Category Archives: Gardening

Out and About with Baby

Out to a Mexican Restaurant in Aguada…he is not so sure of the whole thing!

Life with baby can be somewhat exhausting. He’s a good boy, but he still needs to eat every 2-4 hours even in the middle of the night which leaves us pretty worn out. We are starting to get the hang of it, though and have started to take him out and about with us around town. We are getting much better. We’ve had a few diaper blow-outs and had to find strange places to breastfeed, but overall, he is just sort of our tag-along and it has been fun to have a new sidekick in our adventures.

With friends Frank and Rosa at our first time back to Art Walk

At the beach

With our friend Tom in Isabela (on the table)

With friends Bill, Jenn and Liam

With our neighbor Julio at the farmer’s market

At a photoshoot on the property with friend Laura

Of course it’s not always easy!!

At Rincon of the Seas

At beach parties

Halloween (with our little magician!)

Silly Mommy and baby!

Me and the bebecito

Overall, he just sort of is with us pretty much everywhere we go and we love him so!

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Re-establishing a New Normal with Baby!

Not long after my discharge from the hospital (about one week), I began to feel very sick again. I soon felt weak and faint, could hardly breathe or walk and started to develop another fever. We ended up going back to the emergency room at Mayaguez Medical Center and I spent another week in the hospital with major hemorrhaging from placenta that was still retained even after having a D+C the week before. I lost so much blood that I needed 6 more units transfused for a total of 8 (the human body only has about 10!). Suffice it to say that it was a very scary time for us.

I am not sure we have fully processed that ordeal, but we are now looking forward to re-establishing a new normal as a family of three.

Britton and Aeden

Now we are happily trying to deal with the lack of sleep, feeding and changing schedules and the sheer confusion that comes with an infant instead of worrying about life and death issues. Thankfully, I am recovering quickly and am beginning to enjoy going outside and even working a little more in the gardens -something I hadn’t been able to do much of at all throughout the pregnancy.

“Hey, Momma, more boob!”

“Ok, enough with the pictures!”

We have mostly just been recuperating and settling in at home, but we have made a few voyages off the compound and we’re getting better at it.

A visit to the ocean

Enjoying our new normal at the finca -Aeden’s 1st month picture

And poor Kitty feels like he’s playing second fiddle, but we still love him! 🙂

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Catching Up: Baby Shower and Out and About

Boqueron for my Birthday

Life sometimes just sweeps you down the river and you hardly have a chance to pop your head up out of the water. Life events (and death) and mostly this pregnancy has taken us down all sorts of strange and stressful paths that has led us to dropping some of the balls, including keeping this blog up. While I have a moment I thought I had better at least share a few catch up photos from the last month or so.

Near Wilderness in Aguadilla

Lighthouse ruins (Ponderosa) of Aguadilla

Fun baby shower

With very nice gifts

Including a cool henna design

Friends and neighbors at the baby shower!

Henna design stain

Hiking through our jungle for the photo shoot -notice there are still a lot of down trees in this section of the property

My belly is huge! And I am nearly cooked!

Cool tropical flowers

Strange bug -longhorn beetle I saw in Aguadilla

Britton hiking our jungle

A “Survivor”-style shack on the beach someone built

I’m now in my 9th month and ready (sort of) for baby!

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Adventures in Jungle Taming: Felling a Giant Royal Palm

A Daunting Task

It’s not all planting flowers and building trails when it comes to taming our jungle. In this case, we had one of our favorite huge Royal Palm trees die of Thielaviopsis trunk rot. It’s a bummer because it was sort of the statement piece of this “room” in our botanical garden. This occurs when palms suffer some sort of trauma to their soft core such as tearing off palm fronds or wounding it in some other way. You know, the sort of thing a huge hurricane could do. After Maria all the surviving palms (the ones that didn’t get knocked over completely or bent in half like a straw), seemed to slowly come back replacing their fronds one by one. Including this one. But then a yellowing came over the spire and then the upper green trunk. The rot had been slowly and quietly eating away at the palm from the inside out. We kept thinking maybe it got struck by lightning and would grow back, but it never recovered. Finally the entire crown just fell off. If there is no crown, a palm can’t survive.

We contemplated just leaving the huge concrete-pole looking tree there, but we knew it would eventually start rotting away and pose a safety threat when it finally fell on its own, so we decided to chainsaw it down. Chainsawing is dangerous and even with a lot of experience, you can’t always predict where trees will fall. This one was a pretty scary job, and made this pregnant lady waddle away as fast a possible when the tree started coming right in my direction. Check out the video.

In the end it all worked out and we planted a new mango tree in its place. And the jungle grows on.

It smushed a mulberry tree, some bananas and heliconias, but we managed to save them

It stinks from all the rot inside!

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