Greeley is an alright place. You need to have the right mindset going into anything. Tonight after work Cassie and I decided to saddle up the bikes and go for a ride into town. There is a place downtown called Patrick’s. Its a new bar that is in a 100yr old brick building. They had a bluegrass band called “Reservoir Rd”. I used to live by Reservoir Rd when I was growing up.
After that we went to the Relay for Life down at Island Grove Park. That is where I think most people in Greeley were at the moment.
It was fun. We rode our bikes for about a 5-7 mile round trip and got to see some people in our community. Summer time is great. The temperature was about perfect. I realized that not much has changed in 100years. This was most likely pretty close to what people were doing in 1896 when Greeley was founded.
There was one difference though. I got a page on my cell phone from one of our Unix Admins. Apparently one of the satilite servers at work took a dump and we had to switch to a backup for SSH / HTTP. I dont think that happened alot back then.