Category Archives: Greeley

Posts about Greeley, Colorado or the Greeley area

Cafe Panache in Greeley

The other day Cassie and I finally had a chance to visit Café Panache in downtown Greeley.  We had been meaning to eat there since we heard about their opening in the newspaper.  They focus on crepes, soups and salads.

Located in downtown Greeley

We showed up at lunchtime and ordered a turkey/provolone/sage crepe, a romaine salad and an order of curried pork with cherries.


The restaurant has a nice French café feel to it. They play French music, serve chilled water in a wine bottle and is creatively decorated.

Cassie in front of the menu and some of the unique decorations (melted and repurposed albums)

The food was fresh and tasty and appropriately priced (everything was around $3).  I hadn’t ever had curried pork that I can remember, but I thought it was pretty good. Overall a fun spot.

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Gardens Galore!

Our garden has been producing like mad, as has my mom’s. We brought home some Armenian cucumbers from her house where they were growing over three feet long and zucchinis that will make great stir fry and breads! Craziness. We’ve been enjoying cucumbers and tomatoes and lots of salsa. You’ll have to stay tuned to The Rad Dish for the recipes. I still haven’t figured out what to do with the flying saucer squash we grew called patty pan. It’s very cool looking though!

All from our garden!

Salsa fresca hecha con verduras del jardin!

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Changes Come

Summer is starting to come to a close. The evenings are considerably cooler. The chickens’ laying has gone from about 5-6 eggs a day (from 6 chickens) down to about 4. The sunsets are just gorgeous and it’s the perfect temperature outside to sit outside and watch the chickens as they strut about. We have been harvesting our peaches, plums, cherry tomatoes and herbs. The watermelons, squash and cucumbers are still growing so we still have some time left yet. It is bittersweet because we know winter will be here soon and this outdoor life will soon be shut out (and we will be shut in) again. But, the really scary/exciting/strange thing is that this will be our last winter in Colorado! I think it’s starting to hit us…the change is coming. Or rather, it is always here, but sometimes you can feel it as it moves under your feet like an earthquake or underground rumbling river.

And so, sometimes you just have to look out your backdoor and appreciate all the beauty around you right now. Schnoodle is getting really old and each day has a harder time, each day another change comes for her. She loses her sight. She loses her hearing. She loses her teeth. She loses control of herself and where she is. But she gains so many years! She is about 15-16 years old! Our own little ancient being. And still she hangs on. Still she loves a treat and being pet. How do you know when your loved one is ready to move on, that the big change is ready to come? Who are we to decide her fate when she still seems to have joy in living?

Schnoodle with strawberries earlier this summer

We are also planning our trip this week to the western slope to visit my dad’s grave in Meeker and to see Palisade and the Peach Festival. Strange to remember my dad’s own big change from this world to the next was just (or is already) two summers ago. Changes come. We can fight them and we can hold them back or we can let them flow. Either way, changes come.

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Just Peachy!

We have sooo many peaches right now. It’s really cool. Our tree has just been churning them out. They are oh so good and sweet and soft. Some of the early ones were a little tart and hard, but even they softened and sweetened up. This week Britton went to pick some and we came away with over 30 pounds of them! And there is at least that many left on the tree still!

Each bag is about 6-7 lbs!

Briton in the tree harvesting the peaches (he is camouflaged with the sky)

I have brought one basket full to work, and we also made gift baskets for our family.

All the produce and flowers come from our gardens!

And still we have too much! So we have been eating lots of peaches for breakfast and for snacks/dessert. You will have to stay tuned to The Rad Dish and see my lovely peach cobbler. But here is a sneak peek:

Peach cobbler in the saucepan

What’s more is we are also planning our mini-trip to Meeker and Palisades next week for the Peach Festival. Talk about getting peached out! Oh, well, can’t complain too much about beauty and abundance! This is what we imagine our lives will be in Puerto Rico all year long, except instead of peaches it will be mangoes…and pineapples…and starfruit….and lemons….and bananas…and coconuts…and avocados…and….. I think I can get the  hang of this fruit farming thing! It’s just peachy! 🙂

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