Category Archives: money

Rental Refresh

Our rental business is going through a major transformation this year as we are moving all of our rentals over to a management company and we are trying to sell one of them. For one of our properties, it was left in fairly decent condition, but could stand to have a paint job. We talked to a couple of professional painters but the quotes were crazy high, so we decided, once again, to paint it ourselves.

With the money we saved from not hiring it out, we thought we would go pro in supplies. For example, we got real 3-M blue painter’s tape instead of masking tape that sticks like crazy to windows and instead of getting free paint at the Household Hazardous Waste center (where people can turn in their unused but still good paint and others can pick it up for free), we decided to go ahead and buy some new paint.

Bedroom Before

Because of that, we thought it would be fun to try out some color on the walls. Britton is a pretty standard “white wall” kind of guy, but I convinced him to try a tan color with white trim.  The most time was spent on the prep: cleaning, removing vents and curtains, filling holes, sanding, taping, and the like. Then once we got down to actually painting it went pretty quick. The only bad thing was that because the trim was a different color than the walls, we had to go through and tape them the other way as well. But because we had the better tape, we were able to re-use most of it.

Bedroom After

So after about two days of work cleaning, prepping, painting and hanging a new screen door in the back, the house is pretty much ready to be rented again! We are definitely not professional painters, but I thought it turned out pretty good. The management company listed it just as we were finished painting and we had quite a few people driving by and asking to look at it. So, here’s to hoping it rents out quick.

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Spring Stir Crazy: For Sale or Rent

Springtime must make people a little stir crazy for change. We have three of our four rentals with people who have either moved out or are planning on moving out. One of them was just abandoned…again. Another we were told what was going on and they are going to pay rent until we find someone else and the third had his lease come up and gave notice that he is planning on moving. And the fourth house we had someone else move-in with the current tenant! Everyone is moving this year, it seems. Even we feel the pull to move to Puerto Rico!

So…we were going to be putting all our rental properties eventually under a management company anyway before we move to Puerto Rico and figured that this is as good a time as ever to make some of these changes. Our own sort of stir-craziness.

On one of our properties Britton wanted to see how much we could get if we sold it. Last year we thought about selling one in Evans, but the price didn’t make sense; we would actually lose money. But we talked with our real estate agent on this one and she said we definitely had a spread for some profit. So we decided to list it. So far it’s been going pretty good. We have had quite a few people come over for showings. I am a little ambivalent about selling it as it was our first ever house that we owned outright, it’s a very sweet cute house, and we were making pretty good income on it. But I also understand that the cash infusion could really help us in our savings goals. Britton would like to sell just to sort of “clear the slate” and have one less thing to worry about here in Colorado. It was with this one that we really got stressed out over last summer.

Our house that’s for sale

My investment strategy has always been income, with very little emphasis on growth/appreciation, so that is why I really have to just go with the flow on selling one of our “golden gooses” even if it we can make a decent lump sum. It’s hard to want to let it go. We also have never gone through the process of selling a house so this is all a big experience either way (we’ve bought plenty, just never tried to sell anything). We are planning on keeping it on the market for a few weeks and seeing if we get any offers. If we don’t get any by the end of April or early May, we may just rent it out again under a management company with the other two.

We are excited to see how a management company will go and if it will ease some of the stress that occurs mainly when there is tenant turnover. Plus they have all the tools we don’t when it comes to leases, contracts, complaints, evictions, legal matters, etc. I am glad we have  a year to test all of these unknowns out too that way we can adjust and make changes as they come along.

In the meantime we have been interviewing management companies, cleaning, staging and painting houses and signing contracts. It’s a busy time, but I think all this front-end work will pay dividends when we are living down in PR.

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El Presupuesto, Por Supuesto!

This month’s Spanish tip is about money and budgeting. The budget, but of course. Here are some common terms when it comes to money management as well as a few refranes/dichos (sayings).

