Category Archives: Greeley

Posts about Greeley, Colorado or the Greeley area

Grasshopper Gluttons

We have a ton of grasshoppers out front in our flower beds. Whenever we walk past the flowers you can just hear them jumping to hide somewhere else. So Britton and I decided we would harvest this chicken delicacy.

When we fed them to the chickens we thought they would go nuts. But no. The chickens liked them, but were not as enthusiastic about them as I thought they would be. It was as if they were saying, “yah, we get those all the time out here”. But they still ate them all! Good protein and omega-3s for our eggs! Circle of life and all that.

Yum! A jar of grasshoppers 🙂

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Curanderismo, Swimming, Bicycling, and Fence Building!

This weekend has been very busy. Even busier than my three-day birthday weekend! On Friday night we had a visitor come to our house. My friend Ofelia told me about this man she met in Juarez, Mexico who is a curandero, or traditional folk healer and also a sobador – a type of healer who uses touch to heal -sort of like a masseuse. Anyway, she said he was coming to Colorado to do some sobaduras to various people and she had told him about me and how Britton and I would at some point like to have a child but were not, as of yet, able to. So he wanted to see us. So Friday night he visited with us and my mom as well and talked with us quite a bit in Spanish which I mostly understood correctly. A lot of his advice was spiritual in nature, but some of it was pretty down to Earth as well.

Then he basically gave each of us a chiropractic session popping my back and twisting my arms and legs. It was kind of awkward but also pretty interesting. I didn’t feel any differently after, just as I didn’t really feel any differently after 4 months of acupuncture, but what the heck! Worth a shot and he only took donations so…we thought it would be an experience. Which it was, if nothing else.

Later that evening we went over to a party for a little while.  Saturday morning Britton went about building a fence gate for his parents at their house. After he was done with all that work for the day, we decided to go swimming at Centennial Pool which was so nice and refreshing since it was about 100 degrees and super sunny out.

With friends at the Moonlight Bike Ride

Saturday evening, though, we went to the 2011 Greeley Moonlight Bike Ride. We went last year and knew it was a blast, so we encouraged some of our friends and family to come out as well. My mom and her companion Anthony came as well as our friends Matt and Jamie and daughter. It was a long ride with a lot of uphill pedaling so we were pooped out by the end. Still, we ended up winning a gift certificate to the Texas Roadhouse and had free sandwiches at the end of the event. It was fun even if it was about a 13-14 mile ride!

Today Britton finished up the fence gate, we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse, and then just hung out at home. We watched a movie, went grocery shopping and cleaned the house a little. It was a fun and very busy summer weekend! Now, back to work!! 😛

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Neighborhood Garage Sale

Today we had our annual neighborhood garage sale in Greeley. The advertising for it is paid for by our HOA (through our dues). It’s a great opportunity to get rid of some stuff and make a little money. Luckily we don’t have too much junk around our house, but I had started to save up a few items that I wanted to sell. I also made some iced tea and spice muffins and sold a few of those as well! It was really hot out, but it was nice to sit and listen to music and make a little money.

Britton helping out some potential customers

We also saw a really pretty butterfly visit some of our flowers while we were sitting there.


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Latest Vacancy -Filled!

I know this isn’t the norm for rentals all the time, but apparently the rental market is super hot right now. We had another tenant give us his notice that he is moving out of state for a job and would be vacating the house at the end of the month.

I posted an ad for the place figuring we’d have a month to find a good tenant. We had such a huge amount of interest with great candidates/applicants that the vacancy was filled the first day! We already have a signed lease and all the paperwork done!

The house when we bought it

Not only did we again improve the lease language, but we even increased the rent and still had a huge turn-out of interest. Makes me think we probably could have asked for more, but we are happy with what we got. It’s times like these that make you think being a landlord is a breeze.  But it’s the other times when something breaks or you have difficulty collecting that you want to pull your hair out. It’s a balancing act for sure. I know that renting out property is not for everyone, but for me, I really enjoy it. Especially when things go so well.

The living room after we painted and had the wood floors redone

I really like houses in general -I like walking through them, imagining living in them, seeing their potential. Homes are so intimate and yet necessary. They are so much more than just “a roof over your head”. Where we live is where life is! I find it kind of cool that we provide a home for people- one of the most basic necessities in life.

Plus there is the ability to help the worn out, tossed out houses (like foreclosures) shine into warm, beautiful homes again. When we fill a vacancy- a vacant place- we fill a void with a soul again. And I like the makeover part just as much -even if it drives Britton crazy. 🙂 I am really excited about our Puerto Rico property for these very reasons. I’d love to turn the old dead throwaway property into something wonderful, vibrant, and useful again. I am ready to  fill that vacant space with life –our life, transplanet!

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