Monthly Archives: August 2013

I’m Nervous and It Shows

Yep. Even though I had no idea -or wouldn’t allow myself to think- that I was nervous, my nerves apparently know.

I awoke on Wednesday morning with what I thought was a bee sting or spider bite beside my right ear. It itched and was swollen and felt almost like a big pimple. I just sort of ignored it and went about my work day. It got more and more painful throughout the day until Thursday when I started needing to put an ice pack on it and take multiple ibuprofens to dull the pain. I also noticed more “bites” spreading behind my ear and down my neck.

Britton and I thought it was maybe a reaction to sunflower pollen or spiders, so we thoroughly cleaned the bed and room and he pulled out all the sunflowers beside our bedroom window. The pain continued until last night at about 1am when I was in serious pain and considered going to the emergency room. We managed to wait it out with more analgesics and an antihistamine that, while it didn’t decrease the swelling, at least made me drowsy enough to sleep.

Finally this morning we decided to see a doctor. He took one look at me and pronounced I had…drumroll…shingles!


Shingles are most commonly found in the elderly or immunocompromised people…not in healthy people in their early 30’s like me! However, when it is found in younger people, it is usually a sign of prolonged stress. Shingles is an inflammation of the nerves/nerve endings that occurs when dormant chicken pox viruses reactivate. Basically, an obvious and visible case of the nerves!

I really don’t think I am stressed out, but probably underneath my cool exterior, I am actually dealing with a lot of stressors. Britton will be quitting work next Friday and we will be without health insurance, a phone or his paycheck. We have sold nearly all of our belongings and I need to close up all my work responsibilities and turn in my notice as well. I need to make sure we have all of our ducks in a row and we transition all of our other responsibilities like our rentals, bills, bank accounts, etc. We also want to have a going away party and make sure to say goodbye to everyone we will be leaving behind- all our co-workers, friends, and family.

We will then travel 3000 miles with a freaked out cat and without jobs to an area that is still somewhat foreign to us and a property that needs some serious work to start a life completely from scratch. So, yah, when I actually think about it, I probably AM a little nervous. My body just shows it and knows it better than I (consciously) do.

We are tremendously excited to start on this new life, but really we are a bit nervous about what’s to come. I think it is only natural in huge life changes. We are human after all. I am sure the stress will all settle down here in a few months, just as my shingles will just have to settle down and go away on their own. It is a good lesson to remember to listen to your body though. Sometimes it will tell you things that you didn’t even know to listen for and give you that wake up call to deal with it rather than just ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist. Life is good at this whole lesson-teaching/learning thing.

Any tips on how to get through these next few stressful months (or shingles)? We might need all the help we can get.


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Big Updates

Time is moving fast!  We have continued the selling, the gardens are once again brimming with food, we had an anniversary (ocho años!)….and I put in my 2 weeks notice at work.

Anniversary 8 years
On our anniversary

Spaghetti Squash out windowKitty and the greenhouse
Greenhouse is Full -Spaghetti Squash is flowing out the windows!

It seems kind of unreal and yet totally comfortable to be on our path at the pace we are taking it. A lot of the things in our lives have been taken on as challenges such as our jobs and our goals are coming to a close.  As those things wind down, we are entering into our next level.  It seems to be a pretty natural transition actually and that’s because I suppose we designed it that way.  This hasn’t been a fast process.

Peach row
Peaches Galore (from our peach tree)

We often say to each other that we want to have an “endless Saturday in summer” because we enjoy the nice weather, the laid back pace and the freedom that we have on our weekends here in Colorado on the weekends.  That of course changes to ice world here in a few months.

Adriana Jose BK
Our Friends Adriana and Jose took most of our furniture!

banana tree
Even the Banana Tree

The house is nearly empty!  Most everything that is left is either spoken for, or will be given away.  When I am off of work, I can spend more time with the remaining items and changing bills over to paperless/online and the small things. It feels like we are ready to go, but there is lots to be taken care of before we head onto our Puerto Rico adventure!

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***CONTEST: Guess our Move-to-PR Date!***

The biggest question we have been getting from friends and relatives is: WHEN IS THE BIG MOVE? Our standard answer has been: September or October. We haven’t yet bought our two tickets to paradise (plus one for Kitty), so the actual date is still nebulous.


So, we thought this would be a perfect way to involve you! Presenting our first ever LifeTransPlanet Contest! Here are the details:

Guess the day and time that we will arrive at our property in Rincon by leaving a comment (with an email address that is visible only to us). One guess per person. Whoever is closest to the actual date and time that we arrive will win!

