Tag Archives: chickens

Greeley Chickens back in Play

Well the city council has decided to put it back on the agenda for Feb 16 where they will hear public input and vote.

We are on a chicken rollercoaster.

We are getting very indifferent on the issue. Either situation isn’t completely desireable. The current code isn’t good but the proposed code is almost worse because of all the micromanagement and bureaucracy.

Reminds me of a saying. “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”

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Weld County Fair and a Fun Weekend

This weekend Britton and I did quite a few fun activities. We went to the Weld County Fair to see the chickens and other livestock. There were some bantam chickens that were about the size of robins. They even had what looked like little robin-eggs. We saw chickens that were nothing but fuzz and huge turkeys.

How many turkeys do you see? 😉

Chickens and egg
Interesting looking chickens and tiny egg

Then we saw the cutest thing: a baby pygmy goat. Pygmy goats are smaller than most mid-sized dogs and so the baby was only about 6 or 8 inches off the ground. I have decided that if we have goats in Puerto Rico, they  will be of the pygmy variety so that they can’t jump as high (in addition to the cute factor!).

Pigmy Goat
Full grown pygmy goat

Baby Pigmy
Baby Pygmy

The fair also had a car show which I thought was an interesting juxtaposition of rural and urban, but that is kind of what Greeley is -a fairly large city in a largely agricultural county.

This weekend we also went over to our friends’ house and played Rockband. On Sunday we visited Britton’s family and had an outdoor bbq. The weather was perfect and so I went with my niece and nephew, Schnoodle and Britton’s parent’s dog for a long walk.

Our nephew wanted us to put a picture of him on this blog dressed up in his full get-up: a terrorist/foreign soldier. Isnt’ it interesting what kids like to play dress up as. Quite the sign of the times…Still, he looked pretty close. I think he looks like he could be an extra in a Cuban revolution movie!

Terrorist D

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And Now, Time for the Lilies

White Lilies
Lily-bloom profusion

I just noticed the lilies are blooming again! I can’t believe  how the  time goes. We are already half-way through summer! When you grow things you really notice the seasons. The chickens are getting big and should start laying some time in August I am guessing. I can’t wait to see a green egg! That’s what the Americana is supposed to lay. The other two are brown-egg layers.

Chicken in the sky with clouds
Holding the New Hampshire Chicken in the air

Britton and I have a three day weekend starting tomorrow which we are really excited for. He has been working so much on the little rental that this is really the first moment for a break (and we’ll still be doing odds and ends). I am not too sure what we’ll do for the Fourth, but I’m sure we’ll think of something.

Orange Hybrid Lily
Orange Hybrid Lily After a Rain

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Kitty and the Chickens at Sunset

This is our evening treat out our back door. The white chicken puts herself to sleep in the fancy coop before the young girls do. They like to hang out on the back porch with us for a while before bedtime. Here’s Kitty and the chickens at sunset.

Kitty and Chickens
Kitty and Chickens

Kitty Chillin'
Hanging out at Sunset

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