Today was Cassie’s birthday. She took the day off and I was working from home (as I was having car troubles). She had a good day and we started the day off with a nice breakfast. Then we rode our bikes down to the Rio Grande for lunch where she got a free burrito for her birthday as well as a margarita. Then we took a little break and laid in the sun outside for a little while with Schnoodle and the chickens.

Hanging out in the yard on a sunny summer day: Cassie’s Birthday!
I also got Cassie a present that she had fun opening!

Cassie opening her present

Seltzer water maker!
We don’t drink pop but every warm evening night we like to drink “Nojitos” or alcohol free mint/lime seltzer drinks and juice spritzers. We thought it would be fun to make our own seltzer water instead of buying it! Definitely something we can/will use in PR! We still need to get the CO2 canisters, and Cassie is anxious to try it so I’ll probably have to pick them up tomorrow. I thought it would have at least one canister with it. It’s like getting a toy with no batteries! lol
Then later that evening Cassie’s mom and boyfriend came over for some ice cream cake. Also the neighbor kids like to stop by and play with the chickens and plants with Cassie, so when they found out it was her birthday and that there was to be ice cream cake, they wanted to stick around which was a lot of fun.

Birthday cake with the neighbor kids

Cassie and her mom

With neighbor kids

Then they played and drew with chalk
See, I told you, she’s still like a kid. Now do you believe me? haha.
Anyway, as Cassie’s mom would say, “Happy Birthday, Cassafrass!” and as Jack, Cassie’s dad, always would say, “Happy Birthday, Kiddo!”
Oh and I fixed the coolant leak on the car with a spare hose I had in the garage. Over all a productive and different day!