So…this happened.

Yep our trusty old camera bit the dust. It had already lost its lens cover, couldn’t zoom any more, couldn’t take very good night shots, had sand in it and the screen would fog up with humidity when it rained.
Here’s how it finally gave up the ghost.
We were out in the yard and I saw that the chickens were acting really weird. They were all together and seemed disturbed by something. We immediately thought hawk, but we looked to the skies and we saw the little pitirre in the nest was not disturbed at all. Finally we saw what it was: an iguana. We had been talking about bagging one for a while (as they are very destructive especially to plant and bird life and an invasive species). And this was our opportunity. Britton grabbed the pellet gun and the camera. Then he handed me the camera, and he took the gun. The iguana stood still on the low-lying tree branch and Britton had a clear shot. The iguana jumped and fell backwards on the branch. Britton went to get his gloves to grab it but it somehow came back to life and fell into the brush, completely camouflaged.
So I watered the trees while Britton went on a hunt under all the branches and trees for the wounded iguana. While watering the trees, I also accidentally watered the camera that was hanging from my wrist as well! Oops. I didn’t think too much of it because it has survived so many mishaps, but when Britton came back carrying an iguana upside down by the tail, I tried to take a picture and it would not work.
We didn’t want to let this moment go without a photo, but we could not fix the camera and we ended up just having to take a crappy picture with the laptop.
First iguana!
We cut up the iguana and were going to try and eat it but the skin/scales were like super hard leather and we ended up just hacking at it so much that we gave it to the chickens who devoured it! Now we know a little more about how these creatures are made, so that when we are ready to actually eat it we will be able to properly butcher and skin it and then cook and eat it.
Unfortunately our camera was toast and so we made the difficult decision to buy a new one. I have a really hard time letting go of stuff because I know all the quirks and how they work and it seems like new stuff always has too many weird functions that I will never use and they get rid of features that I like! But we finally picked another Canon and it seems to work pretty well, though we are still trying to figure it out. It does take pictures with filters which is kind of fun to play with and so we took a few test photos of the animals in the yard.




Even the pitirre bird!
The filters are fun, but it seems to take pretty decent regular shots as well though we are experimenting with the color a little.
The turkeys are getting big but still look funny when they do their little turkey poof
So it seems that while we shot the iguana, the iguana sort of got the best of our old camera and it will never take another shot.
However, while all things come to an end, new iguanas and new images are sure to come.