Budget: Presupuesto
Money: Dinero
Silver: Plata (plata is also sometimes a slang word for money itself)
Gold: Oro (dorado means “golden”, you could also remember this from the English word ore)
Bank: Banco
Cash: Dinero en efectivo
Dollars: Dólares (in some countries including Puerto Rico they will still use “peso”. Peso means “weight” similar to English pounds)
Cents: Centavos
Change: Cambio, monedas (literally coins)
Exchange rate: Tasa de cambio (intercambio)
Taxes: Impuestos, contribuciones
Business: Negocio
To pay: Pagar
To buy: Comprar
To rent: Aquilar/rentar
To go shopping: Ir de compras
Save money: Ahorrar dinero
Earn money: Ganar dinero
Spend money: Gastar dinero
How much does it cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Interest: Interés
The bill: La factura/la cuenta
A loan: Un préstamo
Financial matter: Asunto finaciero
For sale: Se vende, de venta
On sale: Rebajada, de liquidación, a la venta
Deal (as in a good deal): Ganga
Deal (as in an agreement): Trato
Investment: Inversión
To invest: Invertir
Finances: Finanzas
Fiar: To sell on credit (loan out)
Credit score/history: Historial Crediticio
Credit card: Tarjeta de Crédito
Expensive: Caro, expensivo
Cheap: Barato, inexpensivo
Stocks and Bonds: Acciones y bonos
Coupon: Cupón

Some phrases related to money:

Se acabó el dinero, se acabó la amistad. When the money stops, so does the friendship -A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Chivo brincado, chivo pagado. The goat that jumps is the goat that was paid
No le eches dinero bueno al malo. Don’t throw good money after the bad
Debo no niego; pago, no puedo. I owe it, I don’t deny; (but) pay it, I can’t
Con dinero baila el perro. With money the dog will dance
Lo barato cuesta caro. The cheapest things cost the most -you get what you pay for
Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente. The shrimp that sleeps gets taken with the current. -Early bird gets the worm or early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
Al ojo del amo engorda el caballo. Only under the eye of the master does the horse fatten up. -If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.

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Happy New Year!

After the crazy wind died down on New Year’s Eve, we went out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse, a Texas-themed steakhouse where they play country music and you can throw peanut shells on the ground. The perfect type of place for Greeley. And it was full of people. Thankfully, Britton had called ahead and we walked right in with no wait. We felt like VIPs!

At Texas Roadhouse in Greeley

Then we went over to our friends Matt and Jamie’s house to play some Texas Hold-Em poker (a very Texas night for some reason) and ring in the new year. We played tournament style which takes way too long for my patience, but is fun for a night counting down the hours, minutes and seconds to the new year.

After about three hours of playing everyone starts getting restless and not paying much attention to the game and instead starts telling jokes and messing around.

Me and Hailee playing around

To add a little spice to the night, Britton and I had  decided beforehand to play a practical joke. We found some “untearable toilet paper” at the dollar store the other day. Britton inconspicuously traded out the regular paper in the bathroom for the un-tearable kind. We thought about removing all the regular toilet paper under the bathroom sink, but thought that might be too mean, so he just removed and replaced the roll on the spring.

After about 2 hours of playing poker, finally someone went to the bathroom. Britton and I waited to see what would happen. Finally, our friend Erin came out and said “Matt and Jamie, what IS this stuff? It’s just about impossible to tear. Are you trying to re-use your toilet paper?” They were mortified and said, “We just bought it at Wal-Mart the other day.” Britton and I just laughed along with everyone else, and no one knew it was us for the longest time until we came clean. We were just shocked that Erin was actually able to pry it apart and even used it!! That takes some doing. It was pretty hilarious.

Erin with the TP around her neck

Finally as we were nearing midnight only Britton, Erin and I remained as the last three in the poker tournament. We decided to call it and Britton and I took first, and she took second. So we walked away with $60! Not too shabby!

This was the final table. I had the most chips (on the right)! Yay

Erin, Jamie and Me- Making the Money-haha

It was a fun night out with friends and a great start to the new year. We hope everyone has a wonderful and prosperous 2012!


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