Category Archives: Fun

A Walk to the Beach (and Other Spots)

We live just down an offshoot of the main road of the 413 in Rincón and about 3/4 of a mile from the beach. So whenever possible we try to walk. Walking provides a different sort of perspective on the world. You are much more likely to stop and talk with your neighbors along the way, you notice the small details and life just slows way down. We walk down to the bakery, friends’ houses, the gas station, Sandy Beach, food stops and other spots. When Sean was here we took even more walks because we pushed pause on a lot of our other projects.

Hanging out with Will and Sean
Britton, Will and Sean hanging at Jackie’s Gyro place

Cassie HammockHammock relaxing
While I literally hung out

Sean also took a few solo walks and found a path from our house directly to the beach and so we all decided to go for the hike to check it out. Britton and I have been curious about a trail that would supposedly end up at the beach but we hadn’t ever actually taken the trip.

Through the back jungle

We took a machete and just followed Sean’s lead through little creeks and over small bridges, bamboo clumps and flower-carpeted trails. We took our time and stopped to admire all the things we came across.

Field on walk
Open meadows

Flor de maga -Puerto Rico’s official flower -looks like hibiscus but is not

We even came upon these beauties covered in burrs that made their manes look like Rasta dreads

We then popped out of the jungle and right into civilization at these mostly empty condos

Beach palm tree
And onto this beautiful coconut palm fringed Rincón beach

It was a fun little side quest that took us only about a 30-40 minute walk through the jungle. You never know what awaits just out your backdoor. Sometimes the best adventures are found on your own two feet.

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Our First Band Gig

Our band played out our first show as the final performance for the 3rd annual Legends Surf Classic at Harbor Restaurant right near the public beach in Rincón (balneario). Not 20 feet behind us the moon was glowing on the lightly lapping waves. It was a great show with a nice turn-out. We have practiced long and hard for it and while we are still improving, I would say we rocked it!

Band daisy
Thanks Daisy for this photo. For this show the band included (L-R): Caitlin (vocals), Mark (guitar), Isabella (vocals and tambourine), Me (vocals and tambourine), Rick (keyboard), Chris (guitar and vocals), Britton (bass), Kevin (trumpet), Will (guitar) also not visible Rob (drums) and Dave (saxophone),

As for the band itself, it’s sort of hard to describe our sound, but I suppose the closest description for genre would be psychedelic funky reggae rock with a surf twist. Yah, quite the mouthful! Or someone described it as a mid-60s Greenwich Village vibe. I’m not sure. It’s very unique I think because we all bring very different musical backgrounds. We just play what we like. Over half of our songs are originals and our covers are quite a bit changed.

Caitlin Chris Cassie
Caitlin, Chris and I sing

It’s a big group. We started with only about 5 core people this summer but can accordion up to 10-15 depending on availability and season since so many people are here only part of the year. We try to keep to the roots of a jam band with long songs and slow builds. It’s been a fun process and a lot of work practicing to get to this point of playing out.

Under the tent
Under the tent (thanks Robin for most of these photos)

We’re still learning a lot about being a band. It’s like having 5 or 10 boyfriends/girlfriends. Each with unique needs and desires. And communication is key. It has helped me appreciate bands that can stay together for a long time. It’s truly almost like a marriage with a bunch of people. Not to mention that once money is introduced into the equation it changes things a bit.

Rob Rick Will Squid
Rhythm section

Good crowd!

Thanks to Squid for this video (we had some mic technical difficulties but at least it was a jam song)

We still have a few kinks to work out and we are constantly adjusting and improving, but I can say with certainty that this night was one of the best moments in my life. No matter what happens I can now add “band member/singer” to my resume of things I have been/done in my lifetime. And to be able to do it with Britton and these amazing people just adds to the sweetness. Pretty awesome.

Band Hans Solo
Yah! Get up, get down! We even had an unexpected guitar hero! (photo source: FB)

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Gozalandia and Salto Collazo

For our last day with our friend Sean here in PR we decided to show him Gozalandia. The owner of the property has done some major work with accessibility since the last time we visited and almost all the paths are paved now!

Path through Gozalandia to each of the waterfalls

We came in January as it happens again so it was much quieter than it can be in the summer months though the water is a bit chillier too. Such a beautiful movie-perfect spot.  


