Now that two of our pullets are laying eggs, they’ve decided they don’t like laying eggs -or sleeping- in the the chicken coop. They will roost on the chain link fence right above the coop, but they won’t go in unless we actually physically put them in at night. As for the laying, I was getting a little worried when I didn’t see any eggs at all even from the older hens for two days in a row.
I checked the place where they had liked to lay before under the unruly rose bush by the house, but no, there wasn’t anything there. I thought I had looked everywhere until I glanced into the mint bush and just happened to spy their clutch in there. It was so well camouflaged that I asked Britton if he could come out and try to find it. I don’t think he ever would have if I hadn’t shown him where it was. Right under our noses and super hard to spot! If you have chickens who are about laying age, make sure to check your yard for any hiding areas. Now I know where the Easter Egg Hunt tradition came about…this wasn’t just a game for kids back when most people had their own chickens