Spring in Greeley Around our House

Well, it is officially spring. I am so happy to be out of winter even though this winter was relatively mild and we were able to take a break from it by going to Puerto Rico. Part of the reason I am excited to live in Puerto Rico is because things grow year-round. I suppose it might be more monotonous in that you get used to seeing green life everywhere, but at the same time, I’ve always had to patiently get through the cold, dark winter in anticipation of spring.

We went to a comedy show last night in Westminster and the comedian was from California. He said he had never had so much pressure to ENJOY THE WEATHER as he has here in Colorado. He said that like 5 people came up to him on Thursday when we had a perfectly clear, warm and sunny day and told him that he better get out and enjoy the weather. It is so true because Colorado weather can turn on you in a matter of minutes.

Crocus -the first flowers of spring

Anyway, now that spring is here in Greeley, we’re gearing up for a variety of projects around the house. Britton just finished the fence so that the chicken doesn’t destroy our garden. We’ll let her run around in there from time to time to clean out the bugs, but we don’t want her eating the harvest. Britton is also still in the process of building a chicken coop. We would like to reclaim the greenhouse for plants, at least for the spring/summer. We are also planning on getting some more chickens to join her since her friend died unexpectantly.

easter-eggs in greenhouse
Where the chicken lays her eggs in the greenhouse, with decoys

Kitty and Chicken by the new fence

Also, for the poll, it looks like people wanted to see me in bangs, and Britton without a beard. I decided to cut my own bangs, but will probably have my mom cut my hair for me. Britton promised that with a better razor, he’ll shave off his beard again. Britton thinks I looks more “country” with these bangs. He also said I look like a Cabbage Patch Kid. Is that a compliment??

With Side Bangs


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5 thoughts on “Spring in Greeley Around our House

  1. Fran and Steve

    I would call your new do glamourous, sexy, youthful. If by cabbage patch kid, Britton meant “adorable”, well then OK. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Fran

  2. Cassie

    Thanks Fran and Cris! Guys never know how to give a compliment properly. It always comes out either sarcastic, perfunctory, mushy or just plain bad. Britton, pay attention! ๐Ÿ™‚


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