Saturday was a fun day and night. Britton found out one of his long-time high school friends was going to be driving through Colorado from Texas and wanted to hang out. Shana asked me if I wanted to go Contra Dancing, which I had never even heard of before she told me about it, and so since Britton had company, I went with her. It was SO much fun. You get a little dizzy with all the twirling, spinning, swinging and so on, but it was awesome. I was sweating and laughing the whole time.
Contra is hard to describe. It is kind of like square dancing, except it is done in a long line and to what kind of sounds like Celtic music. It’s a little like those old Elizabethian movies where they move between each other and switch partners except people weren’t all that dressed up. There were way more women than men, so I think if Britton ever went with me, he’d be a hot commodity.
Hangin’ w/ the Black Chicken before we left
Getting Ready to Join back in to the line going the other way
Some of the girls from work who went: Pam, Me, Kathy, Shana
All the Swinging to one side left my right hip sore
After Contra, Shana dropped me off at home but Britton and Sean weren’t there, so we (Shana and I) decided to go meet them at the bar. We hung out there and talked for a while-till about 2 in the morning, but then the time fell back because of Daylight Saving and it was only 1:30am when we got home. It was a fun day.