Category Archives: Fun

Season and Party Greetings 2016

Whew! We are in the midst of the Christmas party season here in Puerto Rico! It has been so much fun! We hope all of you are enjoying the holidays as well!

We have been going out to parties and events almost every single night for the past 2 weeks!

A fun ugly sweater/white elephant party with our great friends the Kersch’s- a little hard to find sweaters in the tropics though!

I still somehow managed to garner 3rd place in the contest though! haha

And afterward we ended up at the neighborhood bar where the reindeer (me) played some cowbell

The winter solstice party on the beach was awesome too!

 musica group-at-the-beach
We hung out with friends, played music, hula hooped and played with fire

Our friends the VanEes celebrate 3 birthdays in December! We are always honored to be included

formerly-known-asOur band also had a gig at Calypso which was a lot of fun!

Thanks to Daisy for this pic

When we’re not out partying, we’re still slowly and steadily moving over to the cabin and spending time enjoying the beautiful tropical winter.

Hooping you have a Merry Christmas!

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Festival Yunta de Bueyes 2016

We went down to the Yunta de Bueyes Festival again this year. This was one of the very first festivals we attended when we moved to Puerto Rico in 2013. While Rincón may be thought of as a gringo haven, you wouldn’t know it by this festival as we saw probably only about 3 other gringos the whole time.

Festival with the parade of bueyes (oxen)

We had planned on just going to the park but we must have picked the right time as the parade was just starting. So we were able to watch a lot of the parade and then walk to Plaza Amistad. There were a few oxen, lots of horses and even more cars and tractors. We even saw a Lamborghini…which seemed quite odd in this rural traditional scene.


We took a little side shoot down to Playa Lala on our way to the festival because in Rincón you are never far from the beach.

At Playa Lala Rincón

Getting pulled along during the parade

At the festival we saw more oxen, ate some pasteles, arroz con gandules, drank some Medallas, listened to music and wandered around looking at all the booths and people.

Check out this guy’s mustache!!

Mmm pasteles, arroz con gandules y ensalada

Like stepping back in time!

When these oxen pushed against me I wasn’t so sure the stick would hold them there!

And check out this decked out bicycle!

The party never ends here in Puerto Rico! Especially at Christmastime.

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Palominito Island Adventure

Isla Palominitos shining in the distance

We recently took an island adventure to Isla Palominitos also known as Palominito Island. This is a tiny islet off the coast of Fajardo that is so small it is more like a sandbar than an island. At one point in time it had a bit more vegetation and palm trees, but due to some storm damage and erosion, when we arrived it was desolate. Still, there was an intense beauty and rawness that beckoned us to enjoy it.


We started our day off early in the morning around 6am and saw a rare (for us) sunrise on the drive out before caravanning with some friends. It’s a long drive from Rincón (the farthest west) to Farjardo (the farthest east) and after a couple of short stops and many toll booths we arrived at the Marina a little before 11am. Some other friends had left the day before and we met them at the dock to load up onto the boat that we chartered with a man called Captain Mingo for $35/person.


A fun group of friends!

On the boat trip we took the long route and saw the islands of Icacos and Palomino Island before finally arriving at our day destination: Palominito. The water was the most turquoise blue I have ever seen! It was truly the Caribbean destination of the magazines. All that was missing were the coconut palm trees!

Vibrant cerulean and turquoise colored waters

When we arrived we set up camp sort of like on Survivor with some tent sails. We turned on some tunes, grabbed a cold drink from the coolers and set out to the warm water.

setting-up-camp boneyard-camp-2
Setting up the area we named “Boneyard Camp” for the bleached trees and white coral fragments

Coral fragments of the Boneyard

We had the whole island to ourselves for about an hour and then a few people came and visited us. They said that from afar it looked like we were having a grand party. And in fact, we were!

White sand beaches and crystalline waters all to ourselves!

We greeted the first “invaders” to our island and found out that they were with a movie production crew. It’s such a great spot that even Pirates of the Caribbean has had a scene on Palominito (when it was a little more of a lush oasis).

Our visitors with me and Jill on the ends

Britton and I laughed that we drove 3 hours just to go to another beach, but it was definitely worth it! We liked the adventure of the boat, the new area and the feeling of being castaways on a deserted island. We had a lot of fun just lazing about in the water, tossing a football around and taking fun photos.

Thanks to Daisy for this pic

point-sitting floaitng-aroundThe water was like a swimming pool!

fly-like-an-eagle Flying!

Postcard perfect!

Britton and I enjoyed the gorgeous day

Strike a pose with the moon

We spent about 5 hours out there eating, drinking and being merry on an island in the sun. When Captain Mingo returned we were a little sad to leave. On the way back, Britton even got to drive the boat for a while! He said it takes a little bit of getting used to because you have to steer using opposite inputs.

Captain Britton at the helm

As we were unloading everything from the boat and into the truck some drunk fisherman crashed right into us! Britton ran over and moved the truck out of the way of the ramp and then he rammed us again and started rambling incoherently at us! Captain Borracho as we now call him. Thankfully he only hit our bumper and did virtually no damage to our truck! These are the unknowns to any adventure! After all that commotion we decided to just head back home rather than spend more time with friends in Fajardo like we had planned.

On the way back we took the northern route through San Juan instead of the southern Ponce route. If you are coming from the west coast I would suggest always taking the southern route. There are fewer exits to navigate and much less traffic.

Overall our day trip to Palominito Island was definitely an adventure and the beauty was beyond compare. For anyone who loves raw nature and the idea of just hanging out on a small deserted island with white sand beaches and crystal teal waters this is the place for you!

cassie-picA perfect place for taking beach bunny photos!

Please enjoy this video of the trip!

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Sea Turtles and a Beer

We generally don’t do a whole lot of tourist activities around Rincón for a few reasons. One, we are pretty frugal and two, since we live here we don’t really feel like tourists. However, there is a lot of cool stuff that happens when you are out and about in Rincón. Recently, we have been going out and seeing thing with fresh eyes again and focusing on the moment.

Beautiful stretch of Sandy Beach 

One day we decided to go out to Tamboo Restaurant on Sandy Beach in Puntas which is probably one of the most quintessential tourist locations for food and drink directly on the beach. We were enjoying our meal and Blue Moon beer when we heard a bit of commotion and many people rushing to the edge of the deck and then jumping down to the sand. People from the beach looked up at the growing group of people. And then the bubbling excitement. The sea turtles hatched and were working their way to the sea! We had brought our camera, but the battery was unfortunately dead, so we just enjoyed the scene together in full awe that we had serendipitously come across.

After finishing our meal we ran back home for the camera and caught the VERY LAST ONE

We watched these moment old “Careys” AKA Hawksbill sea turles struggle and dart in a straight line for the water. It was interesting to think of them with an innate drive to their destination that would hold so many challenges. So fragile and so strong at the same time. The people all around cheering them on, placing bamboo poles as a border and removing any rubbish in their way but also letting them do what they needed to do without too much interference. Could that be a metaphor for life and our role for others? I look forward to seeing them soon when we are out snorkeling at Steps.

The last of the group after the final turtle merged with the sea

There are so many magical moments to being alive that I don’t think we always fully recognize them until much later. Living in a world that is so different from the one in which we left is full of struggles that we never fully anticipated but it is also full of wonder and marvel. We all seem to be just like these turtles just working our way to the next adventure beyond.

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