Puerto Rico Dreaming and Plans

Before we left for Puerto Rico almost a month ago already, Britton and I thought for sure we would come back with answers and a definite path. Unfortunately, we just have more questions than answers. No one at work knows what will happen after August. I’ve put my resume out there to a few places both here in Colorado and Puerto Rico but haven’t really heard back. Britton hasn’t heard too much about working remote in Puerto Rico even though I know he’d do great at that.

We are just kind of stuck. I am beginning to think maybe the larger place in Puerto Rico could work as a business/home, but we would still like a backup plan for income. If I didn’t lose my job in August and we worked for another 6-8 months we would be in better shape for that. We really just don’t know. And it’s frustrating. Because I like to move forward. I like to be busy and dream and make plans. And it is difficult when it could go any way, really. We could stay or go. We could go somewhere else. We made this video before we left, but it could just as easily be made today for all it’s helped us in our decision making process.

But I have to remember that I’ve been in this place before. It is not unusual. I didn’t know what to do after college, or after grad school, or after getting married. I worried about where my life was going. Sometimes I think you just got to keep trying but not worry so much. Things tend to work out as they should. My life has been great so far and with Britton in it, it has become even better. We balance each other. He pulls me down to earth when my head gets too lost in the clouds, and I pull him up when he is weighed down by the pressures of the “real world”. I think, and he helps to do. I think every team needs a little of both. A thinker and a doer. And a doer who occasionally does the thinking and a thinker who occasionally does the doing. A dreamer and a practical realist We are a team and I think in that way we don’t really have to worry too much. We will be just fine. Wherever this journey called life takes us.

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6 thoughts on “Puerto Rico Dreaming and Plans

  1. dad,

    Hey kids. I really liked your discussion on the future path your life will take. Remember, the unexamined life is a little like a banana split without the banana or the toppings. You still have the ice cream but you miss all the subtle combinations of the missing elements. The fact that you two are able to consider your future and make the important decisions together is amazing in persons as young as you. I think you two will have many adventures and you will be amazing additions to the community. Your mom and I are so proud that we can’t keep buttons on our shirts. We love you.

  2. katrinakruse

    You guys better do it now…it will never be easier. Once you both have jobs it will be harder, you get pregnant it will be harder, don’t want to leave friends…it gets harder. The economy is crappy everywhere, you are losing a job, you don’t have kids, you are healthy enough to really enjoy it here and besides that you can have a troupe of chickens and goats (really fun) and stuff! See if Britton can remotely work for 6 months and come rent. You have rentals to return to so the only issue is money for the year it takes to find or make a job here! Go for it! Don’t be two of the many who miss acting on a current dream and postpone it only to die, get sick, have sick family members or be too old to enjoy it. There will never be a better time!

  3. Ivan

    I don’t know what kind of work Britton does, but if it is IT related there is a new company opening shop in Isabela,PR which is a joint venture of the defense contractor Pratt & Withney. Their website is http://www.axonpr.com. Probably pay will be based on current Puerto Rican standards from $24K to $30K, but it could have benefits.

    Also, you should think of what have you seen in Colorado that its not already in Puerto Rico (and is applicable) and try to start a small business in Puerto Rico with the same concept. I know that Puerto Ricans are always eager to try something new, and regardless of whatever people say there is plenty of money around in Puerto Rico, just look at the malls. 🙂


    If things in Colorado are not that good at this time it wont be any better in PR.Look at the facts with an unempoyment rate of 15 % or maybe more in PR.If willing to gamble in open new bussisness why gamble in PR just try it to make the best of it in CO.Believe me its different being in vacation for a week in PR than living everyday

  5. Rosa

    Listen to family and friends and of course each other, ignore the very few who keeps on saying to stay in Co…u know who that is….like a bad weed…it keeps on appearing every where.

  6. Jim

    For what it’s worth, most of the feedback I get from people who have larger businesses is to stay small, it gets very bureaucratic, not to mention more difficult on a monthly basis. The other bit of advice is, have several options available if you do come here, a rental is one, but having an off-season business will help too. It is much easier to do without kids, as we have done. Go where you’ll be happy!!


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