Did Kitty Have a Run-In with Bugs Bunny?

Last night we were feeding Kitty and noticed that he seemed a little slower and dopey. We took him inside and looked at him. His left eye was slightly swollen and the top of his head looked like it had a big goose-egg on it. We are not sure what happened to him, but we gave him a tiny amount of aspirin and let him sleep inside in case it was a run-in with another cat. Sometimes we hear cats fighting and hissing in our neighborhood, but it could have been something else altogether.

Kitty’s Lump

In fact, he is so lumpy now, it could have been Bugs Bunny (how many lumps do you want?). ha! Hopefully he starts feeling better soon or we might have to take him into the vet.


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4 thoughts on “Did Kitty Have a Run-In with Bugs Bunny?

  1. katrina kruse

    ABCESS – take him in now! If it is at all warm take time off work to do it sooner rather than later. You don’t have to see a puncture or bite for it to be an abcess – get it taken care of…best of luck little kitty!

  2. Britton

    Katrina, Thanks for the info! We took a warm wet rag to his head and found that there was indeed a puncture wound (pretty good sized one too).

    We drained the abcess and washed it out good with peroxide. We will continue to monitor it and clean it. If it gets worse we will take him in.

  3. BAK

    Sorry, but a puncture wound has to heal from the inside out, best get antibiotics and wound jell from vet.

  4. katrina kruse

    Yup – cutting out dead tissue and the dreaded cone! Make sure you post cone-head photos! (poor guy)


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