But the chilly water wasn’t stopping me this time. I decided I was going to swing off the rope into the water.

Getting ready

Now hang tight then swing, release… and splash!

So much fun. With a splash I was suddenly under water in the most deliciously cool freshwater ever. I climbed up the  rocks and let the water from the cascade wash over me as a natural shower. The boys weren’t interested in swimming and just enjoyed the beauty of the place.

Hi from behind the waterfall!

Then we walked to the larger more well-known waterfall. It was interesting seeing it from above and looking down because of the new paths. It really made me remember just how crazy those guys are who not only jump but dive head first from that height! It was also pretty slick and mossy and Sean gave us quite the scare when he slipped on his butt up there! ¡Cuidado!

Imagine jumping (or slipping) from here!

I think it is the coolest looking rock face

Sean enjoying the view

We spent some time talking with new friends we met there at Gozalandia and I was asked again by someone else if I was Puerto Rican! I think that is the most awesome thing that with my Spanish I can “pass” as Boricua de pura cepa as he called it. The final test was for me to yell out “¡Wepa!” which I did loudly and without hesitation and so I passed -haha. Accordingly I am now officially adopted as a Puerto Rican 😉


We stopped in Lares for some lechón, but they were sold out for the day so we had chicken, pasteles and arroz con gandules instead. An employee told Britton we could come back tomorrow for the lechón. They had about 8 spits and walked Britton into the cooler where 10-15 pig carcasses were hung. He told Britton that people from the area raise the pigs and then bring them to this little restaurant to be processed. Very local and fresh pork.

When we left we drove by and then stopped to see Salto Collazo.  This waterfall really isn’t much in comparison to the ones at Gozalandia except on the other side of the road is a huge cliff drop off.

Little Salto Collazo is right on the road and there is no real pond/pool

And we ended the day enjoying a wonderful sunset over the mountains

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Crashboat Beach and Harry the Pelican Whisperer

Sean liked our Rincón beach day so much we thought we might take him to another nearby beach: Crashboat in Aguadilla. The last time we were there we were just exhausted and didn’t have much time to enjoy it.

Crashboat from the lookout point

This time we came prepared. We brought our cooler full of cold drinks, chairs, swimsuits, towels and snorkel gear. We also stopped in Aguada at the best little pollo al carbon spot for some awesome chicken and mashed viandas.

Crashboat with Sean
Fun times with our friend

We enjoyed eating, drinking and playing on the beach. There are always a lot more people at Crashboat than most beaches, and it added to the social and good-spirited vibe of the place. People are playing music, bouncing volleyballs around, jumping off the piers into the water, surfing the small breaks and laying in the sun.

Crashboat from the pier
Crashboat from the pier looking toward the coastline

As for us, we walked around for a while, swam, snorkeled and laid in the sun. It was a beautiful warm January day.

Britton snorkeling

Before I jumped off the pier into the ~80 degree F water with Britton

Britton and Sean palm tree
Britton and Sean on an island in the sun

Surfers catching small waves

Sandy leg
And me catching some golden rays on golden sand

“Hey, look over there!” Says Britton as I get pummeled by a wave

One of the coolest things we saw, however, was a man called Harry the Pelican Whisperer and his friendly flock of pelicans. He has trained these wild birds by throwing them fish and shrimp. This was quite the hit with everyone. They will do various tricks for him like spin in circles or jump up on people’s arms. To hold them he just asks for a donation of your choice or to buy something from him. Pretty cool guy. He knows each of them by name and talks to them in both Spanish and English. Bilingual pelicans! To get this up close and personal with the pelicans was a very cool experience. I pet them a little too. Their neck feathers feel almost like fur and their faces up close look like Dr. Seuss characters.

Cassie and Harry the Pelican Whisperer
Harry, Me and a Pelican

Pelican close up
Friendly pelican

Cassie and 2 pelicans
I was able to hold two at a time! Their web feet are so weird to feel

Some people were a little afraid, but I think since we have chickens and turkeys we are less intimidated by birds.

Harry and the Pelicans in action

Crashboat beach
Playa Crashboat

Later on that evening back in Rincón we played music with the band and then at around 11pm stopped by Surfer Spot for The.Best.Cheeseburger. Ever! So, so good. Now I understand why Jimmy Buffett wrote a song about a cheeseburger. Seriously. A fantastic day.

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