Category Archives: Greeley

Posts about Greeley, Colorado or the Greeley area

Greeley Tree Branches Everywhere!

After the first snow of the season and then a subsequent snowfall only a few days later, all the deciduous trees in our area suffered. Most of the trees still had all their leaves and so the snow just weighed them down like heavy blankets. That first night we could hear snapping and cracking and a lot of people were out of power for days because they had broken on top of power lines, and then those came down too!

The oak tree behind me in this picture lost its top completely

The city of Greeley initially said that they would come around and pick up any broken branches that were piled on the side of the road. Now they are saying to bring them to them as there are a LOT more tree branches than they realized. If you want more info from the city of Greeley about the tree clean up (of which they have already hauled away 16,000 cubic yards!!), including location and hours for drop off and pick up, you can see their press release here.

A LOT of trees!

Most of the hugest piles have been cleaned up, but there are still quite a few piles of trees everywhere in Greeley. It looks like a hurricane or tornado passed through! And the poor remaining trees look really sad and some of them have split straight down the center. I’m sure a good many of them won’t come back next spring unfortunately. Thankfully, we uncovered ours from the snow before they snapped.

You can really see how much Colorado has turned into the cold, dead season

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When Zombies Ruled Downtown Greeley

Last night we went to the Spook the Plaza Zombie Crawl in Greeley. It was really fun. I talked Britton into wearing zombie make-up, but he didn’t want to wear any special zombie clothes (“I died this way”, he said).

For the make-up, I used mostly just regular household items like Elmer’s Glue and tissues for the sores on the face. For the blood, I used honey, red food coloring and chocolate syrup (to darken it up a little). The rest was just from my own makeup supply.

Britton staying still as I applied the zombie makeup

Making “blood”

I think we turned out pretty good and scary! Check us out!

Scary Zombies Downtown Greeley

When we were ready, we went downtown Greeley to the Sky Nightclub. There we learned the beginning to the Thriller dance. Then afterward we performed it outside. We only did the beginning of it, but the dance troupe Colorado Dance Collective finished it. They closed off the street where we were dancing and a car tried to get through, instead all the zombies tried to attack it. It was pretty funny.

Afterward, Britton and I had a little snack at the Rio Grande and then watched most of “Creepshow” at Kress Theatre until Britton fell asleep. It was a fun night…of the living dead.

That is, until we had to shower to get all the sticky blood and paint off our faces…then things got really ugly! 🙂

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Colorado’s October Snow

Nearly every year in Colorado, you can expect the first snowfall to come at the end of October. I remember growing up, we used to go trick-or-treating on snowy Halloweens all the time. We would have to wear huge coats over our cute costumes, so that even if we were a witch or pumpkin or skeleton, we really just looked like cold snowy kids with masks or paint on our faces.

Early this morning -lots of drooping sad trees -even our peach tree!!

This year followed the tradition, but just a few days early. We went from 80 degrees on Monday to low 30s. And here in Greeley it wasn’t just a light dusting of snow either. They are saying close to a foot or possibly more has fallen since last night when it changed from rain to snow. All through the night our power was going off and on and woke us up about 4 times. When we looked outside by 4am everything was glowing from the white sheet that lay across the ground, trees and houses.

The snow is as tall as Schnoodle

School District 6 is closed as is UNC and some other institutions had delays, but not my work; I had to roll out of our nice warm bed (with our flannel sheets and down comforter) and into the cold white world. The trees were all drooping from the weight of the snow on their still-leafed limbs and there were quite a few broken branches littering the roads.

The young chickens don’t know what to do in the snow and Kitty got to sleep inside last night (he is usually a mostly-outdoor cat).  Schnoodle also got to stay inside during the day for the first time since her bloody incident. But she did venture out for a little while…


What I was really worried about though, was our poor Lil Big Apple trees. It was as if they were no longer there!

That little blip in front of the rose bush is supposed to be our apple tree!

So I went over to uncover them…Sorry the video is so crazy. I was trying to film while at the same time shoveling myself a path from one tree to the other.


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Greeley Zombie Pub Crawl

This Friday Britton and I are planning on going to the Greeley Spook the Plaza Zombie Pub Crawl. We will be dressing as zombies and even performing the Thriller song downtown. I think they are even going to close off the roads so we can zombify them. We might go to Kress Theater for a free scary movie afterward also. If you want to meet up with us, let us know (but we might not be recognizable as the un-dead- haha).

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