Category Archives: Blogging

What We’ve Been Up To

Not a whole lot to talk about right now, but I thought I could at least give a little update. Britton and I continue to work and work, saving up and planning our escape. It’s also fall, so we’ve felt the transition in our bodies. And we wonder if we will get that seasonal mood change in Puerto Rico? Or maybe just ever so slightly? Hmm. Here we definitely have been getting the pull to move less, and eat more which is exactly the opposite of what we love to do in the summer. We did take part in our first 5K that was sponsored by my work. You can read about it here at聽 The Rad Dish. And speaking of…I continue to write health education tips and recipes for that site which has been a lot of fun.

At the 5K race

Britton has had to work some pretty crazy hours with his on-call schedule and its really burning him out. Some days he’s been putting in 15 hour days and having to wake up at 2am for some upgrade or another. And then Schnoodle wakes him up just as he’s falling asleep at 3am. Brutal schedule. I am enjoying my work and like that I can get out of the office about half the time to do my inspections. My other position coordinating the health disparities grant working with the health promotoras is going well. And we are hiring for our division director and two new health educators as well. So lots of change and movement in my office.

I recently gave a presentation to the Colorado Minority Health Commission

I’m working on another聽 personal project with a group of women to interview inspiring women. That should be interesting. I’m also hoping to attend a seminar series with Britton that my friend recommended. Britton, Kelly, Todd and I have also signed up for a basic yoga class at the Greeley Fun Plex. It should be worth the laugh if nothing more! 馃檪

We are loving our choice to move to a property management company for our rentals. We will still need to move one more as well as our personal house when we move, but so far, it has been great. Worry-free! The first of the month comes around and we don’t fret like we used to.

We are trying to decide if we want to go down to Puerto Rico this November or January. I think Britton at least wants to go down there and fix things up a little. I’m not sure if I want to go or instead save up my energy and anticipation for the big move. The 12 hours worth of red-eye traveling there and 12 hours back just drains me. I’d much rather wait for the one-way ticket. But we’ll see. The sleepless, insomniac traveling doesn’t seem to bother Britton as much as me.

We have a few other things going on with friends and family such as the transformation of the tree stump at my mom’s house that should be pretty cool. Britton and I are also continuing with our weight loss goals through Weigh and Win (check that link to see my then and now -in August- weight loss). We’ve both lost 10 lbs so far and should be receiving our $15 incentive card any day now.

The house is currently empty (besides us) as our last medical student left at the end of August, but we usually get a new student about every other month or so. It’s a nice balance.

All in all everything is still chugging away. Keeping busy, seeing friends and family, starting and finishing new projects at work and home. Now that I’ve written it all down, I guess we have been up to quite a bit! 馃檪

And King Kitty and the other animals are doing just fine! 馃檪


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The Rad Dish…New Website Project!

My friend Kelly and I work together at the Health Dept in health promotion and are always talking about health issues, and especially those that affect us directly the most. She had recently read a couple of books by some food and health bloggers and knew that Britton and I write this blog, so she asked if I would like to do a collaboration blog project with her. I thought it was a fabulous idea! We used to be health bloggers for the Greeley Tribune which is the newspaper for this area, so this is sort of an extension of that, with a little more personal touch.

The Rad Dish!

We’ve just set it up, so it will be formatted and changed around a little as we get things going, but the basics are there! It is called The Rad Dish and we will be posting the latest health news and tips as well as our meals and exercise and some just plain fun stuff as well. We hope you’ll have a chance to stop in a see what we’ve been up to by way of food, exercise and health. You can also “like” the Facebook page too: Facebook/theraddish.

One of the features of the site that I am most excited about is the ability for readers to upload a picture of their own! For instance, you could take a picture of your plate of food, or your grocery cart or even the insides of your pantry or refrigerator and then we will give you feedback on the best ways to improve it for health (if needed) and give a grade score! You can check out this post as an example.

We hope you visit it and like it! It’s a fun project, but still work, so it’s always great hearing from people that it is useful to them.

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Our WordPress Blogs Were Hacked!!

Over the past few days, some of you may have seen a pop-up from Google notifying you that we may be distributing malware!

Well….As it turns out a hacker got access to our web host. They gained access to all the core files that run this web page as well as our other blog They were able to insert some kind of redirect that only happened occasionally on certain pages.

Google “crawls” webpages nearly every day for content and in turn this is how they feed their search engine. In addition to scanning for web content, if their Googlebots happen to come across a page that redirects them, they flag your site as having malware. This is bad for a few reasons.

Google, for the most part, controls the internet. If you get on their blacklist for any reason, traffic will simply stop flowing to your site. This is what happened to us. Some browsers like Chrome or Firefox will display a warning based upon this blag flagging by Google:


This was the first time I had this happen to our websites. So it was again, time to learn about it and figure out how to fix it. In some ways I enjoy a good challenge, it seems to be what my brain was tailored for. I checked our webhost and since there were multiple sites that had been hacked I figured it had to be compromised. I updated all the passwords on wordpress as well as on the host. I then moved all the sites from the host back to the Linux box in the basement that I used to host from.

Google’s webmaster page allows you to have them recheck your site for the malware once you’ve done something to try and correct it. So after I moved everything off the host I had it re scanned. Well….Still infected!

At this point the next step was to replace all the core word press files. It’s unlikely that the content was hacked (pictures, music, etc) but was just the core PHP files that run WordPress. So I downloaded a fresh version of WordPress, then copied in all of our content and re uploaded the package. Google re scanned and, it came back clean!! So we are safe to browse again and actually I am not sure if we ever weren’t safe. I never did find the code that was compromised, but rather took a shotgun approach and just replaced it all with new.聽

If you’ve noticed that our style looks a bit different, that’s why.聽 I still have to go thru and add some stuff back in.聽 Or we may use this as an opportunity to redesign our site.聽 We’ll see.

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Vintage Rinc贸n

In this month’s issue of El Coqu铆 of Rinc贸n, there were quite a few old vintage photos of Rinc贸n and its residents back in the 60s, 70s and 80s. It made me think how cool it was back in Vintage Rinc贸n. And while we can’t go back to those days, we can recreate it somewhat in our photography.

I found this really cool site called Pixlr-O-Matic. It is like the Hipstamatic/Instagram app you can buy to make modern digital photos look vintage, but it is completely free and on the web. So I played around with a couple of pictures. I think they turned out cool, and I might use it again from time to time!

Here’s an example.

The before:

A picture we took in Rincon a couple of years ago of an airplane buzzing the water with Desecheo Island in the background

And after- a Vintage Rinc贸n shot! I think it looks way cool!

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