s which is pretty unusual for Colorado in January. Britton and I are pretty happy about it though. We love summertime and this weather makes us feel like we’re in Puerto Rico -except that they would be freaking out about it being so cold -ha. But we’ve been out walking, cleaning out the chicken coop, we even thought about taking out the bicycles again!

It’s really making us have even more alegría about Puerto Rico and this potential new deal. And the chickens who have taken a two month vacation from laying eggs have started laying again! The sun is staying in the sky just a tad longer in the evenings so when I leave work it’s not complete darkness. Life is good! 🙂

Even the sunsets which are usually pretty grey and dark in the winter have been more vibrant and colorful.

The sunset from our backyard looking out towards the twin peaks

But…and this is a big but…this is just a spring tease. Next Tuesday temperatures are supposed to drop to a high of 15. A HIGH of 15 accompanied by snow, wind and the like. Uggh. But at least we have this weekend; we have Puerto Rico excitement to keep us warm; and we know spring and summer will eventually arrive even if they keep teasing us for the next few months.

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Christmas Cat

There’s another cat in the neighborhood here in Greeley. It’s like Cat City here. When I first saw her I thought she was Kitty because she’s a greyish calico (Kitty’s solid grey).  She looks to be just out of kittenhood (if that’s a word). She seems to be comfortable around humans (and dogs, other cats such as Kitty and the chickens thankfully), so I think she must have come from another family, maybe another neighborhood family cat that had kittens? But, she really likes our house a lot even though we’ve tried to ignore her. She sits at the back door and the front door and just stares at us -or sometimes mews.

Mirror Cats -Kitty inside and the other one outside

“Please, please just acknowledge my presence,” she seems to plead with those eyes.

Britton put some food out even after we had some discussion about whether we wanted to encourage the behavior or have another cat to feed. We just hate to see an animal starve! But she didn’t seem too interested in the food. No, she just wanted some lovin’.

So, I finally gave in and picked her up and held her. She purred and purred as she rested in my lap.

With Christmas Cat

Maybe she just wanted out of the cold for a few minutes. I’m not sure. Callie showed up in the same sort of way, except she was a Halloween cat. She showed up in October a few years back and she had black and orange fur. This one, I think we’ll have to name Christmas Cat.

I don’t want another batch of kittens to show up in the window well of our basement again as happened with Callie, so I’m going to call a few veterinary clinics and see if any of them do free or reduced spaying for stray cats. At least we know Kitty couldn’t be the father as he’s been neutered for a long time. With Callie we waited too long thinking, well, she’s not really our cat. This little girl looks to be just entering her fertile maturity so it would be good to do that sooner than later. I’m going to ask around the neighborhood to see if she belongs to anyone first though. But take it from Bob Barker, people. Spay and neuter your animals! Please!

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