The drywall installation is really going well at the cabin. It has been quite the job for just Britton and Waldemar to do alone, but we’re gettin’ ‘er done. Before we got started we needed to fill any little cavities or crevices that a bee or bat could enter in the walls. We were thinking of using insulation but were having a hard time finding any. Since we won’t have air conditioning or heating at the cabin it wasn’t actually needed for the purpose of keeping in heat or cold, but rather just for keeping the critters out. So we went around and filled each little crevice, crack and hole with expanding foam.
The next task was to order and then move over the drywall. We can drive the truck about half-way to the cabin. It is definitely a good thing we have 4 wheel drive. In Puerto Rico there is often an opportunity or need to use it. Here at our finca we drive on our grass at least 3 or 4 times a week.
Truck halfway down loaded with drywall
Next, Britton and Waldemar carried over each 2-pack of drywall. That means 30 trips up and down through the jungle from the truck and back, through the tropical gardens, across the sky bridge, up the curving stairs, onto the deck and into the house. That took all of one day.
Next was the actual install. This is where you could really start to see the house take shape and what the rooms will really look like. It made the house feel a little smaller but much brighter.
Nothing is ever as simple or easy as you would like. The order came with the wrong screws and we ran out of tape. So that meant more trips back to Mayaguez. We bought a lot of the materials at a drywall place, but we also made many a stop at Home Depot.
You never know where you will see horses around here. In the Home Depot parking lot
We are getting closer and closer. They are now mudding and taping and then we will paint the walls. After that comes the subfloor! Though there is always something to think about, things are coming together beautifully.
When we’re not working on the house, we have to keep up with the gardening! This is a new white torch ginger
Oh, my, you must be grateful that the bridge is installed for all those trips! Coming along nicely, guys. It will be exciting when you get to paint
Just thinking ir Puerto Rico ever became 51 state will houses construction be like this wood and drywall