Category Archives: Colorado Daily Life

Nice Day for a Drive to Estes Park

I woke up yesterday and didn’t really have anything to do, so I figured I’d take a drive up to the mountains while I still can.  Driving up to Estes on a Thursday is definitely the way to go.  Traffic was virtually non-existent and the roads were completely dry and clear.
Hill Top
Coming back from Estes (Glen Haven Road)

During the summer months these roads get so packed with people (tourist season) that it takes a lot of the flow away from the driving experience.  The road has long sweeping turns that keep you engaged the whole way up.  The Big Thompson Canyon is a road I have been on virtually my whole life.  When I was a kid the family would take trips up.  When I started to drive it was a common destination.  It is a drastic departure from the mundane straight highways that are on the flat plains of Colorado and it is only about an hour away from Greeley!

Countryside in Estes (around 8,100ft)
When we move to Rincon I am either going to list my Corvette for sale, or store it away.  I am not sure yet.  I thought about shipping it, but it just doesn’t make much sense in PR.  It has stayed rust free living it’s life in low humidity and salt free air.  I think it could get destroyed in fairly short order if it were to live in PR with us…lol.

In any case it is nice to have a fun classic car that is V8 powered with a 4 speed to climb up hills effortlessly.  My Honda doesn’t do nearly as well.  It doesn’t use nearly as much gas either!  It is more about the smiles per gallon.

Car at Stop
Car at Stop

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Cabin Fever

Snow’s been coming down and it has been pretty cold. That means lots of movies and reading. And thinking about Puerto Rico.
For a peek into our mind, here are some of our books:

Compact Cabins
Cabin Designs -A different kind of cabin fever!

How to buld with stone, brick, concrete and tile
How to Build with Stone, Brick Concrete and Tile

I think there is a theme here….

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Our First Moving Bag to Puerto Rico

Since Britton is going down to Rincon in a little more than a week for  a short trip to check on the property, get a little work done and help our friend in his search for a Puerto Rican property, we thought we should take advantage of this trip to send some of our stuff with him.

So we went down to the Arc, a local Greeley second hand thrift store, to look for a suitcase that we could fill up and then just leave there AKA our first moving bag to Puerto Rico.

We found this suitcase (now filled and ready for PR) for $1.25!

It was a little hard to decide what to put in the suitcase because, after all, we still need to live here for another 9 or 10 months. But we filled it with stuff that we thought would be handy there and that we could live without here (and that weren’t really that exciting for possible thieves). For instance, our juicer, waffle maker, some glasses, some plates, our fish platter, an extension cord, hammer and screw driver and a few knick knacks.

Britton really just wants to start out fresh down there and buy everything, but I reasoned with him that for everything that we bring and don’t have to replace at retail price we will save a lot of money. One checked $25 bag full of $200 worth of stuff saves us $175 in replacement cost. Plus, shipping 50 lbs of stuff via mail would be a lot more than $25.

So if you see someone sporting this exciting and fashionable 1980s brown luggage with a red racing stripe, you can say ‘hi’ to Britton. ha!

Also, while we were at the Arc he also just happened to spy this pair of Doc Martins, that fit him, for just $8! Awesome deal and he loves them!

Doc Martins
Doc Martins



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We’re in the News…Again!

What a cool way to mark the start of the new year…to be on the front page of the newspaper (in a positive way).

Cassie and Article

This week we were interviewed by a Greeley Tribune reporter about our experience with the Weigh and Win program, a program that truly is a Win-Win proposition: lose weight and get paid an incentive! Today, the story came out in the paper and online.  They charge to read the whole thing, so we took pictures of the hard copy if you want to read it (click to enlarge below).  As you may remember, we were on the cover of the paper a few years back after the whole backyard chicken debacle, but this time it is much less controversial.

Tribune Front Page Weigh and Win Last page
Click images to enlarge and read full article

Britton and I have really enjoyed being a part of this program and wanted to spread the word about it, and so we didn’t hesitate to help out with the article. We both have lost almost 10% of our initial body weights -me around 14-15 lbs and BK around 16-18 depending on fluctuations. We were both slightly overweight (but not obese) for our heights and now are very close to a healthy range.

Here are our then and now pictures from the Weigh and Win kiosk (after all what’s a good weight loss story without before and afters! 🙂 )

   bkbeforeBK After
Britton Then and Now

cassie beforecassie after
And me…

A few minor things to clarify from the article: It says we did it without exercising and that is not exactly what we said, we said that we didn’t add any extra exercise to achieve this weight loss. Even before attempting weight loss, we have always made walking or some form of movement a daily part of our routines and lately we have done a few yoga classes here and there too. It’s just that 80% of weight loss and maintenance comes from our food choices. Exercise is awesome, but it takes a whole lot more effort to run 20 minutes than to just not eat that extra cookie. 🙂

Also, a note on the incentives: we each make about $15 every quarter for each 5% bodyweight loss we achieve (it’s more for people with more to lose).

I would encourage anyone in Colorado (or if they expand elsewhere) to sign up for this program. I truly believe that most things in life are win-win situations if you simply change your frame of mind, and in this case, the win-win is not too hard to find in losing!

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