Category Archives: Greeley

Posts about Greeley, Colorado or the Greeley area

Greeley Blues Jam 2012

We look forward to the Greeley Blues Jam every summer. We’ve actually never been to the full concert series on the Saturday of the Jam, but the Friday night before, they bring all the bands to various bars and restaurants in downtown and let people listen for free!

So we rode our bikes from our house and stopped at my mom’s house and asked if she and her companion, Anthony, wanted to ride with us down there.

With my mom and friend Shana

We walked around a bit and every few steps we ran into someone else we knew. It was pretty cool to see so many people out in Greeley.

Britton talking with a couple friends

It was also the first time they had “go cups” where you could walk around the cordoned off areas with alcoholic drinks and wander into other bars with them. It reminded me a lot of New Orleans with all the music, people and drinks. Well, a little more controlled and less rowdy than New Orleans, and no zydeco but I think it went really well.

Street performance

It was a party atmosphere and even though we didn’t even sit and listen to too many of the bands, I’d say it was one of our favorite Blues Jams yet.

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Fire in the Sky

Summer brings out a lot more excitement in Colorado (not counting those huge snow storm blizzards). Everything comes alive and we get some pretty crazy weather and fires in the mountains. These last couple of days we’ve had both! We had a huge thunderstorm come through that dropped enough hail on Eaton, a town about 5 miles from here, that some people had to bring out their snow shovels! But here, we just had a cool light show with a little hail and rain.

To the west heading up the mountains towards the Poudre Canyon in Larimer County about 30 miles away from us, there have been some pretty big fires. Right now there is one that has consumed some 5000 acres. Here in Greeley we can see the huge plume of smoke and it leaves an eerie, but beautiful red sunset. While all this weather and natural events keep things exciting, we hope everyone stays safe out there!

Out our back porch…It looks like a cloud, but that’s fire smoke!

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Busy Beginning to Summer

This past week has been super busy. The day after we closed on the sale of our rental, we had a little dinner party with a few friends at our house. It was fun seeing everyone and catching up. It was also another way to celebrate.

We showed off the garden and the chickens and had a nice Italian style dinner.

Our friend, Dean, with Henrietta in the backyard

Then this week in addition to our busy work schedules with inspections and grant writing for me and an on-call schedule for Britton, we also had another rental in Evans come due for the term of the lease. So we did the walk-through and considering they did 80% of their move-out in less than 2 days, it was surprisingly in great shape.

Outside of the house (we’ve been working to green up the yard)

Living room

But we did have a few repairs to make, so we spent most of yesterday evening and today going back and forth to Home Depot about three times, putting in burned out lightbulbs, painting wall patches, cleaning windows, putting on new trim and fixing a door that had apparently been punched. That took the most time as the replacement door didn’t quite fit and so we had to plane it down to size. It made a huge sawdust mess, all over Britton’s car. lol

Rincon or bust!

We enjoy our work on the rentals even though sometimes it can be aggravating and time-consuming when you don’t know what you’re doing. But we keep getting better and always have an eye on the prize at the end of the day. With these busy Colorado summer days, there’s always something going on.

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We Sold a House!

Today was our closing on one of our rentals. It was definitely a bittersweet feeling. We have come a long way since we first bought the house with the rainbow cabinets, pink rooms, carpeted bathroom and out of date style. (If you missed it, you really should check out what it looked like before…and after we were through with it.)  Overall, we have had 95%+ occupancy rate with it, and we always said that we would live in the bungalow ourselves. We’ve made good income on it, and our purpose of it was for income when we are living in Puerto Rico.

However, last summer, we also had tenants from hell who only stayed there for about 5 days, but really traumatized us. We just couldn’t ever satisfy them and I think especially Britton tied that feeling probably unfairly  to the house. So when we talked with our real estate agent and she told us we could easily get $30,000 more than we paid for it a couple of years ago, we thought it was a no-brainer to take it.

We figure that this lump sum sale will help us in Puerto Rico just as much if not more than the smalll monthly rent checks could. We can transfer the funds from this property into improvements in Rincon like fixing up the concrete cabana, the wooden house AND build another cabana or pool. With those improvements we should easily make more monthly income there than we would here from the rental house.

One last moment with our first-ever sold house

Still, I was of two minds about it. Britton was ready to let go of the burden. He said he already feels lighter, like letting go of baggage. I am excited about the prospects for Puerto Rico, but still hadn’t quite let go of the house. Today, though, we visited the house one last time and thanked it for all the lessons it had taught us, and all the people it had housed. We blessed it for the next people to live there, and released it. It felt really good.

At the closing today, we met the young couple who bought it. They are super-excited to live there. It is their first home and their energy was contagious. I had a strange feeling of birth and death and rebirth. For us, our chapter of life with that house is closing -dying- but for them it is just beginning! And from that energy transfer, the loss of this property to us will bring forth a new life -our new life in Puerto Rico. Pretty cool.

Anyhow, we decided we should commemorate this day with something that is a reflection of it. We bought a piece of authentic pottery/art. To us, it represents something from Greeley that brings something tropical. And it is usable as well! We loved the colors and glazing technique the artist used.

Our pottery fish platter

Close-up Details

After the closing we also celebrated by going to our favorite restaurant: Bisetti’s in Fort Collins.

Outside Bisetti’s in Fort Collins

After dinner we walked around downtown Fort Collins, went and played at an old school arcade called Pinball Jones, found an outdoor community piano (!?) and had a great time. Things are really coming together for us and it makes us super stoked for the next chapter that is to come.

Man, I’ve forgotten most of my piano lessons!

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