Category Archives: Health

Let Food Be Thy Medicine: A Farm Update

The finca is coming along great. Now that the air is getting a little cooler, it’s a little easier to be outside working. We are also starting to look more and more the part of a farmer, or I like the word jíbaro, than ever before. Britton finally broke down and bought some steel-toed rubber boots for when he was slipping all over the place building the bridge and then I got some too.

Farmer Jibarita Cassie
Me, the turkeys and my boots -also a huge wild papaya (aka lechosa) and plantains above

They get a little hot and sweaty, but to avoid slipping and all the ants out there, they are great. I still have a tendency to just want to wear my flip-flops, but at least I have some protection if needed.

We are still growing a lot of food:

Bucket of avocadosNew Avocado
Bucket of avocados and starfruit and our “new” avocado

Since August we have eaten avocados EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! Not that I am complaining! I love avos. We even found another tree that is a different variety and super smooth and creamy. So we have a very prolific one that is great for guacamole and a less prolific one that is nice for pretty slices with the eggs in the morning. There are other avocado trees as well, but they are little deep in the jungle. We constantly harvest lots of bananas, coconuts and passionfruit. Occasionally we can reach a breadfruit before it drops, but it’s a super tall tree. Besides all this great healthy food, though, we also grow our “medicine.”

Medicinal plants turmeric ginger garlic
Three of the most important medicines you could have: ginger, turmeric and garlic

The famous quote by Hippocrates is still true today: Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. What you consume is important to your health! Junk food makes for junky health but on the other side, there are so many great foods out there to help it! In fact, at least 50% of pharmaceuticals were at one point derived from plants!

turmeric plant Ginger plant
Turmeric and ginger growing -notice the small flower on the ginger

Here are some medicinal plants I wouldn’t want to be without:

This is just an all-time super star. A powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It’s used to treat or help with just about everything from heartburn to diabetes! Many diseases are caused by oxidative stress and inflammation, so this root helps on both fronts. What I am most impressed with are the studies showing it could help in preventing, treating, and possibly even curing cancer! I use it any time I cook. It adds a great flavor to meals as well as a yellow color. Some of the oldest people in the world drink a turmeric tea daily. Just be careful as it can stain.

Recently Britton got a splinter in his finger and over the course of a couple of days it swelled up huge! He said it was hurting and beginning to spread. We were just about to the point of going to the pharmacy for some antibiotics, but decided to try garlic first. He ate about two raw cloves a day as well as placed some chopped garlic under a Band-Aid on the splinter area. Within about 4 days, he was completely healed! Garlic is a great antibacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-viral agent in addition to antioxidant and general health tonic. It is also super great for the cardio-vascular system. In addition to the turmeric, I always add garlic to our meals. Cooked is fine, but it’s a little more powerful raw, such as in our guacamole!

I just love the smell and taste of ginger. Another great general health tonic, ginger is probably most well known for helping with stomach aches and nausea. And like turmeric it is also useful for inflammatory issues like arthritis. I often add it to our meals or make a tea or juice mixed with carrots out of it.

We aren’t growing this yet, but I would like to because of all the great health benefits, especially to the digestive tract and antioxidants (more even than the powerhouse blueberry). It has the best fatty acids and is super high in fiber. Everyone should eat a spoonful of chia daily or make chia pudding for a refreshing and healthy snack.

Milk Thistle: We grew this in Colorado but I don’t know of a tropical substitute, so I use a supplement for this. I mention it because it is one of the best treatments for a hangover or any type of liver problems or just to maintain a healthy liver. When our young little dog Schnoodle nearly died of jaundice, this saved her life. It was what got me interested in herbal medicine in the first place!

Recently, I have heard of another plant that I was super interested in. It is called Moringa and is often called the Tree of Life.

Moringa sapling ready to be planted

This sounds like the most useful tree ever! You can eat just about every part of it. The leaves can be cooked or eaten like salad greens. The seed pods, called drumsticks, can be cooked as a vegetable. The seeds themselves make a great oil and the root is supposed to taste like horseradish. You can even use it for water purification! In addition to all of these fantastic qualities, it has a ton of health benefits most notably increased vitality in general.

Cabin planting trees
Britton and I planted the moringa and maví trees (as well as a durian) by the cabin

I haven’t had the famous Puerto Rican drink, maví, yet, but I’ve heard it’s a little like rootbeer or sarsaparilla in flavor. It’s also supposed to have great health effects including lowering blood pressure. Like cinnamon (another powerhouse mainly for lowering blood sugar/avoiding diabetes), you use the bark of the tree and then make a sort of tea out of it!

I love plants of all types and there is a place here at the farm and in the gardens for them all! From the showy and ornamental to the common fruits and vegetables and all the way to the understated beauty of the medicinals.  They are all welcome here!

