Category Archives: Fun

Lizard Internet / Mango Wireless

Our normal morning routine is to wake up, make some coffee and zone out on the internet for a bit until we start our daily do-ings.  Lately however our internet setup hasn’t been working!!  So my routine started to include walking over to the other side of the property and checking out our wireless bridge.

I can usually check segments of our network from the cabin, but lately the cabin has been completely cut off!
Climbing the Pole
The higher the wireless router inside this little box on the utility pole, the better signal we get from our neighbor’s router that we share with.

The Problem

Pretty much every day there is rat poop on top of the box, with some leftover parcha or starfruit.  So I know the rats have been hanging out on top of the box.  But these wires are inside of the cage I built!  They can’t be getting inside?!

Another Possible Hacker

I saw this one on top of the goods one day too.  But again, it is waayyyy too large to get into the box and be able to chew the wires up!  So probably not the one I am looking for.

It wasn’t until the other day I finally saw the culprit!

Ah Ha!!! (click to enlarge)

There has been a small lizard living inside the box and eating the cables every night!  The power cables are pretty chewed up but power cables shock them once they eat all the insulation, so he stops.  With the Ethernet cables however, he just chews right thru them.

I’ve mended the Ethernet cable probably 5 or 6 times now.  I covered it in some really thick waterproofing tape and that seems to be working for the moment.  I also will be hunting this little pest.  He is fast and I found myself chasing him with a stick the other day!  It was really quite humorous.

The other idea I had was to electrify the wire cage so that it isn’t such a nice spot for critters to sit and hang out.  I don’t think it will take much to do, but something I’ll have to figure out!  Maybe in the next revision?!

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Domes Beach and El Faro Park Photoshoot

This time of year, it is just so gorgeous out. There is less humidity so the visibility is perfect. The ocean seems bluer than normal and you can see Desecheo very clearly. The waves are also starting to come in and so there are more tourists and surfers in town. We took the opportunity to go out and take some photos and video of our beautiful and beloved corner of paradise. We have been developing an interest in photography, modeling and videography and our skills are improving. Hope you enjoy.


“Let us go to the beach!”

Bienvenidos al faro de Rincón!

Up on high


Beautiful colors

Reflections in Lenses

Far out, Faro

Siren on the rocks

Britton at Domes Beach

A beach beauty’s first time surfing

Danger and beauty




Go lightly

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¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Bienvenido 2017

Here we are, another year gone by. Each year that passes we have an opportunity to reflect on the one before and plan for what’s to come. For us, this has been a year of many beautiful moments and also many challenges and hard work. We are hopeful for what the new year brings. As we finish up the cabin and get the cabana ready for visitors, we move to another level in our property and goals here. We are also evolving in our relationships: in the band, in our friendships and family and in our marriage. We hope that your 2016 was a good one and that 2017 brings you joy and all the lessons you need to fulfill you on your journey!

Feliz Año Nuevo from Cassie and Britton!

This New Year’s Eve we ran some errands and then jammed with the band. Later that evening we went out to La Copa Llena for the countdown and party. It’s a beautiful place near the Marina where the ocean laps peacefully at the soft sand beach. Here are some photos of the day and evening.

Turning a corner in The Corner (Rincón)

Jamming with our new member, Tod

Britton stepping out of a 1940’s Jazz Bar

Poniendome elegante. Dressing up for the countdown!

britton-grapes grapes-countdown
12 grapes for the 12 months of the year

Fun with friends

colin-and-cassie colincassiewill
Even some of the cast of Saturday Night Live would rather be in Rincón than New York City over New Year’s! (With Colin Jost and Will Forte)

What opportunities are knocking this year?

La despedida del año

Wishing you love, health and prosperity for 2017!

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3rd Christmas Pig Roast on the Beach

We had another great Christmas pig roast on the beach. This year marked our 3rd time at this party! It’s always so much fun to be at the beach on Christmas. Some people love a white, snowy Christmas, but I can’t think of a better place than here to celebrate! Here are a few fun pictures and of course a video.

Christmas day in Rincón

Friends on the beach!

Don’t need anything but a swimsuit, drinks and some music!

With our friend Jeff

I love this smiling guy! (Thanks to Daisy for this pic)

And a nice sunset!

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