Category Archives: Building

Back to Work: Decking and Framing Triangles

We had taken about 3 weeks off from working on the cabin, but we are back to work at a nice even pace now that the roof is on (and therefore everything is protected from the summer afternoon rains). Currently, we are on the deck and finishing the framing. Before the break, the guys worked on mini-columns to hold the 6×6 posts for the deck.

Mini colums
Mini-columns for the posts

Once they were cured, they set the posts in place and then installed the headers and ledgers.

Deck beams
Installing the headers to the posts

Next up, we needed to sand and waterproof the boards and then Britton worked alone to set all of the beams.

Sanding Boards(small)
We should have just used water proofer on the beams inside the house as these turned out great!

Britton Deck
Britton working on the Joists

We need to get more boards for the top of the deck and they need to dry out from being treated before using a waterproofer. So in the meantime, Britton and Waldemar worked on framing the triangles. We wanted to make sure the house has plenty of airflow and light, unlike the previous wooden house.

Framing triangles
Framing the windows of the triangles

Looking up at house

We are nearing the point where the shell of the house will be completed and then we get to do the fun stuff like connect it to electricity, water, the bathroom, kitchen and finishing work. Building even a small house like this takes many, many little steps, but we are getting closer every day!

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Beginning the Deck

This last week we began the process of building a deck. This first entailed taking down the scaffolding from inside the house and using the materials to build more batter boards.

Inside of house without scaffolding
Inside the house without scaffolding

Batter boards for deck
Building the deck batterboards

Next was to mark and dig the footers and then to pour them.

Down below waldemar and jorgeHello down below! Getting ready to dig the footers for the posts

And then they worked to fill the footers and then the mini-columns that will hold the deck posts.

Deck footers
Footers/mini columns

Next up will be to put up the actual posts, headers and ledgers and then the supports.

In the meantime, the gardens are growing really good. Check out these pitangas we have been gathering!

Pitanga aka Surinam cherry

And these interesting ornamental ginger flowers on curving spiral stalks.

Ginger flower
Unique ginger flower

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The Cabin Roof is Finished!

The roof was one of the largest (and most expensive thus far) tasks of the cabin. First we had to deal with those beams which turned out to be a huge headache and frame the roof…twice. Then we had to paint 32 panels of siding for the underside in the hot sun and then haul them over to the site. Next was to tar paper the whole roof and put up the purlins.

Tar paper
Tar paper on

It was finally at this point that we could order and get started on the actual metal galvalume roofing. We chose a red color and I think it turned out beautifully.

roof panels going up
The roof is pretty steep, but Waldemar (unlike the rest of us) had no fear

Roof half done

Lifting the roofing


There is still a little gutter work that needs to be done, but overall the roof is finished. We finally have a dry, shady place for all the tools and materials (and people). And just in time too. We had gone about 3 weeks with no rain while we were in the process of the roof and then, the rains came. Britton happened to be in the cabin alone after the roof was finished as a major rainstorm started and he said it was wonderful! Secluded, rainy, jungle green outside but nice and dry inside. Just how you would want a roof to be!

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A (Silly) Video Tour of the Finca

We often have people visit who are curious about what we’ve been up to, so we thought it would be fun to do a little silly video tour for those of you who can’t visit in real life. We had fun making it, and we hope you like it. We should probably do a video like this every year to see all the progress we make. We’ll see about that.




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