Rincón Behind the Scenes

On three sides of the peninsula “corner” of Rincón the sea beckons. While it is always there, it can often be ignored when “real life” pulls you into all the various activities that modern folks do. Stops at the bank, the grocery store, the restaurant. Only here in Rincón, 100 feet away you might smell sea air and hear the waves crashing.

The other day we were doing some errands around downtown Rincón and we saw an alley that led from the storefront to the beach. The trashcans behind the grocery store lead to unexpectedly beautiful beach scenes. So we took a little detour and found a quiet cove with just a couple of fishermen on the beach.

Fisherman and desecheo

We walked up the beach a ways and found that it ended near saw a small wooden house. We walked up around it to see if we could get back on the beach and found a hidden neighborhood on the creek that feeds into the sea.

Creek behind beach

There were open air wooden houses and barely stable bridges across the ditch.

Britton on Bridge

It reminded me of why we love it here so much. While there has been a lot of modern “progress” in the last few years, Rincón and Puerto Rico in general still retain so much of its rawness and authenticity. Here were basically shacks with beachfront sunset views. When would that ever happen in more “developed” areas?

Open Air HouseOpen air Swiss-family Robinson style

The small town unchartered feel is still here. Even when we are doing the most modern mundane chores we are reminded of this. We can still get lost in town and follow trails and turns into the unknown like Alice down the rabbit hole. We find adventures behind the scenes.



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2 thoughts on “Rincón Behind the Scenes

  1. Pam

    Happy New Year Britton and Cassie!!! I love reading your posts and exploring PR with you. I love that Swiss-family Robinson house, but not sure about during storms and kritter visits.


  2. Cassie Post author

    Thanks Pam! This place is so fun that we are always finding such magical things all around. Happy New Year to you as well!


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