1st place: A care package of a variety of Colorado and Puerto Rico goodies (valued at $40-50!)
2nd place: A Colorado and Puerto Rico postcard

If there is a tie, it will go to whoever commented first, so get guessing! If you win, you will be notified here as well as sent an email to the address you use in the comment.

The contest -and commenting guessing ability- will end the day we actually buy our tickets. Notification of winners will be made shortly after we arrive in Puerto Rico. Prizes are not redeemable for cash or anything like that and if you don’t respond to our email that you were the winner within a week, the runner-up will be contacted and your prize will be forfeited which would be a bummer, so stay tuned in and get a-guessing! This is open to anyone, anywhere, of any age that can receive mail (both prizes will be sent through the mail).

While we have put October 15 as our move date on the side bar, that is only a rough estimate that we chose over a year ago as a goal. Sort of like a baby due date. It may,or may not, help you in your guessing ability, so good luck!

Most contests say Void where Prohibited, so that too.

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Flashback to Puerto Rico: August 17, 2005

Observations of the Island, Trip to Ceiba and Survivalism in Guanica


This is the 7th Part in the Honeymoon Flashback Series. I would like to finish sharing this whole journal that we wrote on our honeymoon in 2005 before we leave to start our new Puerto Rico life adventure this fall 2013. Go here for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6.

Today we got up around 9, hung out a  little and then went down to breakfast. Unfortunately we were a little late since we found out they closed breakfast at 10 and we got there around 10:30am. But they went ahead and served us. It was a good home-cooked style meal with fresh fruit for only about $8 for the two of us! And because we had been eating so much fried food here on this island, it was a much needed health booster.

Even though the US has an obesity problem, it seems that Puerto Rico has it even worse. I think it is for sure worse than Colorado which I believe is the leanest state. There is so much fried food everywhere, especially fried chicken, pollo frito!, places everywhere and many of the people look like they enjoy it a little too much!

Even the Chinese food places serve fried chicken instead of grilled chicken in the chicken and vegetable dishes, but the kicker was that they served it with both white rice AND French fries of all things which we thought was so weird. They also don’t have unsweetened iced tea. All the drinks are super sweet here. It’s also hard to get just a cup of iced tap water like we usually do when we eat-out in Colorado.

Anyhow, back to the trip. We spent some more time down at the thermal pool which is nice and relaxing. Then we packed up and headed out.

Today was a day of driving. We drove up the mountains, down the mountains, to the ocean and back again. We drove the ruta panoramica (Panoramic Route) and Highway 53, we took toll roads and back roads. We were definitely tourists taking lots of pictures everywhere we went.


We saw farmland -what looked like bananas or plantains and maybe coffee growing on the sides of steep green hills. There are some interesting plants and flowers on this side (eastern) of the island.

We went through Humacao and found a Chili’s very easily and were able to finally use our gift card! We also saw another lighthouse -we have made a little side game of trying to see and photograph all the lighthouses on the island.

100_1919 100_1862 100_1859 100_1838 100_1873 100_1779

Finally we arrived here at the Ceiba Country Inn and are trying to rest -again for the second time. Our first room was infested with some sort of biting bugs. So the owners moved us into another bugless room -thank goodness! The owners are nice Americans from Rhode Island. They have adopted like 3 dogs, all former strays. Poor things. Dogs and cats run around stray all over the place here and the females seem to all be pregnant or nursing.

The view from the place we stayed in Ceiba

Well, off to Vieques tomorrow!

Oh, I forgot, on the day we traveled to Guanica, when we also stopped by the Guanica Dryland Forest, we went for a hike because we saw a sign for the old Fort Capron ruins. So we decided to walk the 5 kilometers it said it was from where we could park. We got REALLY hot though and Britton took off his shirt and gave it to me to wear on my head as a type of hat. Then we kept walking and walking and hiking and walking but still we didn’t see any ruins.

Spiky plant and hat
Watch out for those spikes!

Finally we decided to turn around about an hour later when we saw thunder clouds and lightning. We tried to hustle to avoid the rain and I had to watch my feet to avoid tripping over the rocks. So as I was looking down I ran smack into a thorny tree branch and poked my eye. My eyelid started bleeding but at least my eyes had been closed at the time of impact!

Termite hive
Termite hive?

We also saw a huge nest of some sort that we can only imagine must be a termite hive. Britton developed some blisters on his shoulders from the sun and sweat. By the end of the hike we were super happy to the see the car (with A/C and water) once more.

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