Juice Fast Day 1 Complete

Yesterday was our first day of our juice fast and I think it went pretty well. Britton got a little agitated/irritable he said around 3 until 6pm. At 6pm when we had more juice he said he felt a lot better. So we needed to adjust so that Britton is getting enough food during the day. Our guidelines for this fast are:

Drink a big glass of home-made juice 3-4 times a day
1st one of the day is heavier on the fruit
The other two main juices should be heavier on the veggies

We modified ours a little to also include eating any of the fruits or vegetables that would be going into the juicer. It is really pretty hard to not eat or chew anything all day. Chewing gives you that satisfaction of having eaten. We also have frozen some of the pulp and juices so we could eat that as well.

The Cart of Produce

We have been somewhat creative with our juicing as well. For instance, last night I made a soup/juice out of the vegetables. It is a sort of tomato/vegetable soup. I also added in some cut up veggies like avocado slices that aren’t able to be juiced. We put in some horseradish root and habanero peppers and it was really good and spicy!

The Ingredients for the Soup/Juice

We’re getting a little hungrier today and have been noticing all the junk food ads on TV and while driving. Since this fast doesn’t have any added salts, sugars, fats, caffeine or other added “stuff” it is supposed to help “re-set” our system to be more sensitive to these leading culprits in junk food so that it is a little easier to avoid their temptations. It was interesting having “soup” without any salt, but all the spiciness made it feel like it was still really pretty good!  So maybe it’s already working? Also, fruit tastes a lot sweeter when you don’t eat any candy or sweet snacks during the day as well. The only downfall so far besides just craving food, is I had a small caffeine withdrawal headache. It wasn’t strong since I don’t drink much coffee usually, but was still noticeable. It’s interesting to test things out and see how your body works.

Soup Juice with seeds as a topping

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1 thought on “Juice Fast Day 1 Complete

  1. Anonymous

    If you use crushed ice you can get more texture. Seaweed grains or flakes and pepper flakes can be stirred in for the more savory drinks. I think you could even add chia or flax seeds for texture as they are great for the intestinal track (they gel into the same stuff metamucil and miralax are). Does almond milk count as a juice? Or soy? might give you more substance. (maybe at the end when you can’t stand it any more!)


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