How to Treat a Cat with an Abscess

Well, it turned out Kitty’s lump was indeed an abscess as some of you mentioned. We really appreciate your feedback because we have never seen an abscess before!

We talked with a few people, including a friend who is a veterinarian and another friend who used to be a vet tech and they said that as long as we weren’t squeamish, we could take care of Kitty’s abscess from home and wouldn’t need to take him to a vet.

This post will attempt to describe what it takes to treat a cat with an abscess using just what you have at home or can buy in a store. It is very detailed, so if you don’t like to see open wounds, avert your eyes.

These are the tools we used:

Supplies needed/used to treat Kitty’s abscess

Non-stick gauze pad cut into smaller pieces
Adhesive Tape
Hydrogen Peroxide (in the vet’s office they prefer to use betadine, but we didn’t have any)
Witch Hazel
Small scissors (sterilize by boiling and rubbing with alcohol)
Tweezers (sterilized)
Cotton balls
Razor (sterilized)
Neosporin (antibacterial gel)
Wash rag
Large Towel (not pictured)
(Note: Make sure to wash hands before and after too!)

Britton helping Kitty

First we washed the area with the hot wash rag. We gently pressed the warm rag into his head to loosen up the abscess. Soon we noticed pus leaking out, but couldn’t see where it was coming from. So we used the razor to shave the area around the hole. We also used the tweezers and scissors a little to get some of the weird material out of the way.

Our Pussy Cat

You can tell a lot about the progression of the abscess from the pus. In Kitty’s case it was white which means there were a lot of white blood cells in there trying to clear up the infection. If you see green, yellow or really stinky pus, it might be too far progressed to treat at home and the cat may need to be treated (at the vet) for blood sepsis. But for Kitty, this was actually a good sign: we noticed his lump early enough.

Soon, enough pus popped out that we could begin to see the puncture wound:

Puncture wound at first

As we got a little deeper into cleaning out the pus and the area around, it was apparent that the wound was much bigger than we initially thought:

Poor Kitty with his gaping hole

Once we got most of the pus and water out and the lump above his eye was gone, we were able to really clean it. We again put a hot wash cloth on him and let it ooze for a little bit as we cleaned it. Kitty didn’t seem to mind. He seemed happy someone was helping him actually.

After a while it pretty much stopped and we poured the peroxide into the wound. It fizzed a little and then went down. We put more peroxide on a cotton ball and pressed it lightly into the hole where it really fizzed. Kitty squirmed a little at this, but was ok. Then we applied the Witch Hazel tincture which is an astringent and helps to reduce swelling (Witch Hazel is usually the main active ingredient in things like Preparation H). The Witch Hazel formula is mostly rubbing alcohol, so it also has antiseptic qualities.

Finally, we used a Q-tip to apply neosporin to the hole and we put neosporin on the gauze pad too. Then we put the gauze pad on him and wrapped his head with the medical adhesive tape. He looked like a brain surgery patient!

Kitty in recovery

We kept the bandage on the first full day. The second day we let him have it off so he could clean (lick) his face a little and the hole could air out to begin to form a scab if it was ready. Later the second day it looked like it was starting to scab, but we thought we would clean it again since it could have had any number of germy things introduced during the day. This time we didn’t try and get deep into the hole, but just washed the surface with a cottonball and peroxide.

The final step in treatment of an abscess usually calls for antibiotics to kill any system-wide bad bacteria. We don’t have access to any antibiotics, so we asked our vet friend if she would write us an Rx. She said as long as he is healing, they are not necessary; so that was surprising!

We are so happy that Kitty is getting better and we learned a lot in the process. If you have cats, we hope this never happens to them, but if it does, you’ll now know what to do.

By the third day, a scab had started to form and he’s feeling much better!

Here’s a video of it too!

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11 thoughts on “How to Treat a Cat with an Abscess

  1. katrina kruse

    Betadine surgical scrub is a great thing to have around. The trouble with abcesses is that they heal from the inside out and you don’t want scabs. Keep rubbing that scab off so it doesn’t trap any bacteria in there or you will be back to square one! It is nice that you have a normal cat that lets you work on him(?). If bacteria gets sealed in there the tissue dies and you end up having to stick a syringe in there to irrigate and the pockets can get large fast. Knock off that scab!

  2. Britton

    I read about the betadine on a webpage. Said that it was better to use than peroxide because it is easier on the skin.

    We will keep an eye on the scab. I see your point about possibly going back to square one, because the bacteria under the skin is what the problem is. At some point though, don’t you want the hole to close? He can’t have a hole in his head forever! lol

  3. bak

    I forgot about your vet friend or would have advised getting info from her in the first place.
    I do, however, remember sticking a tube with jell all the way down into the “hole” when I had to treat my cat for an abscess. The tube had an extra long nose, and everyday it would not go down as far as the previous day. Gross!!
    I would think that Kitty would try to rub the affected area and probably keep it open by himself, but am glad to hear and see that he is feeling better.

  4. Cassie Post author

    Kitty completely recovered and no further treatments were required. (His fur grew back too 🙂

  5. Chris

    My cat seems to have an abcess just above his eye and the pus oozes out into his eye ,I tried cleaning it with peroxide and then covering it with a germicidal cream but he rubs it of its not getting better but not worse either

  6. Asanka

    we have the same kind of cat. a Russian blue with a healed wound ( i hope its a healed one) and as I was researching online as to what to apply on the scab.. I saw your site… its amazing how you do it.. but my cat wont stand any ‘nonsense’ from us. so I dont think i can do all that but just apply the ointment. thank you for your great site.. it taught me a lot though..

  7. Sandy

    I just treated my MisterKitty’s abscess which was located on his hind-end between the tail and his hip…it was huge. I treated it the same way you described with the addition of amoxicillin antibiotic (Fishmox) purchased from the pet store (it’s the same thing as they prescribe for animals and humans). Although it didn’t occur to me to use witch hazel, he began to heal quickly and is getting better each day.

    The video was great…and the music was FANTASTIC…who was it? Blues is my favorite!

  8. Diana Worley

    Article was more helpful than the vet visit that cost me 210$, all they did was gave cat pain med. I’m the one whom found small wound on back. I applied some veterecin, it oozed a bunch of pus. The lump is no longer there.


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