Category Archives: Flowers

How to Rebloom a Christmas Amaryllis in June

Similar to what I received

A couple of Christmases ago, my grandma gave me a giant amaryllis bulb as a present. These are fun to grow because indoors even in the dead of winter they will bloom and give you a flowering treat. We watered it and that winter we had a nice big Amaryllis. I kept the plant (surprise, surprise) and continued to care for it, watering it, etc because I thought it would come back the next winter with another showy bloom. But it never did!

It just had these long green leaves that hung off the table. They aren’t ugly or anything, just not anything worth looking at. So I checked the internet how to rebloom an amaryllis flower. Apparently they are actually called a hippeastrum, but commonly called an amaryllis since it’s in the same family. They are tropical plants (yay! I can have them in Puerto Rico in the yard!), but they need a dry season. The dry season was what I wasn’t allowing it to have because I watered it like the other houseplants.

You can see it to the left shooting up like asparagus

So it said to put the plant somewhere dark and forget about it for about a month or two. I put it in the garage in mid March and told Britton I would take it out on tax day April 15-a day I was likely to remember.ย  I left it there, didn’t touch it or water it or anything for about 40 days or so. Then I (thankfully) remembered to take it out and gave it a good watering around April 15th. One of the two long leaves had died back yellow, so I cut it off, but the other one was still alive.

Just about to open -with a spider on it

I wasn’t sure if it would make it, but it was worth a shot. It started growing another leaf and then right before we left for Puerto Rico in mid May (about a month after I revived it), I noticed a shoot coming from the center. When we returned it was growing tall just like the rest of the jungled yard. It just kept climbing and climbing until finally it started to develop blooms and burst forth with huge blossoms.

So, now you know how to get an amaryllis to bloom again! Just treat it really badly for about a month and it will shower you with beauty. ๐Ÿ™‚ You don’t have to do it in June, just plan out about two-three months before you want it to bloom. Then put it in your closet or somewhere that won’t freeze and forget about for about a month. Then pull it out, water it daily and it should bloom for you in about a month from that time. This plant really should be an Easter favorite instead of Christmas as it resurrects itself after you are sure it must be dead!


Super tall with a smooth stalk

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From One Jungle to the Next

We got home yesterday after a torturous day of travel (red eye and 2 lay-overs) to a jungle of our own at our house in Greeley. All of the plants had filled in the front area and the grass was overgrown especially in the backyard where it gets lots of fertilizer in the form of chicken poop. Of course, this “jungle” is nothing compared to the one we just left, but it was kind of nice coming home to Colorado in full summer bloom…made it feel a little bit more inviting than had we come back to negative 20 degree weather.

Colorado Flowers

Colorado Flowers filled to the brim

In comparison, I have to remember we left plant life and vegetation that looked more like this:

Puerto Rico Sea Grapes

Puerto Rico Flamboyan Tree in Bloom

Tall Grass in Backyard in Greeley

Tall Grass in Puerto Rico

Ok, so there’s really no comparison there.

Britton with Machete and a King Palm if I’m not mistaken

We’ve never needed a machete to walk through our backyard in Greeley, but we definitely did in Puerto Rico! ๐Ÿ™‚

We also don’t have a beach with a defunct nuclear power plant (Domes Beach) in Greeley -ha

We are feeling bittersweet about being back in Colorado knowing that there is a whole other world in Puerto Rico just waiting for us to get back to it…but we have so many ideas on how to make it an awesome property that we have to work and save a little more money to get down there for good. It’s kind of nice being back to all the comforts of home and this new perspective will help us make our home there even more comfortable. In the mean time, we’ll enjoy the Colorado summer and the miniature jungles that come with it.

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Out and About

The baby chicks aren’t really babies anymore and really don’t belong in a (human) house all day long. So, we’ve been letting them spend most days in the greenhouse when we are at work and then we take them in at night since it can still be down in the high 30s at night


This weekend, though, it was such a nice day that we decided to let them out in the main yard. We weren’t sure how the big chickens would treat them, and I was (am) a little overprotective of them. They are still only about 5 weeks old. But they are looking little miniature chickens now already! They grow so fast!

The chickens were much more interested in their food than they were in the chicks themselves. It does look as though we have one that will be competing with Henrietta as the top chicken. She is the barred rock (black and white one) in the video. She is still being told who’s the boss of the yard, but it will be interesting to see how that pans out as she gets bigger.

Also, here are a few pictures from around the yard. This weekend we finally got some nice weather -it has been so windy for all of April.

I think these are called grape hyacinths

The tulips have been blooming for about a month!

So have the dandelions

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Gorgeous Orchids

I love orchids. I had always heard how hard they are to grow, but they’re not! Really they’re easy! Especially for someone like me who always forgets to water plants. They like to get dried out between waterings so it is so simple! Just wait till the sphagnum is dry then water until it’s moist again. They really don’t need any fertilizers or even dirt because they are epiphytes or air plants. They derive what they need straight out of the air and water! Like magic.

Another great thing I love about orchids is their bloom length and time. The blooms of these orchids stay on for months on end. They unfurl one at a time until the whole thing is covered in flowers for a month or two. I love that they start budding in January or February and bloom right before everything else in the yard wakes up. They are great indoors here in Colorado and perfect in the tropics as well!

White Orchid

The Kitchen table is getting full of orchids

It is one collection I don’t mind increasing! ๐Ÿ™‚

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