Daily Archives: August 10, 2013

Big Updates

Time is moving fast!  We have continued the selling, the gardens are once again brimming with food, we had an anniversary (ocho años!)….and I put in my 2 weeks notice at work.

Anniversary 8 years
On our anniversary

Spaghetti Squash out windowKitty and the greenhouse
Greenhouse is Full -Spaghetti Squash is flowing out the windows!

It seems kind of unreal and yet totally comfortable to be on our path at the pace we are taking it. A lot of the things in our lives have been taken on as challenges such as our jobs and our goals are coming to a close.  As those things wind down, we are entering into our next level.  It seems to be a pretty natural transition actually and that’s because I suppose we designed it that way.  This hasn’t been a fast process.

Peach row
Peaches Galore (from our peach tree)

We often say to each other that we want to have an “endless Saturday in summer” because we enjoy the nice weather, the laid back pace and the freedom that we have on our weekends here in Colorado on the weekends.  That of course changes to ice world here in a few months.

Adriana Jose BK
Our Friends Adriana and Jose took most of our furniture!

banana tree
Even the Banana Tree

The house is nearly empty!  Most everything that is left is either spoken for, or will be given away.  When I am off of work, I can spend more time with the remaining items and changing bills over to paperless/online and the small things. It feels like we are ready to go, but there is lots to be taken care of before we head onto our Puerto Rico adventure!

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