Plumeria flower: a beauty and edible too!

Our new lifestyle suits us well. We love being outside in nature and with all the plants and animals. We eat food from the land probably close to 50% of our intake. Some of this food we planted or raised, some were here already and others like papaya just show up as a gift from the wild. We get a lot of movement naturally working and sweating outside and we eat food as medicine. We are much more social and also much more relaxed. Living this way, without really trying we have both lost about 15 pounds more or less (we don’t have a scale, so not exactly sure) and thanks to all of these factors we feel healthier than ever. Yep, I’d say green acres is the life for me!

On the farm with turkeys and a papaya
Tropical farm life is the sweet life!

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Bounty of the Finca and Food for the Soul


Fruit salad
We have been making lots of fruit salads (like this 100% home-grown one)!

Though we can grow food year-round here in Puerto Rico, summer definitely gives us an extra boost in abundance. Here in Rincón it is mango season and avocado season is just around the corner, but those two main crops are not the only things! At our little finca we are harvesting so many bananas, quenepas and passionfruit we just can’t keep up with eating them all!

Bounty of the finca 1
A bounty filled with eggs, bananas, quenepas, passionfruit, mangoes, and sapodilla

We had thought about bringing some to the farmer’s market since we couldn’t eat them all, but we never did. So we decided to go around and drop some fruit off with friends and neighbors. People were so grateful it was incredible! It is amazing how sharing your abundance creates a reciprocal reaction. Our neighbors gave us mustard greens and avocados or said they would bring down plantains later, other friends offered starfruit, the mail people were super excited about the fruit, especially the passionfruit.

One of our friends wrote a beautiful post about being thankful for a meal composed of friends’ gifted food. We randomly gave a guy on a bench a bunch of bananas and he blessed us in Spanish! And our other friends gave us some fruit they had dehydrated and took us around their neighborhood where some empty lots filled with huge ripe mangos and avocados were just dripping off the trees! These are not just regular mangos and avocados but rather varieties I have never seen in my life. Awesome things!

Mango bounty
Just a little of the abundance in return from friends

Massive mango and common
Humongous mango on the left and our little “common” mango on the right

We had so much fun just getting out and handing out a smile and some fruit that the returns we received far exceeded what we gave. It’s a great reminder that giving IS receiving! We are so thankful for the food we can grow and the people and animals we can feed with the food. And when you share your abundance it becomes “soul food”; it nourishes the soul as well as the body! What’s even more cool in this simple cycle of giving is that all of our banana trees were also gifted to us by friends! Abundance and gratitude all around!

BK Bananas
These banana bunches are HUGE and HEAVY!

And a pineapple soon to be harvested!

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Living Without a Car in Puerto Rico

Can it be done? Can you live car free in Puerto Rico? This past week we had the opportunity to answer this very question. Not by choice, but by necessity.

Britton was going to go run a quick errand to the local agro near downtown Rincón when the truck broke down and wouldn’t start back up. He tried to find a part and fix it in the parking lot, but the nearest auto repair shop didn’t have the fuel pump in stock. So he left the truck there and commenced the long walk back to our house in the hills.

House and yard and sky
Back at la finca

He had left around 8am in the truck and I expected him to be back around 9am at the latest. By the time he came strolling through the gate he was covered in sweat and it was nearly noon.

It became immediately obvious in that moment and the next ones to come where our weaknesses and dependencies, and also our ingenuity and strengths were.

We have become very dependent on vehicle transportation for our every need and want. We use the truck to get a vast majority of our groceries at the grocery store, we take it to Mayaguez for items that we can’t find in Rincón and we even just take it down to the beach for yoga or a swim. In a sense, our truck has become our legs and without legs you start to feel immobile.

Another dependency was on the parts from “elsewhere” to ship to Puerto Rico. They make cars so specific now that each make and model has a unique part and all of these are made somewhere like China and have to be shipped in. So when the internet company somehow lost the product in-transit to Puerto Rico that left another major dependency. Where would we get this one unique part for our car that is rarely in-stock? Not to mention that this whole system-including the vehicle itself- runs on non-renewable fuel which we know is a limited supply. What would we do without fuel?

And then of course there is the dependency on money itself! What would we do without that?! (That’s a question for another day perhaps.)

Getting towed


Our strengths were that we have a great network of friends including our neighbors who after a few days helped tow the truck from the agro back to our place as well as friends who took me to the grocery store on day 7 of our carfree lifestyle and others who picked up a part for us in Mayaguez rather than Britton having to ride his bike there. It truly is important to have a strong social network and community wherever you go, and to make sure to help each other out!

Another strength was that we realized we really weren’t as tied to the truck as we thought. We walked down to Sandy Beach one morning to do a Stand Up Paddleboard yoga class as well as to a nearby convenience store/fruit stand and Britton rode his bike to a coffee shop.

