Category Archives: Colorado Daily Life

Chainsaw Wood Carving in Greeley

Before I lived in the old schoolhouse in Nunn, I lived in a small house in Greeley. After my parents and brother moved from Nunn, they moved back to the Greeley house. It is at the end of a T road and cars often forget to stop at the stop sign or they slide through on icy cold winter days. The house has narrowly escaped being hit by various cars throughout the years, however the yard plants and cars that have been parked out front have not fared as well and have been hit a few times.

In the matter of just an 8th month time span, two cars hit one of the old spruce pine trees that had been there since before I was born. We hoped it would survive, but  soon the tree began to wither away dying from the impact.

The tree stump – you can see the impact marks on the right where a car had hit it. You can also see the “T” street

Finally the time came when it needed to come down completely. My mom hired some tree removal specialists but thought maybe there was something she could do with the stump that had been a tree that I had often played in and around with my next door neighbors as a child. She thought perhaps a student artist may be interested in carving it. I put my feelers out and posted something on both Facebook and Craigslist looking for any info on wood carver artists. A friend suggested the Chainsaw Mama, Faye Braaten who has done wood tree carving work in Loveland and the Greeley area.

My mom talked with her and about a month later, they settled on a price and time for the carving to take place. My mom picked the perfect subject for her carving: a happy dog and cat. She currently has four dogs and a few cats, so this fit her just right.

I was able to see some of the carving myself and it is very impressive! Faye does a great job and can really handle those chainsaws! Here are a few pictures and a video of the process.

Chainsaws are ready!

A Greeley Tribune Reporter came out to take pictures and write up a story!

Early in the process

The face taking shape

The face more pronounced and the body coming together


Nearly complete wood carved dog and cat

She uses a torch to darken some parts and a grinder to smooth it a little -here the cat is visible as well

My mom’s cat, Scarlett is black as was our cat Boo-boo and so she darkened it. I think it created a nice contrast against the yellow lab

Detail of the dog’s face

Close up of cat

We brought the dogs out to see as well. But the real cat wasn’t interested 🙂

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A Chicken Cam View of a Broody Hen

I went out to get the eggs and had noticed that Henrietta had been on the nest for most of the day. I think she’s getting a little broody now that she’s getting old (about 3 years old). I thought this video was kind of cool from the perspective of the chickens.

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What We’ve Been Up To

Not a whole lot to talk about right now, but I thought I could at least give a little update. Britton and I continue to work and work, saving up and planning our escape. It’s also fall, so we’ve felt the transition in our bodies. And we wonder if we will get that seasonal mood change in Puerto Rico? Or maybe just ever so slightly? Hmm. Here we definitely have been getting the pull to move less, and eat more which is exactly the opposite of what we love to do in the summer. We did take part in our first 5K that was sponsored by my work. You can read about it here at  The Rad Dish. And speaking of…I continue to write health education tips and recipes for that site which has been a lot of fun.

At the 5K race

Britton has had to work some pretty crazy hours with his on-call schedule and its really burning him out. Some days he’s been putting in 15 hour days and having to wake up at 2am for some upgrade or another. And then Schnoodle wakes him up just as he’s falling asleep at 3am. Brutal schedule. I am enjoying my work and like that I can get out of the office about half the time to do my inspections. My other position coordinating the health disparities grant working with the health promotoras is going well. And we are hiring for our division director and two new health educators as well. So lots of change and movement in my office.

I recently gave a presentation to the Colorado Minority Health Commission

I’m working on another  personal project with a group of women to interview inspiring women. That should be interesting. I’m also hoping to attend a seminar series with Britton that my friend recommended. Britton, Kelly, Todd and I have also signed up for a basic yoga class at the Greeley Fun Plex. It should be worth the laugh if nothing more! 🙂

We are loving our choice to move to a property management company for our rentals. We will still need to move one more as well as our personal house when we move, but so far, it has been great. Worry-free! The first of the month comes around and we don’t fret like we used to.

We are trying to decide if we want to go down to Puerto Rico this November or January. I think Britton at least wants to go down there and fix things up a little. I’m not sure if I want to go or instead save up my energy and anticipation for the big move. The 12 hours worth of red-eye traveling there and 12 hours back just drains me. I’d much rather wait for the one-way ticket. But we’ll see. The sleepless, insomniac traveling doesn’t seem to bother Britton as much as me.

We have a few other things going on with friends and family such as the transformation of the tree stump at my mom’s house that should be pretty cool. Britton and I are also continuing with our weight loss goals through Weigh and Win (check that link to see my then and now -in August- weight loss). We’ve both lost 10 lbs so far and should be receiving our $15 incentive card any day now.

The house is currently empty (besides us) as our last medical student left at the end of August, but we usually get a new student about every other month or so. It’s a nice balance.

All in all everything is still chugging away. Keeping busy, seeing friends and family, starting and finishing new projects at work and home. Now that I’ve written it all down, I guess we have been up to quite a bit! 🙂

And King Kitty and the other animals are doing just fine! 🙂


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Surprises from the Greenhouse

It’s getting to be that time once again where we need to move all the happy tropical plants from the humid, wet and hot greenhouse back inside for the winter. Tropical plants can’t live below about 40 degrees F, and so we have to bring them in to the climate-controlled fake tropical space we create around here in our house for the winter.

When Britton started taking the citrus, pomegranates and pineapple plants in he also brought in the coffee tree. To our surprise, the little red berries had lost their skin and fruit pulp and so the bean seed started sprouting! (We saw the rolly-pollies at work on the red fruit pulp earlier.) So cool!

Coffee bean sprout

The coffee bean sprouts are awesome!

We went to the store and found the perfect pot for the coffee sprouts!

After moving out the potted plants, he was also able to get a little deeper into the greenhouse and found all these cucumbers! Surprise! Guess what we will be eating for snack for the next week!

A sink full of huge cucumbers

If the greenhouse is any indication of what we’ll get in Puerto Rico (which I think it is because of it’s consistent humidity and water) then we will be in for some fantastic gardening!


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