Category Archives: Gardening

Colorado’s Bipolar Weather

Colorado is rather bipolar when it comes to weather. Yesterday, for instance, it was sunny and 73 degrees. Today, my work closed due to blizzard conditions with a high below freezing in April! Or put more simply in pictures of our Greeley backyard with the chickens:


Chickens scratching, taking dirt baths, tulips growing, yard greening, Kitty hanging out.

IMG_3062Chickens scratchingIMG_3063IMG_3057Britton with chicken

Avoiding the snow standing on one leg, feeling “cooped up”, snowy windblown eggs,  peeking out the door of the coop.

one legged chickenCooped Up
Snowy EggsIMG_3075


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Kicking Butt and Cleaning Up at the PR property

Well…It has been the most productive time I have had at the property in Rincon so far (but we’ve had some fun too).   We got the yard mowed with the modded trimmer.  I spent my morning finishing up the backyard trimming.  Then Matt and I moved on to cleaning the roof and prepping it for cross coat sealant.

Very productive day and my arms are very sore.  So we went to the beach and are now just hanging out on the roof of the cabana.  Which we decided may need a view improvement by way of chainsaw (more on that later…hopefully).

I also checked on a Pineapple Mango tree we planted a while ago as well as a Corazon tree.  Pics below.

Tall yard
Lots of Growth Since the Last Visit

Yard Mowed
Mowing to the fence line (backyard)

We planted about 10 Mexicola Avocado seeds last visit.  And three of them sprouted while we were away!
Avocado trees were marked by a cinder block so we could find them after a year away

Corazon Tree, it is doing very good and way bigger than when we planted it!!

backyard mowed
Mowed Lawn (backyard). Still lots of vines on the fence.

The next step was to start on the roof.  Matt started early so I don’t have a before picture but the alge was about 1/4 inch thick!!  It was basically green /black when we started and now it is white.  There were a few plugged drains and on one of them I used a vine as a snake to clear the clog!  LOL

Big Dustpan
Worlds largest dust pan

bubbles on roof
Scrubbing Bubbles

Mat scrubbing 2
Matt Scrubbing

Super clean results! Almost ready for the sealant

Matt was looking for something to clear the drain.  He mentioned that we should Macgyver it.  So I used some jungle resources to make a sewer snake and put it up the drain.

Jungle Macgyver

There has been so much going on it is hard to post it all!  Here is a picture of how the yard looked from the front before we started.  There was quite a bit of growth.


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Moving to Puerto Rico Checklist

Lately Puerto Rico has really been in our mind. We are MORE THAN READY to move mentally/emotionally. So we have been thinking about getting ready to move physically. We wrote up all the things we will need to do in the next few months so that we can just up and move there. A lot of this is a general checklist for moving pretty much anywhere, but some of it is specific to moving to Rincon Puerto Rico.  After living somewhere for so long (Greeley) there are things we just don’t think about much.  We have lived here in our first home for 10 years.  Things like car titles, using up old stuff, medical and school transcripts/records , making sure we have Social Security cards, etc.  Also we don’t really have an “address” to ship stuff to, so that will be something to figure out.

For those of you who have already made the move to Puerto Rico (or elsewhere), are there any other things we should think about/take care of before we ship out?

  • Banks (change over address and ensure future bank cards are delivered to us)
  • Open new Bank Account inPuerto Rico
  • Cars (get titles together, sell)
  • Buy new car inPuerto Rico
  • Go thru all Stuff/Junk (to friends/family, charity, sell or toss). *Question: How much should we take with or replace?
  • Find new homes for the chickens
  • Get Kitty’s vet records and learn what it will take to bring him with us on the airplane
  • Get house cleaned professionally (carpet, bathrooms, kitchen, etc)
  • Put remaining properties under managment(2)
  • Host a going away party!
  • Put together all personal / professional records
  • Call insurance agents to cancel car insurance and change home policies to rental and update address
  • Sell assets we can’t manage from afar
  • Use up old stuff and don’t buy new stuff (Frozen food, cleaners, canned food, bathroom supplies, etc)
  • Look for boxes and pack up / label and have family ship to us when we get there
  • Buy airline tickets and line up rental car for appx 1 month while we look for a new car
  • Find new homes for our plants (coffee, banana, orchids)
  • Get tax documents together for 2012 filing
  • Update address with property tax assessor, 401k, IRA, etc
  • Setup things we need down there (we already have water and electric.  Mayyyybe internet?  Cell phone? )
  • Find new server / hosting for website and promote

We have been thinking about this a lot more lately as it appears we will be moving our date up.  We don’t have an exact new deadline but we figure we can take care of a lot of these things now in preparation.  Stay tuned for posts on many of the items in the above list!

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