Paddleboard yoga
Thanks to Cait at Sunburnt and Salty for this great class and our first time on a paddleboard!

And of course a big strength was that we could do this. We didn’t have anywhere to go or anyone to report to. If we had to go to work or drive somewhere every day it would have been much more difficult. Plus Britton has the mechanical and technical ability to trouble shoot and fix almost anything.

We also began to see the value in what we are creating on our farm. We really do have quite a bit of food. We had lots of scrambled egg breakfasts and egg and avocado sandwiches and tuna mixed with avocado sandwiches as well as passionfruit, coconut and sapodilla snacks. We also began to see the turkeys truly as a food source and not just amusing pets (though we haven’t yet made that transition). We did however get to the point, after a week of no driving (and therefore about 2 weeks of no major grocery trips), that we could just turn off the fridge. We began to fantasize about other non-system dependent transportation options, including even a horse and buggy!

Avocados eggs and coconut
Lots of eggs, avocados and coconuts!

Finally on day 8 without a vehicle Britton with the help of our friend Matt, managed to acquire and replace the fuel pump (this was a challenge in and of itself because they had to lift the truck bed and find something to prop it up with — in this case our cooler!)

Cooler prop
More than one use for a cooler! (Holding up the truck bed while Britton worked)

As we reflect on this car free period we definitely see how in the modern world, dependencies create more and more dependencies. For instance, people often have two vehicles just as a backup for their one or an expensive warranty and car loaner program from a dealership. This means you must spend more, have more insurance and more maintenance on both. All of the parts come from somewhere else and most people take it to a mechanic because vehicles (especially the newer ones) have become very complicated. And because nowadays most people don’t use their bodies for transportation (biking, walking, etc.) we get out of the habit of doing so, and therefore it creates a loop that makes us not want to do it.

Truck up
Disassembled it looks like a dump truck!

Britton and I had been talking about walking or biking to the beach (barely a mile away) since we moved here and it took us not having the choice to finally do it! It seems in many ways the convenience of things and the externalization of our problems (usually by just paying someone or using some device to solve them) has made us as people less connected, weaker and lazier as a whole.

So does this answer that question or just present more? I would say that if you are a modern person used to private vehicles that it would be very tough to live without a car in most of Puerto Rico. In the capital of San Juan it is probably very doable. For people who commute somewhere every day, it may take a little more reflection on the lifestyle you want (spent in traffic or in your local neighborhood) to make the changes necessary for a carfree life.  But even right here in Rincón we know some peoplewhose primary form of transport is a bicycle.

I am not sure we are ready to give up on vehicles altogether quite yet, but it was a good feeling to know that with just a little more preparation we could be just a tad bit more off the mainstream grid. And we are going to try and use the vehicle less in our day to day living. And to remember that it is a luxury, not a true necessity.

Playa Beach lunchAfter getting the truck running again we went out with some friends to lunch near the beach 

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Beware of Carrasco: Puerto Rico’s Poison Ivy

A friend of ours recently posted a warning similar to this title. Shortly thereafter, we were working in the area under our newly found avocado tree and we spotted the tell-tale leaves. They are holly-like lined with spikes. The plants can grow small or long and almost resemble a viney tree.

Comocladia Dodonaea

I was careful of handling it, but then a small amount touched my leg. I expected a painful burn like the stinging nettles we also have in the yard. But no, there was nothing at all. No sensation whatsoever. I was relieved. I had expected either a pokey burn or perhaps to swell up with hives as I do when I touch sunflower plants. So I thought perhaps I was one of the lucky ones that does not react to Urushiol, the plant oil in poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and Carrasco, this Puerto Rican poison ivy. We continued working without much thought again about the plant and cleared a nice sized area.

However, about two-three days later I started noticing rashes appearing in certain places, then more places. On my forehead, on my arms, on my hands, on my belly, on my back, all over my legs. I was covered in red welts. The next day they blistered up and then started oozing. They were super itchy and I sometimes just couldn’t help myself but to scratch them. I tried every ointment and remedy I could find. Hydrocortizone cream, anti-itch cream, turmeric, zinc oxide and cocoa butter.

Poison Ivy

Of these, the zinc oxide was probably the most effective but really, I just had to wait it out. After about a week, they had lost the inflammation and started to scab and heal. Working outside in the jungle is a lot of fun and hard physical work. It is difficult to want to wear a lot of clothing when it is 80-85 degrees and high humidity, but if you see this plant, beware! I certainly will be much more careful the next time I do! Thankfully, it is not widespread like some of the other jungle discomforts (like the biting ants).

Urushiol, the active compound in the plant’s sap can be neutralized with rubbing alcohol.

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